Media Roles: It never dies

The start of media
Film and radio, the first major non-print types of mass media, exploded in popularity in the early decades of the twentieth century. By the 1920s, radios were readily accessible and had the unrivaled potential to enable large groups of people to simultaneously listen to the same occurrence. In 1946, the United States had about 17,000 televisions. Started from there, the media field is getting grower non-stop and influence the world.
The ability of the media to act as a public forum to discuss important matters is another beneficial aspect. Indeed, the Internet can be viewed as a fundamentally democratic media that allows voices to be spoken about online.
It could be able to monitor the public, corporate and other institutions. Although some media forms are more suitable for entertainment, others are more useful for spreading information. Print media, books are durable and have lots, but are tricky and costly. On the other hand, journals are less expensive and faster to create, making them an ideal tool for quick daily news sales.
TV is much more visual than radio and dynamic than a static print page and can broadcast live events to an entire national public.

The growth of social media
According to an article of Maryville University, “The Evolution of Social Media: How Did It Begin, and Where Could It Go Next?” social media began with the introduction of a series of electronic dots and screens on a telegraphing machine by hand on 24 May 1844. An early form of social, digital communication, the web logs or blogs, began to become popular in 1999. In 2002, LinkedIn was established for professionals as a networking site. It had grown to over 675 million users worldwide by 2020. Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in 2004 with almost 1.7 billion users. Facebook has received numerous disputes, often involving privacy, political manipulation, mass monitoring, etc., but one of the everyday use of social media, especially in Asia. Twitter is a social media platform. According to Pew Research, 22 percent of American adults were Twitter users. It was founded by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and others in 2006 as microblogging sites. In 2010, Instagram was established as a photo-sharing site by Stanford graduate Kevin Systrom and was purchased by Facebook in 2012. It now has over 1 billion users worldwide, more widespread in western countries. Tik Tod, a short-form video-sharing site founded in 2016 by Chinese tech company ByteDance, was merged with the U.S.-based mobile app Musically in 2018. It became popular with American teens and young adults. It had over 800 million users worldwide as of early 2020.
As technology and the Internet become grower, the world becomes a village.

Useful in various ways
Initially, social media was created to allow users to interact digitally with friends, colleagues, family members, and like-minded people they may not have otherwise met in person. The mobile app world has flourished for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and other social networking services.
For Social media users interested in traveling, entertainment, fashion, and other topics, Instagram and Facebook, in general, became a choice app. The businesses of Facebook, Twitter, and other social platforms began to shape as social media companies grew into hundreds of millions of users. Social networking firms had access to some of the most wealth of consumer data that was ever conceived. The combination of paid social media marketing and organic social media outreach gave rise to digital marketing, known as social media marketing.
The most efficient way to leverage existing audiences is to benefit from the popularity of social media. Social media “influencers” are paid by digital marketers to spread their messages and product deals to their followers.
With over 3.2 billion users of social media worldwide, finding influencers whose audiences match the company’s consumer niche helps cut through the noise by targeting specific potential buyers, which is the vice-versa benefit between the companies and influencers. In social media, what happens next will almost certainly be shaped by both the evolving business model and progress in storytelling.

Disadvantages and Advantages

Old Media
Media refers to different communication methods. Radio, the Internet, newspapers, and television are the most common forms of media today. Media is a crucial part of our lives. It also has a positive and negative side. It’s double-sided.
Old media was conceived as a way of broadcasting mass communication to the masses. One message from the broadcast was sent to a whole nation’s population. People of every age access their news from a small number of publications that had an extensive population reach. As a result of the old media’s broad reach, information of public importance was disseminated quickly and accurately. Even today, when a public disaster occurs, most people rely on traditional media such as television and radio to obtain critical information from authorities. The unfavorable fact is that the government and oligarchs frequently control the message.

New Media
The production of information is not only for the elite anymore. Elites and the powerful no longer have a monopoly on mass information dissemination in the age of blogs, social media, and instant communication. People of minority groups traditionally excluded from old media platforms have found platforms for online sharing of their opinions. Everyone can share their thought and voices with the world. News is spreading more quickly than ever, and no one has to wait to access our report until 6 pm. The cons are due to social media; misinformation was common in the 21st century (Allcott, Gentzkow & Yu, 2019). As a result, people’s political and social views are influenced by fringe conspiracy theories.
On the other hand, As children gain more access to adult information, the innocence of childhood is fading faster than ever. Although the competition is more complex than ever, a more extensive customer base also exists than ever before. Websites have a global reach and target a global audience.

Overall, media plays a vital role in our daily life, and it never dies.













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