BC Building Envelope Council President Jason Teetaert presents Building Science graduate student Shahrzad Pedram with the Tom Morstead Memorial Award.
November 20, 2012 Congratulations to Shahrzad Pedram, recipient of BCIT’s first-ever master’s degree award.
Shahrzad, a graduate student in the Master of Applied Science in Building Engineering/Building Science program, received the BC Building Envelope Council Tom Morstead Memorial Award at the Scholarships and Awards Ceremony held November 14.
The award was established by the BC Building Envelope Council this year and is based on a combination of high academic standing, leadership, service, and best all-round performance in Levels 1 and 2 of the program, as selected by Program Director Dr. Fitsum Tariku and his faculty.
This is the first ever master’s degree award ever presented at BCIT, so we are very thankful to BCBEC for establishing the award in memory of Mr. Tom Morstead.
Congratulations, Shahrzad, and all award recipients!