The light at the end of the tunnel – The road to Grade 12 graduation

High School… a place full of mixed emotions, a variety of different friend groups, and students trying to figure out what kind of person they are and what their next step is going to be. Every year in high school there is a new kind of feeling going into it. Grade 8/9, the first year is the biggest hill to climb. Right after being at the top of the totem pole you’re immediately shot down to the bottom, ground zero. Grade 10, you’ve gotten into a groove and now have an idea of how to attack the year. You’re not at the bottom but there is still a ton of growing to do and the level of education ramps up. Grade 11 comes and now you’re more confident than ever. You’re so close to the end and have now figured out your spot, where you fit in most. You got your clique and have a better understanding of what you want to do in post secondary, you’re developing a better relationships with teachers and everything just seems fun. Now onto Grade 12…. where the most fun begins.

Grade 12 was by far my favourite year of high school. Freedom is on the horizon where you can decide your next steps. You’ve waited multiple years for this point and its now coming to fruition. Starting my grade 12 year, I would be lying to say that I wasn’t overwhelmed and a little bit anxious. Like thinking in a matter of 10 months I would be out of high school and closer to the real world. It was nothing short of absurd. But I had my friends and knew I wasn’t in the only position. I had my older sisters who have all been there before so I had advice to fall back on. The first day came and the energy was nothing I’d ever seen before, everyone has changed over the summer, friends have full on beards now, everyone has a tan, MY GOODNESS BRANDEN’S GROWN 5 INCHES?! It was crazy. But those are some of the best conversations had, catching up with some of your friends that you didn’t get to see over summer vacation. With morning of the first day over and done with, time to get down to the nitty gritty!

Working together in high school

Grade 12 was full of ups and downs but the ups were higher than the downs were deeper. Yes midterms, finals, projects, and teachers could have been the ticket to your downfall but it was the extracurricular’s that really made the year special. Grade 12 had this entirely new vibe to it, because it made us feel like royalty. Our relationships with teachers were completely different than years past. It almost seemed like they were graduating as well. But I want to bring my grade 12 year to life because there was a lot within my grade and group of friends that happened that were really memorable.

Most of the fun happened during the latter half of the year because the weather outside dictated the atmosphere during school hours. Teachers became a lot more relaxed, plans were soaring around the school of what everyone was doing, and during lunch and between classes the parking lots would fill and everyone would hangout and have a grand ol’ time. There would always be the “truck guys” where everyone resorted too, for some reason it was the unwritten rule that those specific guys would be responsible for hosting the lunch party. People would gather around with McDonals, Tim Horton’s, Wendy’s, pizza, and all sorts of food and drinks and blast the newest album that just came out. It would be approaching 30 degrees and the thought of going to the last class of the day was nearly bringing the mood down.

in the parking lot

Despite the mood being killed by block D and E, all it would take is someone to yell…. “DOCKS AFTER SCHOOL” and everyone would erupt. The docks and/or the beach would be the spot near the summer to have our fun. It was always the vibe and the spot to be. Plenty of platforms for people to hangout, and jumping into the lake was perfect for the weather at hand. It brought a lot of people together and would a ton of fun. The music would be blasting, someone yelling that they lost their phone, and banter and laughs going back and forth… or arguments. There would always be arguments, but ones that didn’t NEED to happen, like who’s the GOAT, Lebron or Michael? Once it was time to leave, reality started to set in. Having to do that assignment due tomorrow would suck and you’d always be too tired to do it, but it was never a dull moment having those after school meet ups at our favourite spot.

As it got closer to the end, everyones mindset of “I can’t wait to get out of this place” started changing  to “man I would do anything to stay in high school”. Its a place where you could just be away from your parents and enjoy being with friends. Got to go to soccer, rugby, or football practice after, compete in intrumerals where you would literally go toe to toe with teachers. The jam packed fun and memories were everlasting and definitely a time and place I took for granted. When the final days came around, reality was setting in that this is it. The final days of being with your favourite teachers daily, some of your friends are going abroad, and the future for yourself is even uncertain. The place that changed you and made you more wiser, confident, and mature. It paved the way of many paths you can down for you to settle into a career. But nothing capped off the high school experience than…. a water balloon fight. The entire grade 12 class gathered in the court yard and had a massive water balloon fight and it was nothing short of spectacular. So much fun and I really think it made the group closer, a beautiful way to end it off.

Bremerton High School Graduation

Commencement was a night where it was super exciting. All the stress and anxiety that high school brought to some people was finally coming to an end. But to everyone it was a super proud moment, a time in your life where it got really hard and where you thought you couldn’t make it, but walking across that staged was a sign that you did it!

Now as our Valedictorian goes through his speech the moment is coming to an end, it brought the person to your right and left closer because everyone went through very similar battles. People are crying, laughing, cheering, and yelling, praising the leader of our class as he goes through the memories we all made. We get to the end and throw our caps in the air, we fricken did it. What a moment.

High school is always going to hold a special place in my heart, imade me who I was today and matured me to be better. As Drake wisely said “I wouldn’t go back to change sh*t, I would go back just to feel the same thing twice”. That’s me with high school and grade 12 especially.

What a time to be alive.

How technology has impacted us today

iPhones, iPads, MacBooks….. Pay Phones, Landlines, Type Writers, and Newspapers. Technology has evolved immensely over the years and is constantly teetering on this seesaw debating whether or not its has impacted us positively or negatively. Its turned 180 degrees in terms of how everyone in society has been influenced by technology. Years ago parents were yelling at their kids to come inside for dinner and nowadays they’re yelling at their kids to get off their gaming system or put their phone away to go play outside. It’s definitely a different world and the demand for technology is significantly higher than it was back then. Was it needed decades ago? Yes of course. But to the level it is now is unbelievable. I want to go over and paint a picture of how technology has changed the world and us as human beings.

Lets take a trip down memory lane…

Back when our parents were young chaps like myself it was a much different time. They never had the access to the rabbit holes technology offers today. It was only ever used out of necessity and convenience. They never had the opportunity to pull out their phone and order an Uber if they needed a ride. If their car broke down, they would need to hitchhike to their location or nearest gas station in order to fix whatever the problem was, they couldn’t just pull out their phone and order a tow truck. Back then it was much much harder, but it obviously wasn’t perceived in that way. If you were to take someone from this day and age and plant them in the 70’s then they would be taken back with the limitations at hand. Can’t pull up social media when you’re bored or go to your X-Box, you have to make the most of what you’re given.

old technology

Back then it was never as relied upon as much as it is now. Families breezed by seamlessly with 25% of the technology we have now. Is the technology nowadays making it easier for us? Most certainly. But in no way is a lot of it necessary. My parents are 59 and 57 respectfully and were always dealing with the minimal amount of tools. In school everything was handwritten. Imagine telling a high school student that he has to write his 1,000 word essay with just a pen, I’m more than positive that every single student would be enraged. When back then that’s all the students knew! Oh you’re bored? Nowadays you jump on X-Box with your friends and go on your phone until you eventually get bored and go to sleep. But like I said in the intro, it was nearly impossible to kids inside because they never had the option to resort to technology to keep them busy. They would all agree on a meeting place for certain time, meet up after school in a park, play any sort of park/playground game until it was dinner, go eat then play again until it got dark. It’s amazing how back then, life seemed so easy.

Nowadays technology is all that most of these kids know. As much as you want to get after them, it’s really hard to blame them. It’s constantly being pushed on us and all that schools and companies are resorting to. As much as it has become easier, it’s made it really really tough and inconvenient, especially when it doesn’t work how its supposed to. Technology at some point in time is going to break down and fail. To think that it’s the plan for everything is severely risky. Like I was editing a video and all of a sudden my laptop decided to shut down out of no where and update. I turn my laptop back on and the video was deleted and I lost all my progress. So it’s definitely something that can be extremely frustrating when it’s promoted as such a special thing.

Despite every negative aspect I’ve said, how the technology has advanced from where it was 30 years ago is quite unbelievable and in a sense breathtaking…


Week 2/52 | Opposites

our new tv (and the old one)

Technology has clearly stepped up its game and has changed our lives drastically. Yes I’ve pointed out how it literally drives us INSANE and infuriates us till the end of the Earth but it’s also such a blessing that is almost surreal, like you feel it shouldn’t exist. WE HAVE SELF DRIVING CARS NOW……. WHAT?! The way it has stepped up has really changed everything. It has really made communication easier and a lot more convenient. If there is ever to be an emergency its much more easier to pull out your cellphone and dial 9-1-1 than it is to run back to your house and use your landline. Research and schoolwork has gotten immensely easier with the fact you don’t have to go to the local library and hope that they have the right book in stock so that you can finish your essay on time. If you were about to handwrite your 2,000 word essay and 1,300 words in you realize you made mistakes and had nothing to fix it then you had to restart your paper and try to gain that time back when now you can simply press back space on your computer and continue on. Back then when you were shopping, if the item you want is sold out in store or doesn’t have your size then you would either have to drive to every location or just wait till that store got it back in stock. Now you can simply go to the stores website and order it online.

Even watching TV. The only time kids were able to watch cartoons was on Saturdays but nowadays you can access any episode of any cartoon any time you want to. If you’re going to be busy during a game or show and you don’t want to miss it, before you were hooped and had to pull yourself away from your plans to make sure the Canadiens are beating the Bruins. But now you can simply press record and watch the game when you’re at home.

Atlantic Coast, Essaouira, Morocco

I write this article because it’s important to not take what we have at our finger tips for granted. But we also can’t get lost in the little screen and ignore what’s most important. Get outside, turn your phone off for some time, only use it when its a complete necessity. Sitting on the couch and scrolling through TikTok is a giant waste of time when there’s probably some of your friends out there that either want to go for a walk, a drive, or even get a game a basketball going. Yes technology is futuristic and extremely advanced, but its important to keep what we used to be at heart. As kids we used to bike to friends house to see if they want to play or hangout but now we wait for a text back and if we don’t get it then we resort back to doing nothing.

Technology is amazing and has grown larger than life, but it shouldn’t be able to take over the kid inside and prevent you from simply living.


Camping experiences growing up

Summer is just around the corner and it’s now the time where kids memories are made. Families going on vacations, extravagant birthday parties being hosted, and families  packing up the minivan about to hit the road up to their cabin or favourite camping spot. It’s almost the same as the night before Christmas, it’s hard to sleep because of the pure excitement of a trip. I want to paint the picture of what Lefebvre family camping trips looked like and how we made the most of my parents holidays and the summer before the school year started.

It was always an annual thing, “okay where do you guys want to go this year?” brainstorming ideas on where we wanted to stay. What does each campsite offer for us so that we can enjoy our time to the fullest? The Okanagan was always the place to be. Camping along the lakeside with the hot, dry sun just made the experience so much better. My sisters and I always got excited for the road trips specifically. We didn’t have phones at this time because we were in our early teens if not younger, so we’d load up our iPods with HUNDREDS of songs to prep for the 4 hour drive. Blasting Flo Rida, Lady Gaga, AC/DC (cause you always got to keep father happy), and tons more. It was actually really funny because with the iPod on shuffle we were playing the game I Spy, while listening to amazing music, the wind just blasting the seatbelts and our hair going crazy but it was when we entered the small town Hedley that on shuffle the band Hedley started playing! It was one of the more crazier things I’ve ever experienced. Nowadays there’s the conspiracy on whether or not were living in a simulation, that was one of the early experiences of that. MAYBE THAT WAS THE FIRST ENCOUNTER OF A SIMULATION!!!! Never thought about that till now…. Interestinnnggggg. But its moments like that where road trips before the trip itself even started was an unbelievably fun time.


Once we got to our campsites it was always the dreadful task of unloading the car. But my parents always came in clutch because they told us “go explore and check out the site” and then they would unload the vehicle and set everything up. Were we spoiled? or was it their subtle way of calling us useless? We were never spoiled in any other aspect so maybe they felt better off not having us touch anything. Damn, now I’m kind of offended… AHHH we were kids whatever. Exploring the site was always a fun and interesting time. It was almost like were were scouting out the competition, like who could we beat at kick the can? Or even just seeing how other families set up their sites. But we would usually go to the beach or check out a town near by while mom and dad set up the site. It was better that way because my mom is super picky and if a certain lantern was out of place she’s turning the whole thing upside down. Sorry mom, I love you! I think the only person who was losing in this scenario was my dad. Poor guy had to hear us kids annoying the life out of him for a 4 hour drive and now he has to be bossed around by his wife on how the site needs to be set up. No wonder he’s gotten crankier over the years. But he wasn’t mad whatsoever because it was all worth it with the scenery surrounding us. Campsite on or close by the lake, the sun just beaming down on us, and the sound of music and the water crashing along the shore… It was perfect.

Skaha Lake

Once we all got settled in was when the fun and relaxation really started. Where typically stayed in Penticton there was endless amounts of activities to do near by from go karting, to golf, and shopping! The beach was right off the campsite and there was a really beautiful canal that families would float down as well. Everyone brings a bag full of drinks and their tube, tie them all together with rope and off you went! Those are some of the moments I’m talking about, the laughs and relaxation with friends. The kids would have their Coca-Cola’s in their cupholder and would put on their goggles to swim down the canal and “look for gold” while the parents just minded their business. It was a great opportunity to take advantage of the vacation and the nice warm sun.

Moments away from the site and the beach were never a dull moment. But what made it even better is that hikes and go karting weren’t more than a 10 minute walk from our site! The family would all band together and hike on up to the local track and suit up for go karting, it really bonded everyone together and got laughs and smiles out of everyone. I myself would go golfing with my dad and it would be so much fun but man did you ever need LITRES of water if you wanted to get through the round holy moly. But a really funny memory was on the way back from golfing my dad and I accidentally ran over a snake and sadly killed it. But that wasn’t enough for us to leave it so we put it in the trunk and when we got back to the site we asked my sister to grab something out of the trunk and the first thing she saw was the snake! Without a doubt the loudest scream I’ve ever heard and it was a memory of a lifetime. Its instances like those that makes you closer with your family more and more. Yea obviously more often than not a family is always going to be close but nothing beats a close family with memories on top of memories to look back on.


Camping in the summer is always going to be core memories I’ll hold onto forever. Everything from the road trips, the jam packed car BLASTING Marianas Trench, the arguments on who won during kick the can, barbecuing with the family, tanning and throwing the football at the beach, and winding down with a great game of crib to finish off the night.

Nothing will ever be able to replace that and I think that’s what makes a family vacation or trip so special. Hug your loved ones and make it a priority to create a memory from adventuring on a year to year basis.



Constructing the PERFECT Post Malone playlist

My favourite artist Post Malone is just weeks away from releasing his long awaited album 12 Carat Toothache. With it being 3 years after his last album, it got me thinking what a perfect Post Malone album/ playlist would look like. Now what makes Post Malone an amazing artist is his versatility. He can really do anything from Rock, to Rap, to Pop, R&B, and even Country. Nothing is really out of reach, which makes a Post Malone album/playlist so special.

Whenever I turn Post Malone on it immediately puts me in a mindset where nothing else matters. It’s almost like I’m in the mirror dimension in Doctor Strange, it’s only me and the song and that’s it, reality doesn’t exist. The best is when going on road trips, and for me I just picture myself on a summer day packing up my car for camping. You play an assortment of music on the road but once you hit the Sea to Sky Highway it’s the perfect time where it’s blissful enough to turn on Post Malone. Nothing but good beats, vocals, and beautiful scenery that just reminds you that everything going to be okay and that time doesn’t matter, it’s just you and the current moment you’re in.

For this Post Malone playlist I’m going to incorporate all 3 of his albums: Stoney, beerbongs & bentleys, and Hollywood’s Bleeding. It’s going to be 15 songs with a mix of songs with features and without. Just the best of the best from Mr. Austin Richard Post himself, lets get into it! The perfect Post Malone playlist…


First, before we get started, I want to go over some Honourable Mentions that were really close to making the cut but just got edged out…

HM 1. Feeling Whitney, Stoney

Feeling Whitney is an example of Post going back to his roots with just his voice and his guitar. Its such a beautiful song that stems away from the typical sound of Hip-Hop/ R&B. Unfortunately, the vibe doesn’t fit with the rest of the playlist

HM 2. Ball For Me (feat. Nicki Minaj), beerbongs & bentleys

I almost forgot about this song entirely but it just got edged out by a few songs I just like better. But this doesn’t take away from the fact that both Nicki and Post’s verses are amazing. The beat is unique and I think they both killed it.

Okay, now to the MAIN EVENT! So to remind everyone, 5 songs from each of his first 3 albums making a total of 15. It’s not in the order of first too worst but instead the order it would come up if you played the first song through to the last one. Let’s go on a ride!

1. No Option, Stoney

No Option is a song for me that gives off a vibe like “OOHHHHHHHHHH LETS GO!”. The starting gets me so gitty and the song overall is the perfect way to start an experience that is Post Malone. The flow he shows along with the fluctuation in his voice really tops it off and is the perfect way to kickstart this playlist.

2. White Iverson, Stoney

The song that made Post Malone who he is today. It would feel criminal to not put this song on this playlist. He paints a picture with his lyrics and shows the fun side of his personality. He provides different flows within the song and switches between them quick to always make it a fun listen. It gets everyone singing along and is no doubt a must listen when it comes to Post Malone.

3. Sunflower w/ Swae Lee, Single/ Hollywood’s Bleeding

This song really came to its own after debuting for SpiderMan: Into the Spider-Verse. It’s a song the provides a playful vibe and flow to it and just puts a smile on your face when listening to it. Not to be obvious but listening to it just puts you in a sunny field just forgetting about all your worries, like nothing has ever been bad before. Just an amazing song and experience overall.



4. Go Flex, Stoney

Slowing it down a bit, this song is an absolute CLASSIC from Post and is a good transition from a playful song into a bit more of a chill vibe that really brings out Post Malone’s vocals. It puts you into this mysterious vibe that also gets you belting at the top of your lungs. It’s a favourite of mine and think gels with a group of people and feels right cruising along a highway to. Great song.

5. I Fall Apart, Stoney

I Fall Apart holds a special place in my heart because it mixes it up from chill and sad but has a beat that keeps you engaged. His vocals really come out and it portrays an increased amount of emotion. Its one that gets you singing as well as the group of people you’re with.

6. Psycho (feat. Ty Dolla $ign), beerbongs & bentleys

Psycho is a song that gives 2 different voices, a good beat, and revives you from the sad song of I Fall Apart. This song shows Post’s versatility with his skill of rapping and incredible range of vocals. Ty’s part is elite and shows why Post went out and got him.

7. Circles, Hollywood’s Bleeding

There isn’t enough good things I can say about this song. I put it in this place because it gets you bumping out of the trenches you may have been in with the other songs. It’s a very upbeat song that just simply puts a smile on your face. I will never get tired of this song no matter how many times I listen to it, just one of my favourites!

8. Better Now, beerbongs & bentleys

Simple way to put it, an upbeat banger. Just puts you in a party mood and gets you moving. Its got a good variety of pace and never keeps you in one place mentally, but only keeps it positive. Which is what you want in a song, right?

9. rockstar (feat. 21 Savage), beerbongs & bentleys

This song is in my opinion Post Malone’s best song. He really shows off his skill as a rapper and has a really cool vibe to it. the beat is cool and 21’s part is amazing. I’m not a huge 21 Savage fan but I really liked it, so that’s saying something. Just a really well put together song, can’t get enough of it.

10. Wow, Single/ Hollywood’s Bleeding

Wow. The perfect verb for this song. It just simply impresses me from all angles. The beat, flow, versatility, and everything in between. At anytime I listen to this song I never skip it because it shines a light on my experience. Driving, walking, running, working out, Wow fits the mold and always will. Masterpiece.

11. Candy Paint, Single/ beerbongs & bentleys

This song fits in the same category as Wow because the beat along with the flow and versatility just fits so well. He presents the delicacy of his voice along with how this song can be easily comprehended while making it sound special. Unique and great song.

12. Congratulations (feat. Quavo), Stoney

One of Post Malone’s most polarizing songs. Sung at every graduation, championship win, and every celebration in general. It makes for a great sing along and has a great touch of something different with Quavo giving one of my favourite features. There isn’t much else to say other than this song has legendary status written all over it.

13. Otherside, beerbongs & bentleys

This one might come as a surprise but it’s a great chill song with beautiful vocals and flow. The pace switches up and Post really shows how great of an artist he is. You can hear the touch of guitar that brings Post back to his roots and just feels good driving to, especially along a long highway with no stops. Just a really good listen.

14. A Thousand Bad Times, Hollywood’s Bleeding

This might be one of Post Malone’s most underrated songs he’s ever put out. Its a song that just puts a smile on my face, the tone it brings along with the tempo and vibe it is just a great song to nearly wrap up a playlist. Puts a nice, pretty bow to a variety of masterpieces from the legend himself. LOVE this song, one of my favourites.

15. Goodbyes (feat. Young Thug), Hollywood’s Bleeding

To wrap up what I think is the perfect Post Malone playlist, Goodbyes. This song is so good from the build up when the beat comes in, and how Post really decides to just go off. Post Malone like in a lot of the songs in this playlist really displays his vocals and how he can treat a variety of listeners. it caps off a playlist perfectly and his some of his best work. Thug is also really dynamic in this song, switches up his delivery which keeps the listeners on their toes and is just a good track all in all.

That’s it folks! That is what I think is the perfect Post Malone playlist. This may have been the hardest thing ever. Post Malone in my opinion hasn’t dropped a single bad song so deciding what songs worked and what to put together was really tough. I could have gone many different directions with this but I decided to throw a variety of tones, flows, colours, moods, tempos, and genres in their where I think Post did best.

Isn’t that just the beauty of music?

What is the best sport in the world?

A debate of the ages. Any time this question is presented on any platform whether it be on social media, the radio, or television… the debates go on for a lifetime. But the question is extremely subjective because it all depends on how this question is perceived. Is it based on YOUR favourite sports? Or is it based on statistics and identifying the most POPULAR sports in the world? Does the time of year or season make an impact on a sports rating or popularity? Lots of factors can play in because it really depends on what person you’re asking.

If you were to go up to people on the street, especially in North America, and you were to ask them what the the top 5 sports are there is a high probability they say:

  1. Soccer (Fútbol)
  2. American Football
  3. Hockey
  4. Basketball
  5. Baseball

With honourable mentions to Golf, Tennis, and MMA

Now this list is very diluted because everyones top 5 is guaranteed to be different because of 1.) Personal interest and 2.) Where they’re from. That’s the beauty of sports, everyone has reason to have their favourite sport at number 1. Now before I go on to talk about my top 5 favourite sports I do want go over the list based on popularity WORLDWIDE showing the top 5 sports in the world. Now there were several sites that had different lists so it was hard to piece together a list but in terms of the most common lists I saw the TOP 5 sports in the world as of 2022 is:

  1. Soccer (Fútbol): ~ 3.5 Billion Fans
  2. Cricket: ~ 2.5 Billion Fans
  3. Basketball: ~ 2 Billion Fans
  4. Hockey: ~ 2 Billion Fans
  5. Tennis: ~ 1 Billion Fans

Top 10 ranked Most Popular Sports in The World right now

It’s no secret that soccer is number 1. It is literally everywhere, the accessibility for it is so easy, and there are tons of levels for play at all ages. What catches me off guard is cricket. This is no hate on cricket but when thinking of sports and where it ranks amongst worldwide popularity, it’s never one that comes to mind for me. But why I bring up the best sports in the world, is because it has always been an interesting conversation because its whatever that person likes the most, they’ll say it’s the best, regardless of the stats and views. So my ranking in order from WORST to FIRST can either trigger people or bring a liking to people. So let’s get started!

5. Soccer (Fútbol)

USP Soccer: World Cup-Brazil vs Croatia

Soccer is the most polarizing sport and has to be the most accessible sport. I have it at 5 because it is one of the harder sports to follow with its heavy and never ending schedule, and comparing it to other sports… the pace is very slow. It can be 30 minutes into the game and there could be 3 shot attempts, it almost acts as background noise instead of a game that can have me on the edge of my seat. Now those are the negatives but just like any sport in the world, there are positives to the sport.

Soccer brings one of the biggest tournaments, if not THE BIGGEST tournament, the FIFA World Cup. In 2018 the World Cup final averaged 517 million viewers with 1.1 billion viewers over the 90 minutes.

Infographic: Super Bowl Pales in Comparison to the Biggest Game in Soccer | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Soccer is easily accessible, has brought some of the greatest sports moments we’ve ever seen, and doesn’t need a rule book the size of a phone book to understand. You follow the ball, if you trip a guy its a foul, you can’t hit it with your hands unless you’re a goalie, and you can’t be behind the last defender before the ball is passed. Okay, well maybe offside in soccer can get complicated but its no secret that soccer is the most beloved sport and has brought us some of the biggest legends in all of sports like Maradona, Pelé, Messi, Ronaldo, and many others. Despite the slow pace, heavy schedule, and some complicated rules… it’s goals like these are why I have soccer in the top 5.

4. UFC

UFC… the combat sport that has brought us nothing but entertainment since it debuted in 1993. Out of all the sports in the world, UFC might be the one that is the most divided amongst haters and lovers. This drama filled sport has brought some of the most polarizing athletes with the likes of Connor McGregor, George St. Pierre, Anderson Silva, John Jones, The Diaz brothers, and many many more. If people were to dissect the positives and negatives of any sport this is the one… so let’s get started.

We’ll start with the negatives because who doesn’t like ending on a good note, right? The UFC isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, The press conferences can be cringe and phoney, some may say its corrupt, the fighters don’t get nearly paid the compensation they deserve, and sometimes the fights don’t live up to the hype, making you think if ditching your lady for the night was really worth it. Some stem away from the violence because they can’t wrap their heads around the reality of the sport, so there are definitely negatives that come with it.

But the positives are why I have it at 4 above soccer. The UFC more often than not keeps you on the edge of your seat for 30 minutes at a time. There’s always the chance at an upset, and as humans, seeing people beat up on one another is exhilarating. Its always an exciting moment especially when you see 2 polarizing fighters promote a fight that’s been in the works for a long time. In the UFC, the pace and chance at a crazy knockout outweighs the potential negatives, putting it at number 4.

3. Basketball

Kobe jumper

Basketball and specifically the NBA falls at number 3 because of the back forth action and constant matchups of super teams and generational talents. Despite the positives, I do have a problem with basketball with the way the game is has become… soft. I personally can’t stand some NBA games and the way they are officiated. When you watch games back in the 80’s-90’s they were legit playing rugby and it was unbelievably entertaining. Nowadays if you blow on someone you are getting a foul. I do have to say though that within the last couple years they’ve been a stickler for soft calls and intentional plays to draw a foul that no longer benefits the offence like it once did.

Now for the positives and what gets me in my seat more is March Madness, Christmas Day, The last 2 months of the season, and the NBA playoffs. March Madness alone has me putting basketball as a whole at 3 because of the do or die matchups and what the kids are playing for. Its unbelievably entertaining. The NBA provides star studded games on Christmas and has provided us moments in the playoffs that are simply unmatched.

So to put it simply, If they were still playing as soft as they did a few years ago then it would’ve been lower on this list but the polarizing athletes in the sport like Curry and Lebron, the back and forth action, and iconic moments in College and the NBA has basketball sitting at 3 ahead of UFC, and soccer.

2. American Football


American Football is one of the biggest sports in North America and has brought us maybe the Greatest Athlete of All Time, Tom Brady. It has one the biggest events in the world being The Super Bowl and gives us the feeling of suspense this is unmatched. But football, like the UFC isn’t for everyone. A lot of people have called the game of football very boring and confusing, which is totally understandable. That’s a knack that I have on the sport, the rulebook is so thick and even avid fans of the sport learn a new rule within the game they’re watching. The pace is very slow that within a 3 hour game there is only like 20 minutes of action. When saying this it actually has me thinking “why do I like this sport?” It really gets me sometimes but then, I remember moments like these…

As a fan of football for about 8 years now I’ve always loved the excitement from the start of a play to the outcome. Especially when it comes down to the NFL playoffs and the College Football playoff. Both times of the year bring everything to the table from upsets, to drama, to big time plays, to devastation, and to the glory of winning it all. Like I prefaced before, American football isn’t for everyone, but for me, it falls at number 2 for the suspense and ultimate drama and excitement it brings.

1. Hockey

Stanley Cup Playoffs 2012

For anyone who knows me, it’s no surprise that hockey falls at number 1. Everything that hockey brings there shouldn’t be any other sport here at number 1. If everyone to got their memories wiped and were to pick a sport that brought everything to the table, it’s hockey. Now along with every sport within this article there are negatives to this sport. To start, the marketing is AWFUL. As much as this doesn’t impact the sport itself, hockey players compared to other athletes, aren’t being paid nearly as much. Now that’s nothing on the athletes, its that marketing within the NHL to grow the sport and it just hasn’t been at the level it needs to be. Also, it’s a very expensive sport and the accessibility is very hard. With soccer and basketball, you just need a ball and some sort of goal, football just need the ball itself then you’re money, combat you can just literally fight, for hockey you need so much more than any other sport plus money to play competitively. It’s very hard to put people in a position to play which lowers to demographic drastically.

Now on a positive note, hockey is the sport that literally brings everything to the table. It’s fast paced, exciting, and very physical. The players themselves put you in awe when it comes to their skill level and the build up for fights and altercations is unmatched and keeps you on your toes. This sport drives people insane with how difficult it looks to play and how physical and tough it is, makes it trump any sport on Earth. Am I bias? Maybe. But I think if you were to not know about sports and have to pick on that’s most exciting and fun to watch its hockey by a mile. The moments it brings is unmatched, like the following…

So to reiterate, my top 5 is:

  1. Hockey
  2. American Football
  3. Basketball
  4. UFC
  5. Soccer (Fútbol)

All based on personal opinion, each sport brings historical moments to the table but NOTHING will ever change my mind about having the beautiful sport of hockey at number 1. That’s the beauty of sports, everyone has a different favourite for many many different reasons. All have their negatives and all have many positives, but its the peak memories that your sport brings you that makes it the definitive number one.

Isn’t it wonderful?