Community update – September 27

A building with trees in front

This evening, Wednesday, September 27, security received a complaint of a male causing a disturbance on campus by yelling and swearing. Security conducted patrols of the Burnaby Campus and around 5:25pm, located the male subject. Campus security contained the situation, and contacted the police. The Burnaby RCMP attended and immediately apprehended and escorted the individual … Read more

We Will Always Remember: Inspiring Canadians to act toward Reconciliation

We Will Always Remember campaign

Truth and Reconciliation is not only the work of governments and communities but it is the work of all of us as Canadians. It is about having the courage to challenge the status quo, and to re-envision education and the type of society we share. Ahead of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange … Read more

BCIT Applied Research designs exercise bikes for patients on dialysis

BCIT Applied Research designs exercise bikes for patients on dialysis

The Fraser Health Renal Program reached out to Garrett Kryt, Research Associate, MAKE+, BCIT Applied Research, to see if BCIT could assist them in making a special kind of bike – one that would help patients on dialysis and also be safe for staff to move on their own around the dialysis units. According to … Read more

BCIT named best school for digital-tech and continuing education

BCIT students and industry collaborate inside the Tech Collider

As BCIT welcomed students to the Fall term this week, it also celebrated the addition of two prestigious awards from The Georgia Straight’s 2023 Best of Vancouver Awards. BCIT has been named as number one in the Best Digital-Tech School category and runner-up in the Best School for Continuing Education category. This award recognizes the … Read more

BCIT appoints Dr. Guido Wimmers as new Dean, School of Construction and the Environment

A headshot of Dr. Guido Wimmers who is the new Dean for the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is pleased to share that Dr. Guido Wimmers has been appointed Dean of the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment (SOCE). In this role, Guido will lead the talented team of faculty and staff across the School’s full-time and Flexible Learning programs, while also providing critical support … Read more

Awards received by the BCIT community in the 2022-2023 academic year

We are proud of our BCIT students, faculty, and staff for all their success in the 2022-2023 academic year. This is a snapshot of some of the high-profile, external recognition earned in BC and around the world. Congratulations! Student Awards  First Place/Gold  Zachary Vanboeyen Automation and Control (Electrical), Skills Canada BC Competition 2023  Chelsea Benedictson   … Read more

BCIT welcomes new President, Dr. Jeff Zabudsky

Dr. Jeff Zabudsky

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) is pleased to welcome Dr. Jeff Zabudsky as the new President of BCIT. Dr. Zabudsky joins BCIT at a time of exceptional growth as the Institute prepares to enter its 60th year of delivering applied, industry-focused education. As the only BC post-secondary Institute with a provincial mandate for … Read more

BCIT receives two Awards of Excellence from the Canadian Public Relations Society

BCIT receives two Awards of Excellence from the Canadian Public Relations Society

Congratulations to the BCIT Marketing and Communications department for taking home multiple Awards of Excellence at the 2023 Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) National Gala Conference. Season two of the Fireweed podcast was awarded with Silver in the category of Best Multimedia Project and the 2021-2022 Year in Review publication received Bronze in the category … Read more

Which BCIT programs will prepare you for BC’s most in-demand jobs?

BCIT instructor and student are in front of a computer screen and discussing a project

According to WorkBC’s 2022 Labour Market Report, more than one million job openings (1,017,000) are expected in British Columbia over the next decade. Five industries will generate about half of all jobs over the next ten years—with Healthcare and Social Assistance, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, and Construction at the top of the list. Trying … Read more