Should The Canucks Bring Back Holiday As Their Goal Song?

Over the past few years, the Canucks have had some pretty mediocre goal songs. I recently wrote an article about songs the Canucks could use as goal songs, but this article will be a bit different. They’ve had a bunch of goal songs that have been alright but they’ve also had goal songs that have just straight up not been good. I’m sorry but Don’t You by Simple Minds is not a good goal song. It’s just boring and doesn’t get the crowd excited for a goal. The song itself is fine but as a goal song, that’s a no for me.

The worst part is that they have had some good goal songs in the past but nothing that has stuck. However, there is one song that many fans ask to bring back constantly but the Canucks refuse to do so or have teased it at times but never brought it back full-time. That song would be Holiday by Green Day.

This song is more famously known for being the Canucks goal song for their 2011 playoff run where they made it to the Stanley Cup finals, but they haven’t really used it since then. Many fans have been asking them to bring it back but they have yet to do so. There have been many debates among Canucks fans about whether or not they should bring it back or not and I’m somewhere in the middle.

Here’s the thing, I think Holiday is a really good goal song. It works well and it gets the crowd excited. It’s one of the best goal songs they’ve ever had and they haven’t really had one as good since they used it.

But here is the problem I have with it. It feels like it’s a song of the past. They used it during a time where the team was at their best, but so much has changed over the years. I think if they never changed it to begin with then it would be fine, but now it just seems like you’re trying to bring it back for the nostalgia factor. Teams like the Bruins and Blackhawks have kept their goal song for a long time and have never changed it so it works for them, but when you change it at any point, I feel like it’s hard to just go back.

So here’s what I’ll say. Holiday shouldn’t be brought back because it seems like they should be moving onto a new era now, but I wouldn’t mind it since everything they’ve had since has been pretty mediocre.

So please Canucks, all I ask you is to change the goal song from Don’t You because it sucks. If you’ve been to a Canucks game, you’ll know what I mean.

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