Significant Cultures of Globe

In the world, there are many different cultures, customs, values, and norms. The reasons why people oppress each other should not be cultural traditions. Culture is often used to describe the features of history, language, food, art, geography, family values, and beliefs. People worldwide realize the vital of learning, understanding, and appreciating diverse cultures in today’s ever-changing world.
In this article, I would like to state about several significant cultures of some countries.

Canada has several distinct advantages over other countries, making it the most famous country in the world. It’s one of the actual multicultural countries with people from all over the world. It is a large country with significant cultural differences between regions. It is a dual-nationality republic, French Canada and English Canada. Canada, a geographically large country, has substantial regional differences, including ethnic differences, making social stratification challenging to understand.
Canadian Culture is a mash-up of British, French, and American influences that blend and sometimes compete in all aspects of cultural life, from filmmaking and writing to cooking and sports. Canadians engage in a diverse range of sports and leisure activities. In the Canadian school system, sport plays an important role, primarily due to a well-coordinated country network of governmental and non-governmental educational agencies. In terms of culture and leadership, ice hockey is one of the primary Canadian sport.
Canada has no single national culture due to its historical and ethnic diversity. The neighboring United States’ melting-pot ideal is interpreted in Canada as a stew, with distinct flavors from the hundreds of influences and that make up the broader Canadian community. Precontact Canada had a wide range of languages, subsistence methods, tribal rules and customs, trading ideologies, and intertribal relations.

Egypt is famous for its ancient treasures and unique history. Ancient Egypt is one of the world’s oldest and most fascinating civilizations. Top archaeologists and the world continue to focus attention on the Great Pyramids of Giza, which is the only remaining historical wonders along with the ancient statues and tombs of Egypt. As the most significant river globally, Egypt’s Nile River stretches approximately 6 695 km and streams into the Mediterranean, and it is the bloodstream of every Egyptian.
Egypt has a rich history and culture, beginning with a Pharaonic culture, then Christianity and Islam, which date back thousands of years. Egypt is a civilization of the earliest. Its culture has suffered from numerous other cultures and ethnic groups.
Egyptians are big fans of parties. During holidays and special occasions, close family and extended family members and friends gather. All celebrations include sharing special meals prepared for the experience due to their love of food. Egyptian women are expected to be conservative and modest, following Islamic principles for women.
Many Egyptian women remain virgins until marriage, as a sign of morals, and men prefer to marry virgin women.
Visitors to an Egyptian family should drink all of their juice, especially if the family has daughters. It is widely assumed that if a guest does not finish their glass of juice offered by a host family with daughters, the girls will not marry. However, spilling coffee by accident is a good omen. When someone spills coffee, most people around them say it’s a good sign that things will be good.
The way the cultures merged may be difficult for foreigners to understand, but once you know and appreciate the traditions, your experience in Egypt will be unlike any other.

Japan has a long history of being known for its distinct culture and customs. You won’t find anything like it anywhere else in terms of culture, history, food, and the location itself. By walking around the Tokyo streets, you will come across both ancient ruins and temples that have stood in the city for decades, as well as modern technology. You will see the comfort of this country’s modernization and technical advancements in the country.
When people visit Japan for the first time, they surprise by how polite the Japanese people are. Even if they aren’t having the best day, Japanese people are still very sweet. They are always willing to help others, such as providing directions, transporting others to a location they desire when they have a prior commitment, etc. Wherever they go, people always obey the laws and keep order—keeping the city 99 percent of the time safe and clean. Blowing your nose in front of most Japanese people isn’t just considered impolite; it’s completely repulsive. It is the most common tourist faux pas, so keep your tissues in your pockets and blend in like a local; this is also considered part of embracing the community. In Western countries, it is customary to see someone walking down the street while eating a bag of chips or sipping coffee, but this is not the case in Japan. Although it is no longer considered impolite, eating or drinking while walking is still regarded as low-class action.
While we know and love all Japanese foods, beautiful shrines, and kimonos, the Japanese are also very odd. Their crazy festivals and competitions are most remarkable. One of the bizarre fiestas is the Naki Sumo Misturi. This contest includes two sumo wrestlers, each holding a baby. The referee then uses frightening masks to make the babies cry. The winner is declared to be the loudest and longest crier. It is said to keep babies in good health in this 400-year-old tradition: then followed by the Farts of beautiful women festival. The farts, smell, and sound of beautiful girls will all be experienced by each of you. However, it is to note that girls’ physical conditions and their ability to pull are always crucial to the success of the events.
American media has strongly influenced Japanese popular culture. But Japan localizes these influences by appropriating and absorbing foreign impacts into local media sectors instead of being dominated by American products. Japanese popular culture is one of the world’s leading and leading popular cultures.

Every culture has its own belief, and they are amazing. As we have different sets of beliefs and values, we can take on other cultural ideas which were not in our original composition.


Media Roles: It never dies

The start of media
Film and radio, the first major non-print types of mass media, exploded in popularity in the early decades of the twentieth century. By the 1920s, radios were readily accessible and had the unrivaled potential to enable large groups of people to simultaneously listen to the same occurrence. In 1946, the United States had about 17,000 televisions. Started from there, the media field is getting grower non-stop and influence the world.
The ability of the media to act as a public forum to discuss important matters is another beneficial aspect. Indeed, the Internet can be viewed as a fundamentally democratic media that allows voices to be spoken about online.
It could be able to monitor the public, corporate and other institutions. Although some media forms are more suitable for entertainment, others are more useful for spreading information. Print media, books are durable and have lots, but are tricky and costly. On the other hand, journals are less expensive and faster to create, making them an ideal tool for quick daily news sales.
TV is much more visual than radio and dynamic than a static print page and can broadcast live events to an entire national public.

The growth of social media
According to an article of Maryville University, “The Evolution of Social Media: How Did It Begin, and Where Could It Go Next?” social media began with the introduction of a series of electronic dots and screens on a telegraphing machine by hand on 24 May 1844. An early form of social, digital communication, the web logs or blogs, began to become popular in 1999. In 2002, LinkedIn was established for professionals as a networking site. It had grown to over 675 million users worldwide by 2020. Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in 2004 with almost 1.7 billion users. Facebook has received numerous disputes, often involving privacy, political manipulation, mass monitoring, etc., but one of the everyday use of social media, especially in Asia. Twitter is a social media platform. According to Pew Research, 22 percent of American adults were Twitter users. It was founded by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and others in 2006 as microblogging sites. In 2010, Instagram was established as a photo-sharing site by Stanford graduate Kevin Systrom and was purchased by Facebook in 2012. It now has over 1 billion users worldwide, more widespread in western countries. Tik Tod, a short-form video-sharing site founded in 2016 by Chinese tech company ByteDance, was merged with the U.S.-based mobile app Musically in 2018. It became popular with American teens and young adults. It had over 800 million users worldwide as of early 2020.
As technology and the Internet become grower, the world becomes a village.

Useful in various ways
Initially, social media was created to allow users to interact digitally with friends, colleagues, family members, and like-minded people they may not have otherwise met in person. The mobile app world has flourished for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and other social networking services.
For Social media users interested in traveling, entertainment, fashion, and other topics, Instagram and Facebook, in general, became a choice app. The businesses of Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms began to shape as social media companies grew into hundreds of millions of users. Social networking firms had access to some of the most wealth of consumer data that was ever conceived. The combination of paid social media marketing and organic social media outreach gave rise to digital marketing, known as social media marketing.
The most efficient way to leverage existing audiences is to benefit from the popularity of social media. Social media “influencers” are paid by digital marketers to spread their messages and product deals to their followers.
With over 3.2 billion users of social media worldwide, finding influencers whose audiences match the company’s consumer niche helps cut through the noise by targeting specific potential buyers, which is the vice-versa benefit between the companies and influencers. In social media, what happens next will almost certainly be shaped by both the evolving business model and progress in storytelling.

Disadvantages and Advantages

Old Media
Media refers to different communication methods. Radio, the Internet, newspapers, and television are the most common forms of media today. Media is a crucial part of our lives. It also has a positive and negative side. It’s double-sided.
Old media was conceived as a way of broadcasting mass communication to the masses. One message from the broadcast was sent to a whole nation’s population. People of every age access their news from a small number of publications that had an extensive population reach. As a result of the old media’s broad reach, information of public importance was disseminated quickly and accurately. Even today, when a public disaster occurs, most people rely on traditional media such as television and radio to obtain critical information from authorities. The unfavorable fact is that the government and oligarchs frequently control the message.

New Media
The production of information is not only for the elite anymore. Elites and the powerful no longer have a monopoly on mass information dissemination in the age of blogs, social media, and instant communication. People of minority groups traditionally excluded from old media platforms have found platforms for online sharing of their opinions. Everyone can share their thought and voices with the world. News is spreading more quickly than ever, and no one has to wait to access our report until 6 pm. The cons are due to social media; misinformation was common in the 21st century (Allcott, Gentzkow & Yu, 2019). As a result, people’s political and social views are influenced by fringe conspiracy theories.
On the other hand, As children gain more access to adult information, the innocence of childhood is fading faster than ever. Although the competition is more complex than ever, a more extensive customer base also exists than ever before. Websites have a global reach and target a global audience.

Overall, media plays a vital role in our daily life, and it never dies.













Places to visit in No Fun City

Vancouver is recognized as one of the beautiful cities on the planet. 

It’s also one of the most livable, thanks to a well-balanced combination of modern urban features and breathtaking natural scenery. It is also mentioned as one of the most “mind-numbingly dull” cities in the world. People also named Vancouver “No Fun City” or “Raincouver.” Even though there is too much rain in Vancouver, it is still a nice place to visit. In this article, the best places and best things to do in No Fun City will be stated.

Granville Island

A vast public market, an extensive marina, Arts Umbrella, False Creek Community Centre, numerous performing arts theatres, including Vancouver’s first professional improvisational theatre company Vancouver Theatresports League, the Arts Club Theatre Company, and Carousel Theatre, fine arts galleries, and several shopping areas are all available on Granville Island. The neighborhood is located south of the downtown peninsula, directly under the Granville Bridge, technically a sandspit and not an island.

On the central market, numerous displays are available, including fruit, vegetables, delicious items, bread, cakes, biscuits, and food stalls with various cuisines. Dine-ins were not permitted due to restrictions recently placed, but many outdoor/ patio areas had excellent port views. False Creek, Stanley Park, and downtown Vancouver are all visible from Granville Island. If you are visiting Vancouver for the first time, Granville Island is a must-see.

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain, Vancouver’s most iconic attraction, is the lower mainland’s only truly four-season destination, with a wildlife refuge, a wide range of dining options, exciting outdoor adventure, summer activities galore, and the best in local snow sports, etc. 

On the 8-minute trip from Valley Station to the summit, tourists and locals could enjoy the jaw-dropping majestic existence of British Columbia unfold in front of them on the iconic Red Skyride. The Refuge for Endangered Wildlife, research, education, and conservation center perched could be found atop Grouse Mountain. There is also a theatre in the sky, an electronic cinema that shows a variety of wildlife-related films, including Extremely Wild, a Discovery Channel documentary about Grouse’s two resident grizzly bears. There are several activities to do both in summer and winter, such as paragliding, disc golf, chairlift rides, skiing, snowboarding, sleigh rides, etc.

Deep Cove

Deep Cove is one of the Lower Mainland’s most beautiful spots located in North Vancouver. Deep Cove is just as picture-perfect as a West Coast town can be. It’s a better place to kayak or paddleboard, or simply to take in the breathtaking scenery. The village’s “downtown” is primarily comprised of a single street lined with restaurants, a couple of ice cream parlors, and coffee shops and some pubs.

Panorama Park is the starting point for the Baden Powell Trail, which begins just up the hill. It’s a 45-minute one-way hike that takes you through beautiful forest trails and finishes at the Quarry Rock clifftop with views of the surrounding area.

Deep Cove hosts a variety of exciting events each year. Honey’s Donuts, located at 4373 Gallant Avenue, is a popular spot for a treat in Deep Cove. 

Harrison Hot Spring

Harrison Hot Springs is a remote, world-famous resort town known for its geothermal hot springs, which are located just over an hour from Vancouver. Within the Harrison Hot Springs boundaries, there are two areas where you can enjoy the warm waters. You can enjoy Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa’s pools which are fed directly by a hot spring that has been cooled to a pleasant temperature. The public bank will be your only option for enjoying the hot springs in a safe environment if you are not staying at the resort.

Depending on the time of year, there are a few different jet boat excursions available. The Harrison River Tour, an Eagle Watching Tour, and a Sunset Cruise are the three main tours. Whichever tour you choose, you will be exposed to Harrison’s incredible wildlife and breathtaking views.

Getting in a boat and going for a paddle is one of the most peaceful ways to reconnect with nature. I recommend paddling the 18-kilometer route from Harrison Hot Springs down the Harrison River to Harrison Mills for unique experiences.

Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island is known as the most significant island on North America’s Pacific Coast. Hiking, camping, surfing, and whale watching are just a few of the activities available in the area’s old-growth forests, beautiful rugged shorelines, and beaches. Small towns scattered across Vancouver Island are some of the best places to visit; find out the remote lodges in the rainforest where you can relax and soak up nature.

Butchart Gardens is one of Vancouver Island’s highlights. These fabulous gardens offer the chance to enter a peaceful natural setting with flowers, trees, roads all year round. On Christmas, Christmas lights and decorations are on display in the gardens and several celebrations and events, including outdoor ice skating, are available.

Tofino is a small town that is the gem of the west coast of Vancouver Island. This small fishing village on Vancouver Island is a popular tourist destination, but it seldom feels busy. It is also known as the hottest surf destination in Canada, with guests coming all year round to surf.


In Whistler, there are many unbelievable and best things that are difficult to miss in this beautiful city. With Whistler’s cultural to the culinary experience, learning to entertainment, boutiques, museums, restaurants, galleries, events, and festivals, there are countless possibilities for every season. 

Whisperer needs a little introduction when it comes to ski, snowboarding, snowshoeing, etc. If you visit in the winter, try out your abilities on some of the famous epic slopes of the city. Kayaking will be a fantastic sport and probably one of Whistler’s best things to do where you can go the Golden Dreams River. After the snow melts and the summer turns back, the paths in Whistler and around change from a ski resort to a dream of mountain cyclists, which is full of adventure. 

If you love nature and adventure, Vancouver is a must-visit place.


Is peer pressure more beneficial?

Peer pressure is a genuine problem that many teens around the world are facing today. Many deceptive ads abound in society, driving teenagers in all the wrong directions. In school, peer pressure is particularly intense. When you see trouble brewing or young people on the verge of making a wrong decision, as we all live in a different community, our behaviors and perspectives influence one another in various ways. Is peer pressure beneficial? Positive social pressure exists, and it is effective in controlling positive behaviors.

Teenagers are especially vulnerable to peer pressure. The powerful influence in a teenager’s life could be their parents and follow by the environment they grew up in life. Sometimes friends may pressure to do dangerous things such as drugs, alcohol, and dares that result in severe consequences. Another factor that causes young people to use drugs is peer pressure. Despite the government’s strict regulations, there is widespread drug use at numerous high school parties around the country. Young people cannot also come up with a justification for refusing to succumb to negative peer pressure. Being in an environment that pushes us to do things we don’t want to do can make us feel nervous and depressed. If someone is influencing much by others’ judgment affects self-confidence and value issues. Anorexia is a severe condition that is exacerbated by peer pressure, especially among young women.
You’re more likely to lose too much weight and develop eating disorders, which can lead to anorexia if you hang out with girls who prioritize their physical appearance and are always on a diet. For example, based on BBC News, a third of 4,500 UK adults were worried about their bodies, and one in eight is having suicidal thoughts because of body shaming. If peers are preoccupied with appearance, you will feel insecure and want to change your looks to fit in.

Most of the people in our culture are still afraid of rejection and, as a result, are unable to express their own opinions. Such fear of rejection is a powerful motivator for pack behavior and peer pressure growth. Second, cultural norms may also play a role in creating peer pressure if you live in a very conservative society where everybody is expected to obey strict cultural rules from an early age. Mental health issues and personal confusion could also be more susceptible to peer pressure. It may lead to low self-esteem, poor academic performance, estrangement from family and friends, and an increase in depression and anxiety. If left untreated, this may lead to self-harm or suicidal thoughts in adolescents. Peer pressure also induces significant behavioral changes in people that are influenced. Individuality may be lost as a result of peer pressure.
Parents must also instill self-esteem in their children so that they are not too dependent on the approval of others. If children have enough self-esteem and know what they want and don’t want to do, social pressure is less likely to lead them to engage in criminal activity. When you consider the overall effect of social anxiety in your life, you’ll notice that there are occasions when you feel pressured to do something good even though it’s not the best decision for you at the moment, and it will change your life goals.

It’s crucial to be ready to deal with peer pressure. It would help if you let yourself avoid people or circumstances that don’t feel right, leave an awkward situation, and focus on establishing boundaries. It is unnecessary to please others or do what others say to feel good or accepted: develop your self-confidence and believe in yourself. We should all change our beliefs so that politics and religion have less impact on our decisions. This does not imply that religious convictions should be suppressed, nor does it mean that radical behavior. Changing our value structures will make children and adolescents less likely to participate in religious attacks as a result of peer pressure.

However, peer pressure has benefits. Peer pressure is usually associated with negative connotations, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. According to Pierce Brooks’s Ted Talk, “Playing the Game of Social Pressure,” pivoting under pressure is critical for success in life. Peers can be great role models for each other. Peers who are focused on doing well in school or competing at a high level in sports can influence you to set higher goals for yourself. For example, a student is motivated to get good grades when his peers are getting good grades – a behavior that can be attributed to positive peer pressure. It encourages you to put in extra effort to get the solo in the concert, helps you research, listens and supports you when you’re depressed or troubled, and empathizes with you when they’ve experienced similar difficulties.

Peer pressure can also motivate us to do new and exciting things that we may not have tried before or had the confidence to do. When someone’s peers force them to do something constructive, it is known as positive peer pressure. You will see their performance as a challenge and a goal for you if you learn to have faith in your abilities to channel stress in the correct way. Peer pressure allows you to experience the actual workplace, as anything you do in the workplace will take your courage and tenacity. On the other hand, it could help you become more emotionally adaptable. It’s not unusual for your preferences and attitudes to change in response to what everyone wants if you’re willing to start fitting in with a specific faction.

Positive peer pressure will assist you in focusing on your choices and making improvements that will aid your personal development. Watching others work hard to achieve their goals will undoubtedly inspire you to step up your game and set an optimistic target for yourself. Peer pressure will cause you to lose your personal preferences and push yourself to like what they like. In the end, the advantages and disadvantages of peer pressure are determined by your choices.


Temporary is real: Memories are forever

Everybody lives in a world full of addictions. There are several types of addiction, such as drug addiction, sex addiction, social media addiction, food addiction, shopping addiction, exercise addiction, etc. What kinds of addiction could be said worst? I consider that an addiction to a specific person is the most challenging addiction which could not cure right away.

Before I start a story, let me share with you some compelling facts about addiction. People not only addict to things but also addict to behaviors, especially to bad habits. Some addictive behaviors are not noticeable, but they go deeper. They are hard to get over. The most common addictive behaviors are lying, stealing, manipulating, and obsession. According to Pamela Meyer’s Ted Talk, “How to spot a liar,” we all lie from ten to two hundred times a day without noticing. Most of the manipulators are active in addiction. Lovers try to manipulate each other. Parents manage their kids. Bosses exploit their employees, and people like to influence others. They would play as a victim and control other’s emotions.

Let’s consider her name as She. She is a happy and genial girl. Her life was smooth. She got whatever she wants, so she did not has many expectations. Maybe this is because many changes happened in her life every time and made her believe nothing lasts long. But when it comes to the loved one, She wants everything to be permanent. Does permanent exist?
She was born in an unwell-known country that exists in Southeast Asia. At her age of seven, her parents wanted their daughter to get a better education, so the whole family moved abroad. They trained her to be an independent girl. She’s parents let her do everything she wanted as long as she gets good grade at school. She likes to try different things. She was not only a good student, but she also participated in every activity at school. She was a cheerleader, mascot and she prefers playing every sport. The first addiction in her life was playing basketball. She was also a captain of a soccer team. She was an athlete.
Her life was full of adventure. When she turned fourteen, the changes happened. Her grandmother passed away, so her Dad decided to go back to his hometown to care for his father. She didn’t want to leave: she wants to finish school and go to university with her best friends, but she understood the situation. She is a flexible girl. All she wanted was to bring her basketball collections back home. It was a white addiction. That was the first time she learned the meaning of the word “temporary.”

Things did not change a lot for her back home. She expanded her social life. She went to school as usual and finished high school with flying marks. She had the chance to choose any university she likes.
Even though her parents want her to join the Medical field, she chose Media school. Since she was young, she likes to be on stage all the time. She always participated in school ceremonies. Then she realized that she wants to be a television host. Soon after she joined the school, she started participating as a T.V. host at the school channel. Then, she extended her career as an event host. Everything was so smooth in her life. She was unnoticeably addicted to this job.
Her love life was so simple. She has dated several guys, but she never falls in love. Since she was introduced to the word “temporary,” she always tries not to obsesses with things. She always believes that she never addict to something; she can cut off everything easily, no matter how much she likes it. After some time, she would notice that it was not true.

When she turned nineteen, her parents want her to expand her further study abroad again. First, she refused to go: her life here is stable, smooth, and exactly what she wanted. She did not want to make any changes to this, but she fulfilled her parents’ desire and left abroad.

She still believes in her mind that everything will be fine and becomes stable as usual. She is always lucky. She can handle everything. At first, everything was going with the flow. While studying abroad, she was with her parent, spending her free time on her hobbies and friends. She had
nothing to worry about. Things were quite different now. She needs to work, manage her taxes, and also school assignments. The worst part is She feels lonely, and no one besides her. She could not smile every day as
she used to be. Even though she makes new friends, she feels some parts of her life are missing. She disturbs herself by going out. She had gone to her favorite cafe every day and study. That day she was listening to music, and it pops out when her AirPods battery dies. She disturbed the entire cafeteria. There was a man sitting in front of her. He seemed in his thirty. While everyone seemed annoyed by her, he just smiled at her and left. It was how she found her missing part. She just noticed him but never think that man is her type. She did not know at first that that man could be her first love. They started dating. He was taking care of her a lot, which she never had experiences in life before. Her parents were not able to take care of her physically as they are always busy with works. She started obsessing with him. She did not notice that until he started pulling back after dating for half of the year. She felt his absence. Then she found out how much she was emotionally addicted to him. She did not question him or take revenge on him and lets him go very easily. She did suffer being away from that man for a long time. She had dated many guys, but she left him before she gets attached. She knows the whole situation was not an accident but karma. She is addicted to many things in her life, but she learned that everything in life does not last forever, making her lets things go easily.

We have been through many things in our life. We feel happiness, sadness, love, hate, passion, depression, etc., nothing lasts forever but memories. Temporary is real, but memories still last forever.




What is happening in Myanmar now?

Myanmar, part of Southeast Asia, had been ruled by the military force for decades. It became a democratic country since Daw Aung San Su Kyi’s party, NLD, won the election in 2015. The military seized power again and detained the elected government on 1st February 2021. This news shocked all Myanmar civilians, including Burmese who live abroad.


According to BBC News, there are more than 700 people have been killed including children and teenagers.


Is peer pressure beneficial?

Is peer pressure beneficial? It is an interesting question. There have both pros and cons.

As we all live in a different society, our behaviors and perspectives influence one another in various ways. When it becomes intense, it is called peer pressure. Everyone has experienced peer pressure at least once in their life, but they handle it differently.