7 Things to do when your stuck in a Pandemic and the Weather outside is Bad and you are Bored

Are you tired of spending all of this time inside due to the pandemic, and now that the winter weather is coming soon that doesn’t help much either? Are you bored and having nothing to do? Well then here are 7 things to help with your boredom during these unprecedented times.

  1. Read a book:

There’s nothing like keeping your mind occupied and escaping to a new world full of crazy adventures, and you can find all of that type of stuff in a great book. Some of the books that I would recommend reading is the maze runner, Harry Potter, and The Lord of the Rings. Those are all great reads, and it will take you to a place where you never been before. Or if you’re into book series, then I would recommend either reading the Harry Potter series, or The Lord of the Ring’s series, or even the Hunger Games series. All of those series are really good to read to!

  1. Get some exercise:

To keep your mind active and motivated during these difficult times you should try exercising. Exercising is a great way to keep your body and mind active. There are many different types of exercises to do, such as weight training, running, and doing a pre-set work out schedule exercise at a gym. If you can try to keep on being motivated during these difficult times through exercising and keep on keeping your body in shape, then you will get out of being bored in no time!

  1. Hang out with your pets:

If you own a pet such as a dog or cat, then you should spend more time with them. Dogs are especially perfect to ease the stress and anxiety that humans often get sometimes and especially during these difficult times to as well. Pets in general, makes us feel happy, and gives us something to do to keep our mind occupied. We can play with our pets, go out for a run with our pets or just lie down and relax with our pets. Also, pets are exciting to watch to, as you get to see what they do during the day, and see a character develop from within them, and they always got your back to as well.

  1. Watch tv:

This one is for when you really have nothing to do, but another great way to keep your mind occupied if you’re bored is to just watch some tv. If you own a Netflix account, then there are some great movies/tv shows on there. One of the best tv shows I’ve seen on there is the walking dead. It’s a great horror series, and I would recommend watching it. One of the movies that I enjoy watching on Netflix are the Jurassic Park series. It’s an amazing action-packed movie filled with awesome dinosaurs that escape, and terrorize everyone who is stuck on the island.

  1. Cook some food:

If your bored, try cooking some food. Who knows, you might come up with something creative to cook. If you can’t, then there are many different recipes and many different recipes books out there that you can look through and try to make some of the food that you come across. Also, if you have kids, then try to get them involved too, and make it fun for the whole family. I know thanksgiving has just past but maybe try making some Halloween food, or if you really want to get ahead of the game, then try cooking some Christmas food too. For Halloween, maybe try making some apple pie, or pumpkin pie, or even pumpkin cookies too. For Christmas maybe try making some chocolate cake or some special type of pasta or chicken. There are lot’s of things to cook out there, because there’s a whole world of different recipes to try out there as well too, so what are you waiting for? Get your cooking on today!

  1. Clean the house:

If your house is starting to look a little dirty or is in rough shape, then another way to try to keep your mind occupied during these difficult times is to clean it. Get a vacuum cleaner and a mop and start cleaning under those couches, and in those bedrooms, and on those counters as well too. Keep the house clean for everyone! I know it sounds like a lot of work but once you’re done, you will feel proud of what you have accomplished, and everyone will be happy to live in a safe and clean house once again. Also, if you notice that the walls are in bad shape too, then maybe it’s finally time that you paint them. Grab a paint brush and some paint (make sure that the paint colour that you have, matches the same paint colour that is  on the wall) and start painting. Also, you don’t have to just paint the walls, maybe you can paint the outside fence that’s surrounding your house. Anything that you think is out of shape or worn out, then you should go, and try to fix it, and touch it up a little bit too, even if it’s just having to replace that one light bulb in the house, then you should go and do it! To make the house look nicer as well too. Anything like this will help benefit both you and the house as well too. It will benefit you because you won’t be bored anymore, and it will benefit the house because then the house will be clean, and more will maintain than it has. ever been before!

  1. Take a nap:

This is a simpler one. If you are bored, then why not just take a good long nap? After all, sleep is one of the most important things for your body to get. Did You know that you can actually die if you don’t get enough sleep? I know it’s a scary fact, but it’s important for you to know how much sleep is important for your body to get, in order to survive. Sleep, also helps with relaxing your body, and when you wake up you feel fresher and more relaxed than ever before, and you will be ready to start your day even better than before. Also, it will help you concentrate more better as well too. Well, what are you waiting for? Get your sleep on!

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