BCIT Alumni Association gives $40,000 to fund awards for 40 students in celebration of its 40th anniversary

The BCIT Alumni Association, a longstanding donor to BCIT, has made a generous donation to help even more students this fall.

“To celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2019, we donated $40,000 to fund an additional 40 students to receive $1,000 entrance awards,” said BCIT Alumni Association Vice President Jennifer Patterson to guests at the 2019 Entrance Awards and Scholarships celebration event on November 22. “I want to extend our sincere congratulations to each and every student in this room!”

The event brought together more than 500 guests—including BCIT President Kathy Kinloch, award recipients, donors, and BCIT faculty and staff—to recognize the achievements of this year’s outstanding students. BCIT Airport Operations alumnus Kenneth Lieblich, a seven-time award recipient, returned to BCIT as the event’s keynote speaker, inspiring the crowd with his career journey. The event was proudly sponsored by the BCIT Alumni Association.

These awards complement the more than 30 annual awards and bursaries that the Alumni Association gives to students from its two endowments. To date, the association has donated a total of $1.3 million to BCIT, helping nearly 1,000 students, including BCIT Alumni Association Award recipient Alysha Bacus.

BCIT Alumni Association VP Jennifer Patterson stands with BCIT Nautical Sciences student Alysha Bacus
BCIT Alumni Association Vice President Jennifer Patterson (r) with BCIT Nautical Sciences student Alysha Bacus

“I am extremely honoured to have received the BCIT Alumni Association Award,” wrote Alysha in a thank-you card to the association. “It will help me realize my aspiration of becoming a Watch-Keep Mate and building a career onboard ships. One day, I hope to become a Master Mariner, something that this award will help me achieve.” Alysha is a BCIT Nautical Sciences student who spent her Grade 12 year studying aboard a Tall Ship before attending BCIT.

Congratulations to all the BCIT Alumni Association award recipients:

BCIT Alumni Association 40th Anniversary Entrance Awards
Aaron Au, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Alyssa Wardley, Geographic Information Systems
Anthony Van Hulsen, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Brooke McCarthy, Radio Arts and Entertainment
Caitlin Barnes, Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing
Cameron Bates, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Clarissa San Andres, Architectural and Building Technology
Drenrew Diaz, 3D Modeling, Art and Animation
Dylan Brackett, Technology Support Professional
Erica Ye, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Haley Ensor, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Harry Kim, Accounting
Ivan Vaganov, Computer Systems Technology
Jackson Burgess, Computer Information Technology
Janelle Kwok, Computer Systems Technology
Jianru Shen, Accounting
Kaetha Broerman, Finance
Kathryn Nundal, Fish, Wildlife and Recreation
Kent Brian Claudio, Computer Systems Technology
Kerri Godkin, Biomedical Engineering Technology
Kyla Hrdlitschka, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Kyle Hermann, Computer Systems Technology
Leonardo Mejia, Architectural and Building Technology
Lucas McKinnon, Accounting
Mahsa Soleimani Dahaj, Architectural and Building Technology
Neil Thomas, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Ryan Williamson, Mechanical Engineering Technology
Sofia Bildstein, Business Operations Management
Sonia Yu, Bachelor of Architectural Science
Swati Manandhar, Architectural and Building Technology
Tanya Fuchs, Business Operations Management
Tanzeel Danekari, Mechanical Engineering Technology
Trevor Thirsk, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Wilson Lin, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Wing Yin Lee, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Zackery Carpenter, Marketing Management

BCIT Alumni Association Awards
Alysha Bacus, Nautical Sciences
Hee Jim Moon, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology – Telecommunications and Networks
Quan-Huy Ma, Bachelor of Technology in Computer Systems
Riley Smith, Nuclear Medicine
Ruby Dionisio, Architectural and Building Technology
Yulan Yin, International Business Management – Global Supply Chain

BCIT Alumni Association Entrance Awards
Aygun Ibrahimova, Honours in Biotechnology
Emma Fetterer, Medical Radiography
Matthew Miller, Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Meghan Marshall, Honours in Biotechnology

See all the photos from the 2019 Entrance Awards and Scholarships celebration.


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