- Full-time degree completed in a minimum of two years
- Coursework and a Research Thesis consisting of a written report and an oral defence
- Funding available on a competitive basis
- Part-time study options available
The Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building Science degree is designed to provide students with the capabilities to independently conduct rigorous innovative research and publish, present and defend research outcomes to expert peers. A core course component provides students with advanced knowledge and skills to achieve a holistic understanding of building performance. Specialized elective technical courses provide students with in-depth knowledge to enable them to conduct research in their particular area. A well structured research component is included in the program to enable students to develop research skills.
Students are required to complete a research methods course, conduct a literature survey, develop a research plan, write a research proposal, undertake innovative scientific research and complete a comprehensive research thesis that advances scientific knowledge. Students will conduct research independently with guidance from a thesis supervisory committee.
The Master of Applied Science program:
- Offers an interdisciplinary curriculum
- Specializes in building science
- Emphasizes an engineering approach for practical problem solving
- Focuses on applied research to provide solutions to industry problems
- Engages students in interdisciplinary research
- Is supported by a strong foundation of research infrastructure unique to western Canada
- Delivers a first-of-a-kind program in BC and western Canada
Graduate student funding opportunities
There is funding available on a competitive basis to graduate students. Please see the list of faculty members for their research interests and then contact faculty individually if you would like more information.
Entrance Requirements
Consult the BCIT website for the entrance requirements to the Master of Applied Science degree.
More Information
See the BCIT website: The Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building Science
Send us your questions to the following email: Buildingscience@bcit.ca