BCIT students evaluating air quality with IoT devices

Technology is advancing every second of the day. This spring, four BCIT Computer Systems Technology (CST) Diploma students learned how the Internet of Things (IoT) can collect and exchange data. They were intrigued by what they found. Through a four-week long Industry Sponsored Student Projects program (ISSP), these students worked with their clients Jonathan Bassan, … Read more

From structures to communities, this Indigenous BCIT ironworking alum looks to a brighter future

BCIT Indigenous alumnus Brandon Darbyshire-Joseph stands at a job site with two co-workers

“I’d like to see our people get an opportunity to live a better life, to be able to take care of their families,” says Brandon Darbyshire-Joseph, an Indigenous BCIT Ironworking alumnus. “I’m a big believer that every generation can do better.” Brandon’s passion for creating positive change was forged from a family history pitted with … Read more

BCIT Computing alumnus finds niche in supporting Indigenous businesses

landing page image for Shop First Nations website

We caught up with Computer Systems Technology (CST) alumnus Rob Schulz, who recently got inspired to help Indigenous-owned businesses during the pandemic. Rob’s passion for technology saw him designing websites when he was just out of high school. “As I evolved in the role from a graphic design perspective to coding, I became interested in … Read more

BCIT researcher receives funding for sustainability research to benefit cities

BCIT researcher receives Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Congratulations to Dr. Jennie Moore, BCIT Director of Institute Sustainability, for being awarded a Knowledge Synthesis Grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). This funding will support Jennie and her team’s research project on Measuring and Managing Living within Earth’s Carrying Capacity, part of the Knowledge Synthesis Program. SSHRC is the federal research funding … Read more

Caring community of donors gives generously to support BCIT students in urgent financial need

student writing notes at table

When BCIT students found themselves in sudden and urgent financial need due to the pandemic, our community of donors answered the call. “Several hundreds of BCIT students reached out to us with heart-wrenching letters,” says Paul McCullough, Vice President, BCIT Advancement. “BCIT responded quickly by establishing the COVID-19 Emergency Student Response Fund to provide one-time … Read more

Bridging divides and making life easier in 2020: First year CST apps showcase

image shows basic drawing of student at a desk

How can apps help us manage during these times of challenge and social distance? This was the challenge given to 270 first year BCIT Computer Systems Technology (CST) students for their five-week project this year. From food waste to Ecocity, this annual team project challenge always has a theme for students to base their project … Read more

BCIT Computing student wins hackathon with app that supports survivors of domestic abuse during COVID-19

Canada’s Minister for Women and Gender Equality Maryam Monsef shared that domestic violence rates are rising in parts of the country amid government-directed isolation measures. This alarming issue prompted first year Computer Systems Technology student Mattias Henders to participate in and win his first hackathon at #TogetherVSVirus Online Hackathon against COVID-19 (#TogetherVSVirus). Out of more … Read more

Building replica ships out of Lego in his childhood, BCIT alumnus Sean Poole began charting a career on the high seas even before he knew it

Every day, when Sean Poole looks out his office window, he sees The Seaspan Sovereign. Permanently moored, the ship is a reminder of BC’s rich nautical history. It also happens to be one of the vessels his grandfather sailed on in the 1950s with Island Tug, before the company was acquired in 1970 by Seaspan, … Read more

Charting your own path: 3 ways to earn your GIS certification at BCIT

GIS certification at BCIT

People and products are constantly travelling around the world. Think of the last time you tracked your parcel’s delivery to your doorstep. Or maybe you’ve checked the progress of an airplane—whether it’s the one you were sitting on, or the one you were waiting to greet at the airport—as it flew in from overseas. In … Read more

Why reporting is more important than ever—and how BCIT helps students step into the role of the journalist

BCIT helping students step into role of the journalist

There’s a lot of dubious reporting out there. Case in point: you’ve probably heard the rumour that journalism is in terminal decline, and that traditional news media are dying out due to the rise of digital platforms. If you fact checked this, as you would in any newsroom, you’d quickly discover that the opposite is … Read more