Spring into student success: generosity blooms from the BCIT community

Group of 4 students in business-casual clothing smiling at the camera.
BCIT students who received donor-funded awards at a celebration event in the fall.

This past holiday season, BCIT’s community of generous supporters came together once again to support the Student Success Fund. Contributions to the Student Success Fund provide emergency bursaries, grants, and other funding to the students who need it most.

“We’re so grateful to our amazing donors,” says Jackie Jacob, Executive Director, BCIT Foundation. “Because of you, our students can overcome immense financial pressures, focus on their studies, and achieve their goals. Thank you.”

Students need more support than ever

As the cost of living rises, BCIT students are feeling the strain. In the past two years, student requests for financial support have increased by nearly 40 percent. Many students balance challenging course loads with part-time work and struggle to meet basic needs such as food and housing.

Thanks to our community of donors, BCIT students can access financial aid through scholarships, awards, and bursaries. For single mother and BCIT Nursing student Tamara, juggling full-time work, motherhood, and her studies is difficult, but bursaries help ensure she can stay in school.

BCIT Nursing student Tamara stands in front of the Health Sciences Centre
BCIT Nursing student Tamara in front of the Health Sciences Centre at BCIT.

“Words cannot express how grateful I am to be awarded the bursary that is allowing me to continue my studies at BCIT,” says Tamara, BCIT Nursing student. “I’m so appreciative of the generosity of donors who are contributing to my education.”

Learn more about how you can support BCIT student success.

Our donors change lives

Through the holiday campaign, our donors ensured students like Tamara can continue to pursue their future dreams and become the leaders and change-makers of tomorrow.

On behalf of the BCIT Foundation, thank you to our generous community of alumni, industry, faculty, and staff for coming together in support of student success.

Read more about supporting BCIT students

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