BCIT hosts its first virtual program-completion celebration for Security Systems Technician students

They were just weeks away from finishing BCIT’s Security Systems Technician (SST) program when the COVID-19 crisis began to escalate in BC. Following the Provincial Health Officer’s recommendation to practice physical distancing to prevent the spread of the virus, SST instructors quickly transitioned in-person classes to online training. The students’ upcoming celebration to mark the … Read more

BCIT Alumni Association’s new Hong Kong ambassador Brad Kirk says grads are poised to make a big impact in Asia

Find a way, make a way. When facing challenges, Brad Kirk says he always comes back to this saying in tough times. As a leader in the hotel industry, Brad has successfully navigated crises including the overthrow of the Indonesian Suharto government in 1998, the 2002 Bali bombings, and the 2019 protests in Hong Kong. … Read more

BC Construction Month 2020: celebrating essential workers

For BC Construction Month 2020, it is especially important to thank workers in the construction industry for their efforts in building our community and maintaining structures to keep us functioning safely. BC’s construction industry consists of more than 250,000 workers, and many of whom are essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. From skilled workers and … Read more

COVID-19 update video from Kathy Kinloch – April 3

President Kathy Kinloch provides a new video update on BCIT’s ongoing response to COVID-19 including her appreciation for your contribution to “flattening the curve”, some notable achievements by the Learning and Teaching Centre supported by ITS, new student emergency funding coming next week, and a fun example of innovation in delivering online learning from one of our … Read more

BCIT Bookstore shows every little bit helps to support our healthcare workers

BCIT Bookstore supports healthcare workers

Communities across Metro Vancouver have been showing their appreciation and support for frontline healthcare workers with nightly applause and cheering from their doorsteps. More companies and organizations are also stepping up to support healthcare workers who are working around the clock to care for those who have been impacted by COVID-19. “When Providence Health Care … Read more

Community update from President Kathy Kinloch

Below is a video message from President Kathy Kinloch providing an update on BCIT’s response to COVID-19 including her appreciation to everyone after our first full week of remote learning and working, the importance of ensuring a safe working and learning environment for all of you, reporting protocol on COVID-19 cases in our community, our … Read more

BCIT Associate VP Jennifer Figner on online learning transition

BCIT Jennifer Figner on online learning transition

Hi everyone, I hope many of you found a way to safely relax a bit this weekend as we all practice our physical distancing. Here is a video from BCIT’s Associate Vice President, Implementation and Integration, Jennifer Figner, who has been one of the key people from our academic team leading the transition to primarily … Read more

BCIT rallies support for healthcare community

Following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement of a new plan that mobilizes businesses and manufacturers to help fight the spread of COVID-19 and boosts the health sector’s stockpile of medical supplies, the BCIT School of Health Sciences is joining efforts by donating medical supplies and lending out equipment to support the Provincial emergency health and … Read more

Update from President Kathy Kinloch on space closures, events, and work from home

BCIT President Kathy Kinloch

Hello everyone, We apologize in advance for the longer update today following a busy weekend but we have committed to providing information as it becomes available and there are many topics to cover. We have also summarized some of this information in a video with me and Tom Roemer, Vice-President, Academic. Transition to online learning … Read more