BCIT becomes an Unreal Engine Academic Partner

BCIT Unreal Engine Academic Partner

BCIT is the first and only Canadian post-secondary to become an Unreal Engine Academic Partner. The Unreal Academic Partner Program recognizes post-secondary institutions that have committed to providing high-quality educational opportunities with an experienced faculty, proven curricula, sufficient facilities, and resources to create positive outcomes for students with various personal growth and career objectives. The … Read more

Introducing the BCIT Anti-Racism Framework

An illustration of six people in a casual office setting

BCIT aspires and commits to creating a learning and working environment that is actively engaged in the elimination of racism and discrimination. Following the events of 2020, the Institute realized more work needed to be done to eliminate racism within the BCIT community as well as the broader community. In July 2020, BCIT President Kathy … Read more

Looking Ahead: Transportation in 2021 and beyond

BCIT Looking Ahead in Transportation

The pandemic impacted Canada’s transportation sectors in a variety of ways – with some being met with colossal challenges, and others bestowed with new opportunities. The BCIT School of Transportation also encountered hurdles and hidden benefits as it swiftly innovated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and changing industry demands. Insight into how the past … Read more

Looking Ahead: Trades and Apprenticeships in 2021 and beyond

Looking ahead trades and apprenticeships

Although the shift in education and workplace protocols brought about changes to the trades sector over the last year, BCIT Trades and Apprenticeships programs responded swiftly and seized new opportunities that came along as a result. Many of these opportunities leave a lasting impact beyond the classroom – shaping the industry and future generations of … Read more

Looking Ahead: Health Sciences in 2021 and beyond

One could argue that no other sector has been more directly impacted by COVID-19 than healthcare. Students and faculty in the BCIT School of Health Sciences are all too aware of this and have displayed utmost resilience as they adapted to new methods of learning brought on by the pandemic. Looking back over the last … Read more

Community Update from President Kathy Kinloch – May 21

Headshot of BCIT President Kathy Kinloch

In today’s video update, President Kathy Kinloch shares an update on BCIT’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, increased access to COVID-19 vaccines, and our plans for our Fall 2021 term. Jennifer Finger, Associate Vice President, Academic Operations, provides further information on the Institute’s September plans. A reminder that vaccination registration is now open to anyone … Read more

Looking Ahead: Business and Media in 2021 and beyond

The School of Business + Media is a shining example of how BCIT has adapted and innovated in response to the pandemic. With over 100 programs and 300 courses, the School successfully pivoted to mainly online delivery while continuing to provide students with applied learning taught by instructors who are industry experts. These industry connections … Read more

Making it in marketing: Second generation Fraser Valley alumna shares her journey to success

A blonde woman stands in a warehouse smiling.

After high school, Carly Wethersett was searching for her next move. Hoping to gain clarity on her future, she attended post-secondary in the Fraser Valley, and then took a gap year while she decided what career path she wanted to go down. It was her mom’s advice that led her to BCIT. Having grown up … Read more

BCIT: The differentiator in a secure career

It’s almost a new world in industry, with challenges and risks unknown just a few years ago. BCIT Forensics grad Gary Schoenhaar sits at the nexus of such corporate threats, as FortisBC’s Corporate Security Manager. His passion drives him to continuously learn and grow so his organization can continue to provide safe and reliable energy … Read more

BCIT FNAM program lifts students’ spirits and provides diverse learning opportunities

BCIT FNAM program lifts students’ spirits and provides diverse learning opportunities

With the winter weather being quite dreary and the challenges brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty members in the Forest and Natural Areas Management (FNAM) program wanted to bring some extra joy and fun to students in their program this spring. In a typical year, students in both first and second year usually get … Read more