From business to metal fabrication: Former MBA student follows her passion for trades

Monique Song, BCIT Metal Fabricator Foundations Level Two student pictured during her apprenticeship.

Monique Song didn’t expect her life to dramatically pivot in 2019. In June of that year, after spending a year travelling and working in Australia, she received an ultimatum from her father: go back to her corporate career, find a husband, or take up a master’s degree. His demand wasn’t unexpected. Monique, the only daughter … Read more

5 tips to manage stress and develop healthy study practices during exam periods

Preparing for mid-terms or final exams can be challenging, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Taking care of your mental health and well-being can be a pillar for academic success. In addition to your current resilience routine, here are five tips to manage stress and develop healthy study practices: Take care of your body Our … Read more

Winning at the game of love: An ‘80s alumni love story

Side-by-side photos of alumni couple from the '80s and one from present day. Smiling to camera.

The year was 1981. At the time, then-BCIT student Ron Jacobson was walking to his car with some friends after class when he was stopped in his tracks. “Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the most beautiful woman,” says Ron, now a BCIT alum. “She was carrying a baseball glove and heading … Read more

An accidental run-in with love: Alumni friends take a chance on love

It was far from love at first sight for BCIT alumni couple Ria Renouf and Jon Hall. “Snobby, serious, and too smart for me,” recalls Ria describing her first impression of Jon, who was her former BCIT classmate and is now her husband. “Technically, the first time we saw each other was on a bus,” … Read more

Fireweed podcast: We all have a story to share, including host Bianca Rego

Fireweed features stories of hope, resilience, and adaptability and is hosted by alumna Bianca Rego. Bianca is a recent graduate of the BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism program, an award-winning journalist, and Producer at 980 CKNW. Her natural curiosity, commitment, experience, and tenacity has led her to hosting season two of Fireweed — a podcast which … Read more

Is post-secondary right for me? Five things to know about Flexible Learning

Students learn about attending post-secondary at BCIT

Whether you’re a recent high school graduate or a skilled professional looking to make a career change, you may be weighing the pros and cons of pursing a post-secondary education. Deciding to re-enter the education system can feel daunting, but it can a life-changing experience. Flexible Learning at BCIT is all about giving you the … Read more

Sharing so others know it is possible: My data analyst journey

Smiling woman with long brown hair in a light blazer holds a laptop while standing in front of a screen displaying data and graphs

Lluvia Meneses moved across a continent, began a new life in a new language, and expanded her family, but there was another challenge she planned to take on. She loved finding meaning in numbers, and she hoped to resume her career as a Data Analyst (DA). It took a lot of dedication, but in 2021 … Read more

Flexible Learning: 9 part-time programs that contribute to a better future

BCIT 9 Part-time programs that contribute to a better future

Much like there’s no shortage of programs, frameworks, and initiatives proving that industries and organizations are committed to investing in communities and protecting the planet, there’s no shortage of educational pathways that can help you make a positive impact.  Enrolling part-time in Flexible Learning options related to social responsibility and environmental stewardship is one of … Read more

7 signs a polytechnic is the right fit for you

7 signs a polytechnic is the right fit for you

New life journeys start with new life lessons. That goes for recent high-school graduates getting ready for post-secondary education as well as college and university students who want to put the theories they’ve learned into practice. It also holds true for professionals seeking to further their careers, or in some cases, change them. And it’s … Read more