Want to become an Olympic athlete?

Did you know there is no set official age limit to becoming an Olympic athlete and that you too can complete in the games? So, if you were a kid with a dream, it’s actually not to late!

Take Canadas dragon boat national team. A portion of their athletes have only been apart of that team for a few years. You don’t have to be apart of a sport from when you were a little child, although it does help.

Step one, assess yourself and what sport you feel you can achieve and pursue with passion. Once you have figured out what you want you have to start training and leaning the sport. You can find the Olympic roster for sport events on the official Olympic website or check out the Olympic host cities website.

Next step, depending on your sport you’re going to have to start looking for a place o train and that offers the sport you are interested in. Look into your local athletic clubs or recreational centers and see what they offer in training. If you’re in university look at their sports clubs. Yes, they often scout from high school teams but that does not mean they don’t hold try outs.

Alright now that you’ve joined a local team, or club and you’ve trained to get where you feel you need to be it’s time to look nationally. Join your National Governing Body. Remember you have to compete nationally before you go international.

When deciding on which athletes to send to the Olympics often times, they will look at your national standing. If you’ve trained and built your skills up and are confident in your abilities building up a good repour is only a matter of time.


You have to stay focused and stay grounded. Remember that becoming an Olympic athlete does not happen overnight.

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