Some Fun Things that you can do with your Dog

Do you own a pet dog? If so, here are some fun things to do with your dog.

  1. Playing with your dog:

Playing with your dog is one of the main things that you can do with your dog. Whether it’s playing catch, or tug of war or running around, those are all great things to do with your dog. When your playing with your dog make sure that you only play with one toy at a time with your dog, otherwise there will be toys all of over place and that’s no good, you want your dog to focus on one thing at a time, in order to make things easier for both you and your dog. Otherwise, everything will just get really confusing. When playing tug of war with your dog, the best toy to get is a strong kind of rope toy, so that way you and your dog will have room to grab onto both sides of the rope. Also, playing tug of war with you dog is one of the best things to with your dog. It’s one of the best things to do with your pet dog because, and this is a cool fact that I’ve found out just the other day, that it actually creates a nice sort of bounding and trust moment between you, and your dog and it’s a good way of getting exercise and being more active for both you and your dog as well to. Tug of war is one of the main things that I do with my dog who is named Oliver all the time, and it’s great!

  1. Take your dogs for walks or runs:

Another thing that you can do with your dog and I do this all the time with my dog is to take them out for either walks or runs. You should do this because it’s not only good exercise for you but for your dog as well too. Also, it allows your dog to explore and get more familiar with its surroundings, around the neighbourhood. Who knows, you might come across something new and exciting to, that you didn’t even know existed in your own neighbourhood. Whenever I walk or run with my dog, I always go somewhere that we haven’t been before so that way both me and my dog can explore and it will be more exciting for the both of us too.

  1. Take your dog to an off-leash park:

If you want your dog to get more social interaction, then you should take your dog to an off-leash park. At an off-leash park your dog can run around with other dogs and make new friends and have a great time! Especially if it’s a nice day outside, you don’t want to be inside, so you should really take them there. Who knows, you might make a couple of new friends to, and then it’s just a chain reaction from there and it just keeps on growing to. Also, make sure to wash your dog once you have come back from the park, just in case if they are dirty from playing, and running around with other dogs or if they were rolling around in the mud to as well.. The last thing you need is a dirty dog running around in your house am I right? So just make sure that your dog is clean, and well maintained before letting him or her into the house.

  1. Play puzzle games with your dog:

Another thing that you can do with your dog is play puzzle games with them. You can find a variety of different puzzles games at a pet store such as Pet Smart! One puzzle game that I give my dog Oliver is what is called a Kong. A Kong is a type of puzzle where you put your pet’s food in it, such as peanut butter or some other type of food, like meat in it, and your dog has to try to get it out of the puzzle through the little hole that is at the bottom of the puzzle. It’s a lot of work for your dog, but it’s fun to watch them work at it, and once they finally get the food out, then you can tell that they are super happy, and extremely excited as well to!! Another type of puzzle that you can get your dog, is a puzzle called “find the treat” where you have to put your dog’s food or treat in a little box, filled with other little boxes on the board, and then your dog has to try, and locate the right box and open it up some how with either their teeth or their paws, in order to get the treat or food.

  1. Just relax with your dog:

If you just wish to relax with your dog, and just take a nap with them, then this is a great thing to do to! Sometimes just relaxing with your dog is the best thing to do with them, because it helps you take your mind off of stuff and you can just watch what your dog does all day and maybe you will see the stuff that they do, that you never knew that they could do before, and that’s really cool too! Also sleeping for dogs is really important to, as it lets them just stay calm and doesn’t allow them to be so stress out with everything that is going on around them, and it also allows them to grow to. My dog Oliver sleeps all the time, especially when I’m just at home. It also helps me out to because then I can do stuff that I need to do so that way I can hang out with him more later on to as well. I always let my dog get the rest that he needs so that way he’s healthier and more energetic, and I want to make sure that he stays that way too as well.

All in all, these are all of the things that you can do with your dog, to keep them and yourself entertained, because we need to be doing that more especially while being in a pandemic to unfortunately. Thank you for reading and a have a good day!




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