Mars Is Closer Than Ever to Earth

Earth is quickly approaching Mars! This only happens every 26 months including an odd couple days. It takes Mars 687 days to orbit one lap around the sun, while it takes Earth 365 days! This allows Earth to catch up with Mars. With our naked eye, we are able to see Mars on a clear night sky. The separation between the planets is 60 million kilometers. Each day that passes this upcoming week will show a very bright Mars until October 6th. Afterward, the planet will slowly dim as Earth passes by. The farthest away from Mars is about 390 million kilometers. This is when Mars is on the other side of the Sun.

Through a telescope, you will be able to see the planet in detail. It is dubbed the “red” planet; however, it is more orange than red. This is due to a large amount of rust produced by iron oxide that covers the Martian landscape. On the landscape, there are many giant volcanoes, canyons, and impact basins. 

There are other planets amongst us, Gary Boyle, an astronomy educator states that “In the western sky around 9 PM, you’ll see brilliant Jupiter, and from the left of that is Saturn, and Mars is even brighter than Jupiter now.”

It is predicted to see the red planet again in December 2022! Don’t wait two years to see the magnificent Mars. Get outside on October 6th to see this planet shine the brightest, along with the four other planets. 

Easy Ways to Save Money as a Student

Saving money can be a difficult task as a student. Social media is full of trends, ads, and things that you may necessarily not need. Although tempting, it is important to have some good spending habits to prevent overspending. A lot of the funds you make now can change your future. As an example, If you plan on living in Vancouver, it’s a plan you might want to start saving for now. Saving is also not something taught in school. However, it’s essential to know some tricks up your sleeve so you have the funds to achieve your future aspirations.

Don’t Feel Pressured to Spend as Much Money as Your Friends

Friends can be influential when it comes to spending money. Such as when they buy clothes or things that you may not necessarily want but have the need to fit in. It’s important to make sure that the items that you purchase make you happy. Another example could be the new game that came out and your friends buy it but it may not be your type of game, you shouldn’t have to feel pressured to buy it. 

Have a Spending Limit

Having a set amount every month, for example, a spending limit of $500 a month and keep within that budget. The spending amount should change depending on your income. Also, don’t be afraid to use a credit card. It is a great way to build credit but make sure you pay it off. We do not want to be charged with interest fees. A side tip is to make sure to keep track of your bank fees! They always get you when you don’t pay attention. Read the monthly account fees and anything else they may charge you on. Prevent it from happening to you, and keep your money for yourself.

Do You Need That Boba? 

The answer is probably not. Yes, it’s good to treat yourself every now and then but do not make it a habit of always buying it. Firstly, it’s not healthy and secondly, that drink costs $5 and sometimes even more! Money adds up. This tip applies to a lot of food or drinks that are frequently purchased.

Evaluate Your Spendings Every Month

A final bit of advice: take all your transactions and categorize them. Find out what your funds are mostly going to like 50% food or 10% clothes. This way you can cut out things that you don’t need to save money! 

Start saving now because it can change your future. Make your dreams come true with the hard-earned funds saved up.

Experience the Haunting of Morgue Ghost Tours

This year there will be no haunted houses, but there is something even better. Experience the thrill of Morgue Ghost Tours. On October 10th the Vancouver Police Museum will be unleashing the spooky paranormal activities that happen when the sun sets. The museum is one of Vancouver’s most historic buildings and it used to be the city’s morgue/autopsy suite. It is well known that many bodies have passed through this location. The time has come to unleash the mystery of this haunting locale. 

Northern Paranormal Investigations and Paranormal Spectrum Investigations collaborate to bring individuals into the paranormal history of the museum. They have proof of paranormal activity, and even better, they caught it on video. Watch as your paranormal nightmares come alive and indulge in your fear. The tour is so spooky that there is an age limit of 16+ in order to attend.

A bit of backstory on Northern Paranormal Investigations. They specialize in picking up paranormal cases around Vancouver. They trace the evidence and try to debunk myths and figure out the truth. As I tried to look into the Paranormal Spectrums Investigations website, it became too eerie for me. Therefore I am unable to tell you their credentials. However, I welcome you to look for yourself on their website here.

How Do You Get Into Such a Chilling Experience?

There are time slots available on October the 10th and 24th. I highly suggest booking early if you are interested. They also have a wonderful return policy up to 72 hours prior to the event. The event runs for 45 minutes. 


Naturally, while you’re on the tour, please wear a mask and maintain physical distance. There will be eight people allowed on each tour. 

Forget about the haunted houses. The phenomenal paranormal storytelling skills will scare your socks off and leave you looking at the historic museum in a different way.

3 Must Try Food Trucks in Vancouver

Summer is over but there is still an opportunity to go outside and enjoy the sun. It is a wonderful time to go on a picnic at any local park during the next couple of sunny days. Enjoy the smell of the leaves and fresh air. Food is essential to a picnic. The meal can be supplied by the kitchen you have at home, but I would encourage everyone to support some local food truck vendors around the Vancouver area. There are many amazing food trucks! Here is a list of three food trucks that you must try this fall.

Shameless Buns

This is a Filipino style food truck with a massive menu to try from. Their Spaghetti Lumpia is definitely a fan favourite. It is Filipino style spaghetti in the middle wrapped with an outer layer of a crispy egg roll. The spaghetti has a sweet tomato flavour with a kick of spice. They also have delicious burgers that are normally topped off with a sunny side up egg. Another popular item on their menu are the spam fries! The truck can be found on Kingsway and Joyce this Thursday or at Brentwood Boulevard this Friday. I suggest sending them a direct message to make sure the food you’re wanting to try will be there because they may be sold out!


Have you ever heard of sushi on wheels? This is a real thing! A sushi food truck is now up and running around the Vancouver area. Fresh and delicious sushi ready to accompany you on your picnic. They have a beef steak and foie gras roll, doesn’t that sound delicious? You can find this truck at 1488 Adanac St. this Friday from 5-8 PM. They are also releasing a new dish. Drop by and check them out! I suggest going early because I heard there normally is a huge lineup. 

The Praguery

For dessert, we have the Praguery! This food truck has hand-rolled chimney cakes with various ice cream flavours available. The cakes are described as sweet and fluffy. They are always fresh and handmade. There currently is a limited edition panda cone, and it is filled with vanilla ice cream, and a green tea sauce topped off with a panda cookie. They have also added pumpkin ice cream cones to match the fall season! They are regularly located at Mcarthur Glen Outlet or around 302 Industrial Ave. Fill your tummy up with this delicious dessert!

Can’t make it to the dates listed above?

There is also an app called the FoodStreet App where you can find another date and time of operation. This app can also help you find other food truck vendors with different cuisine and food. There are many struggling small businesses right now and as a community, we must try our best to support them. Give this fun picnic idea a try! You won’t regret it.

Three Fun Activities To Do on a Beautiful Fall Day

The weather forecast shows the temperature rising with a whole week of the beautiful sun! This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the warmth and the bright fall leaves. It’s lovely to have the sunshine on us after a couple of weeks of storm and smoke. Time to take advantage of the crispy leaves and do some outdoor activities before the rain takes over!

1. Jump in a Pile of Leaves! (No, Seriously!)

The sound of the crunch once your foot crushes the crispy leaves while your hands dig into the various coloured maple leaves, and throw it up into the air. The sound of the leaves crunching can be a brain massage, also commonly known as, autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR). Embrace your inner child and rejoice in diving in a pile of leaves with you and your friends. It could be a lot of fun to have a leaves fight. A bonus could be the wonderful pictures that could be taken! There are many places you can visit, like your local park, Stanley Park, or Queen Elizabeth Park. Trees are everywhere!


2. Go on a Hike

With the season changing, it would be wonderful to see all the warm colours that the trees turn into! It will allow a healthy lifestyle during the colder months and stimulate your mind by exploring new scenery. As an added activity, once you reach the end of the hike, a picnic can be set up where you can enjoy some homemade food and look out at the wonderful setting.

3. Indulge in Everything Pumpkin Themed

Pumpkin flavoured foods are definitely a favourite for the fall season! There is so much to try from, from pies to lattes, and don’t forget cookies. Have a foodie day, take yourself, or a friend you’d like on a day full of pumpkin goodies! Many bakery small businesses have many pumpkin flavoured treats to enjoy. These treats won’t be year-round, so definitely get out there and try them out! If pumpkin treats aren’t your fancy, then I challenge you to find a fall treat that does.

Fall is a wonderful season to explore because of the drastic change in colours all around. Try out any of these fun activities before the rainy days hit Vancouver again!

Mount Pleasant Establishes Safe Walk Program

Walking home at night can be a scary feeling during the fall season. It gets darker faster, colder with occasional wet and slippery leaves on the ground. There have been reports of suspicious men following women around the Mount Pleasant area.

In an effort to create a safer community, a small group of Mount Pleasant friends has decided to implement a program to keep individuals safe. The program is called The Mount Pleasant Safe Walk, it is supported by volunteers to assist with ensuring people’s safety when walking home. On their Instagram profile, they opened the application last week and closed it the following weekend. They plan on launching the program today.

Woman Walking On Sidewalk Holding Smartphone

The Mount Pleasant Walk Program states that all volunteers have gone through an extensive vetting process,

  • Google Application Form
  • Verification of Instagram
  • Video / Zoom Interview
  • Reference Check 
    • At Least One Work
  • Consistent Check –
    • Ins and Walk with Organizers

As stated on their social media page that each walk will have two volunteers, to ensure the safety for volunteers and the individual being walked home. Currently, there are no police checks because they “don’t feel that the current police/legal system is just and equitable for everyone.” However, they are exploring new ways to make this program as safe as possible. They are also open to feedback and any suggestions. 

One woman explains that she was walking on Main street and 5th avenue when a silver vehicle approached her and asked her to make a phone call for him. This is one of many incidents that have happened.

This is not the first program to be established, for downtown Vancouver has also created a safe walk service. It’s important to stay safe and alert. If safety is a concern when walking home around the mount pleasant area or the vicinity of it, do not hesitate to contact them.

Finding Love During a Pandemic

Finding love was difficult enough before the pandemic. Love is so difficult to find that many decide to hop on a plane and go overseas in search of their true love. Now it’s significantly harder due to the new normal, or is it? It could be easier with the comfort of being behind a screen to get to know one another, and deciding if meeting will be the next step. New unwritten rules are put in place with each individual’s comfort level, and with the incorporation of people into their social bubbles, this could be a lot to handle. Would dating apps be the best way to go to find a match? Approaching someone in person might be kind of weird and awkward now because of the whole social distance thing. There may be more fish in the dating app sea. During this time where the world slows down a bit and there is more free time from working at home, it might be the time to get on apps such as bumble, tinder, hinge, and many more.

Start Online Dating!

Finding love online is not new, in fact, it is one of the more popular alternatives to taking people on dates in the more traditional sense. There’s the chance to read and learn a bit more about someone in their bio, or it could be very short and simple then nothing is learned. Most online dating is based on looking at their picture and deciding if you like what you see. Overall, many individuals see it as being shallow but many find physical attraction very important, making dating apps work for them. As the swiping continues, a mutual match may pop up and direct messaging can happen. As CEO of Bumble, Whitney Wolfe Herd states that through zoom calls individuals are building more connections and are “more willing to get to know each other a bit better vs jumping into these in real-life experiences with people.” Whitney mentions that she noticed that there have been many more interactions through voice memos or phone calls. A huge amount of emotional and personality-based connections are growing by using this way of communication. League is another dating app run by founder and CEO, Amanda Bradford, stating that people are looking for more support and love at this time. People with dating profiles that were called initially “flakey” are the ones that are now seeking stability. Online dating is opening up new doors to the more serious suitors for the opportunity to find love.

What’s so Great About Virtual Dates?

Many individuals say that it’s more comfortable to date over a video call. Have you ever heard of the first 5 seconds of meeting being everything? The first impression you give to another individual can tell them if they like you or dislike you. I think with video calls if you decide that you no longer want to see them, there is no commute home or awkwardness when trying to end the date. For example, getting that phone call from your friend saying that you have an emergency. Instead, you can end the call and be back home in your safe zone, then move on from the interaction. Another huge one is fewer distractions, I find that the surroundings when being on a physical date can be distracting and oftentimes miss what the other person has to say. More emotional connection is grown because of being forced to make eye contact and consistently find things to talk about to keep the conversation alive.

The opportunity to have all focus on the person you are talking to at that moment in time is a big benefit.

What’s the Best Way to Date Online

Amanda Bradford gives a list of tips to help with dating online to ensure it is successful. Firstly, is to dress appropriately. From head to toe make sure you look like you’re dressed for a date and not ready to go to bed. It’s important to show to the other individual that you care about the date and it may boost your confidence as well.  Make sure your first impression is good, with a clean room, and set the scene.  Lighting is everything! Have lighting that allows you to be seen clearly and in a nice tone. Share an experience together, watch a movie online, youtube videos, or play words with friends. Even go to a virtual concert on Instagram Live. The goal is to treat it as a real date. Have some topics prepared (not about the pandemic though) It is difficult to not talk about it because it’s everywhere. Try asking open-ended questions to learn more about the person. Give some compliments but not specifically about their looks. Individuals typically get impressed when you notice other things about them, like their sense of humor or their passion for a certain topic. The goal is to have a long-lasting connection even after the pandemic or when the individuals feel comfortable with meeting in person. That means expanding your bubble to incorporate them. It’s important to always check in with yourself to see if you’re okay with how the relationship is progressing and to see if you’re within your comfort zone, even after meeting in person. With a stronger connection, it could create a lasting relationship because you know more about who the person is as an individual, which could create a stronger ground of connection than just initial physical attraction. Whitney Wolfe Herd states that online dating can never replace physical dating; however, it can work as a catalyst to begin a stronger connection between two individuals. 

Ready? Get set, Virtual Date!

I hope this article helps you a bit with online dating. It’s a difficult time for many during the pandemic but being able to still create meaningful connections is important. After all, we are very social creatures who seek a bond to share with others. If you’re looking for love, don’t be shy and get out there! Personally, I find that dating online can be a rollercoaster but it could help with some self-discovery on what you’re looking for in a partner. Get your friends to help you out on creating a profile and it could be plenty of fun!

The Filming Industry During the New Normal

Since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020, it has been a difficult time for the film industry due to the new health regulations put into place. Movie theatres had to close down and exciting movies set to roll out this year were pushed back. Especially for B.C., it became a difficult time because it has become a hot spot of filming for many production companies. As we take a look back to see how significantly COVID has impacted the filming industry, what it looks like today, and what regulations or different things must be done in order to allow the show to go on. Personally, I had serious worries that shows would be at a halt for a long time. I enjoy watching many Netflix shows and going to the movie theatre because it’s almost a sweet escape for me. Where I can forget everything that is happening in the world and just focus on an adventure that I’m being taken on. The movies I was looking forward to the most this year were Mulan,  Wonder Woman 1984, and Black Widow.

Will the Movie Industry Survive?

The lockdown put many in quarantine and caused huge business closures and that doesn’t exempt the movie theatres. Nobody entered Cineplex for many months, but what does that mean? Variety explains that the box office roughly makes up 42% of the industry’s yearly revenue. With filming shut down that means that they are losing out on billions. To make matters worse, delaying those movie releases may not actually help too much. Each movie release is scheduled for a weekend and there are only so many weekends in a year. Many movies are pre-planned to release at a specific time of the year to ensure they don’t clash with other premiers. However, if they decide to push the release date, all the anticipated movies will be released at the same time and therefore may not make as much money as they had hoped for. The alternative option would be for the film to be released on a streaming platform like Mulan. However, many were upset about paying an additional fee of $30 on top of their monthly subscription. If you think about it, Mulan probably wouldn’t make as much as was expected, even on their own streaming service when compared to box office sales. If they were to break even, the production cost is roughly 200 million dollars divided by 30 dollars per purchase, they would need to sell more than 6 million copies. That doesn’t include the funds spent in marketing and the percentage to pay the streaming service. As for movie theatres, they are heavily losing out on sales because if the films choose the online streaming route, nobody will be attending the theatres. To top it off, Variety states that most of their earnings come from the concessions. Though now movie theatres are back in session, Cineplex is offering half off on movie tickets to try and entice their audience in return. The new big movie releases are still on hold, and they may not be seeing too many people filling up those seats anytime soon. 

Drive-in Movies the New Normal?

Perhaps drive-in theatres might be the safest option right now. This will allow the film industry to receive some of the revenue they normally accumulate. Individuals may feel safer in their cars instead of sitting in a theatre with other individuals without proper ventilation. The only downside will probably be the weather since it wouldn’t be ideal to watch a movie in the snow. Imagine wiping down your windows every 3-5 minutes, not a lot of fun there. 

The New Normal for Filming

The film industry is back in business and is booming. Many new safety implementations have been placed to ensure the safety of staff and actors/actresses. For example, the cast of Riverdale was in quarantine for two weeks prior to shooting. Many individuals who watch the show know that it’s full of teenage angst and kissing, so in order to prevent the spread of COVID, they must use mouth wash prior to doing the make-out scenes. Not sure how much that helps, but hey at least they are doing something. Williamson, the chairman of  Vancouver’s Brightlight Pictures, did an interview with CBC explaining his new normal for filming. He will be eliminating crowd scenes and reducing working hours for the crew on set. There will be specific “pods” of workers to ensure that there won’t be as many people on-site in case of an outbreak. Regular COVID testing will also be done. 

Costume design has drastically changed as well. CBC touched base with Lorraine Carson, a costume designer who has worked in the industry for 35 years says that she has implemented a system to keep everyone safe. Her system has coloured zones that determine where people are allowed to go and who they can safely interact with at a distance. When she prepares the garment, she puts it into a garment bag for safekeeping and the actors take it to their changing room. This helps reduce contact between her and the actor. There are many shoppers when it comes to finding the right outfit for costume design. Carson explains that they used to shop at 20 or 30 stores a day but now they lowered it down to five or six to ensure safety. She also mentions that it’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it to keep everyone safe at this time.

The film industry definitely did a lot in order to continue filming and doing what they love. It’s amazing to see them rise to the challenge of ensuring the staff and crew’s safety. I hope Vancouver filming will continue to thrive. I enjoy seeing movies that are filmed in Vancouver because I love pointing it out when I see somewhere I recognize in a film

Supporting the Film Industry

Creative B.C. stated that there are more than 40 projects that are in pre-production or about to go into production. The film industry is looking bright for B.C. as they work around the challenges presented to them. I suggest supporting them through purchasing the movie you’re wanting to watch or be bold and visit the movie theatre when they have new releases. They do need our support to survive the new normal. For now, I’ll stick to online streaming services, like Netflix, and Prime Video, where I can binge-watch all of my movies and tv-shows from the comfort and safety of my home.

The Child

Last weekend the Emmys were broadcasted in a creative way through a semi – virtual ceremony. For those who are not familiar with the Emmys, it is a reward show that focuses and recognizes excellence in the television industry. There was no red carpet entrance, no pre-show, and no live audience, and that’s okay! The show included plenty of quarantine jokes and included the most important part, the nominations and winners for this year. Out of all the nominations mentioned, the one that stood out the most was the one and only child, also known as Baby Yoda. The Child became super popular at the end of the year 2019 and continued into 2020. 

The Big Win!

The Mandalorian had 15 nominations and took home 7 awards. In the category of Outstanding Special Visual Effects, there were 6 nominations including the Mandalorian! The contenders were, Lost In Space, Stranger Things, Watchmen, Westworld. The little guy takes home a win for Disney +. Hopefully, in the second season, there will be more screen time for him. Baby Yoda is just one of those characters that easily brighten my day.

About the Child

Baby Yoda is first introduced as wanted by a client to be captured dead or alive. The job was handed to a bounty hunter known as “the Mandalorian”. However, there was an assassin bot that was dispatched to kill Baby Yoda. When his face was revealed he had a small green body, with a big head and ears, and big dark coloured eyes. Needless to say, he was adorable. Believe it or not, you would not guess his age, but he is 50 years old. Fortunately, the Mandalorian doesn’t have the heart to eliminate the child but instead wants the best for it and to protect it. He develops feelings of care and love towards Baby Yoda and tries to give him up for a normal life at a village but realizes it was unsafe. The child eventually unleashes some of his potential powers that include telekinesis. However, due to his young age, he is limited in his power and can easily be worn out. Overall, there is a lot of backstory of the Child to unravel: where did he come from and what species is he? We know he looks like the original Yoda but we know that there are not many of Yoda’s species out there.

Jon Favreau is an executive producer on the show and he mentions that he was inspired by George Lucas for the lone wolf and cub theme. He didn’t want to be exactly like the past Star Wars films so he drew ideas from samurai movies.

What’s the Big Craze?

When Baby Yoda first debuted at the end of 2019, he drew many people towards the show. Even people, like myself, were drawn to the cuteness of Baby Yoda. Viewers who watched the show all had one thing in common, everyone loved the child. He took social media by storm and it’s all thanks to his cuteness. Individuals were drawn to almost anything it, he did, from when he ate a frog, to drinking bone broth, to playing around in the ship. They already believe that the Child would be a huge hit, and that prevented the creators from making merchandise to prevent the leak of the big reveal. It took months and fans waited patiently for the merchandise to be released. In Canada, Build –  a – Bear had a contract with Disney and was able to produce The Child stuffed toy and it was sold out within seconds. I would know because I was on the website to purchase one myself. However, with the shipping and the exchange rate, the entire product ended up costing an arm and a leg. So I decided against it. Despite its cost, it was very cute. There are many artists that are drawing The Child or recreating it in some way. Memes floated all over the web and they still do to this day. The crew of the Mandalorian truly captured the child in such a wonderful light and a lot of work was put into it in order to do so. 

How Was Baby Yoda Created?

An actor on the Mandalorian, Werner Herzog, who plays The Client reveals that Baby Yoda is an animatronic puppet and is operated by five technicians. Jon Favreau wanted most of the expressions to come from his eyes and ears, as it is one of the bigger portions of his body. Might I mention he costs $5 million dollars, so if I were the guy who hit the puppet in one of the episodes, I would have been very nervous. However, the actor explained himself as excited to punch the creature, and when he did the first initial punch the entire crew gasped and went silent. Favreau calls cut and tells the actor to not do that again because it is very expensive. What created such an expensive animatronic? To ensure that The Child would carry emotions with his eyes and ears, they worked with a creature special effects company for three months attempting to bring Baby Yoda to life, with the help of the concept art of Christian Alzmann. Each technician specialized in a specific aspect of The Child which allowed his movement and expression to come to life. They all had individual controllers to move the head, the eyes, and other parts of the body. Favreau fell in love with the baby himself and eventually gave him acting cues as if he were a real being.

Many fans are awaiting Baby Yoda’s return this fall on Disney +. Hopefully, they won’t do the one episode per week release because I want to binge watch the show and finish it. The series is set to be released on October 30th and if you can’t wait there is a trailer that has been released to get some previews. Perhaps the Mandalorian may receive more Emmys this following year and let’s hope the following season will reveal more about the truth behind The Child.

Holidays During 2020

Summers are gradually coming to an end. The temperature is going down while the crunchy leaves turn into different colours of red, brown, and yellow. It is starting to become too cold to sit outside on the patio. The holidays are steadily approaching and this year may look different. There will be many advising ways to safely see loved ones and how to protect one another. For many, the festivities are important because, after almost a full year of enduring the new normal, it would be nice to feel the same warmth and joy as in previous years. 

Are All Events Cancelled?

In a month and a bit, Halloween will be here. Not only do children enjoy the festivities but it is also popular amongst the ages 20-30. From the parties to the dressing up, and the haunted houses. There is something for everyone to enjoy. Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer for British Columbia, has said “We can have Halloween this year. It’s just going to look different.” That’s great news! There are many ways to still enjoy the holiday while practicing safety. Pumpkin carving, corn mazes, and dressing up can still happen. It just takes a bit of creativity to continue the fun of Halloween. If you enjoy carving pumpkins with your friends, it can be safely done over a zoom call or you can create cute treats to bring to their houses while practicing social distancing. Corn mazes are relatively safe because the activity happens outdoors, and when you’re outdoors it is proven by the CDC that as long as each individual is keeping distance and is wearing a mask the risk is lowered significantly. Trick – or – Treat in the driveway! Giving out candy is exciting and still can be done if you enjoy doing that as a tradition. There is joy in watching individuals come by in the awesome costumes worn and seeing the creativity put into their outfits. Seeing friends is still a possibility but of course, if you are at risk then its better not to.

Always keep in mind the importance of keeping the gatherings small to reduce the chances of getting sick. The same rules follow for other holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah. It is stressed that the groups stay small to ensure the social bubble is manageable. As the CDC mentions, “Celebrating virtually or with members of your own household pose a low risk for spread. In-person gatherings pose varying levels of risk.” All events don’t have to be canceled but it is up to each individual to be smart about their decisions.

What’s the Big Risk?

There have been photos floating around the internet protesting to not cancel Halloween, but instead to continue the festivities. The reasoning behind this thought is due to masks and gloves normally being worn for many costumes. Many do not reuse the same costume the following year after, so it becomes disposed of. So what is the issue? Where is the risk? The CDC issued a list of higher risk activities that are recommended to avoid to prevent the spread.

  • Participating in the traditional trick –  or – treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door
  • Having trunk or treat where treats are handed out of trucks of cars lined up in a large parking lots
  • Attending crowded costume parties held indoors 
  • Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming
  • Going to hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household
  • Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community.

Even though many costumes have masks and gloves, it doesn’t 100% prevent the spread of COVID. There are many factors that allow the spread to happen. Especially in places with no ventilation is an issue. The biggest issue I’d say is once you catch it your health may suffer temporary or permanent damage. It makes you think, was it worth it for one night of unsafe fun to cause health issues for the rest of your life? Probably not. Nobody wants to go through life with extra complications. 

What can be done to be safe when having these activities? The CDC states that activities are safer if 6 feet of space can be maintained between individuals, activities are held outdoors, and if people are wearing masks. 

Mental Health

When it comes to Fall and Winter, I find that my mood becomes a bit gloomy. It could be due to the reduction of vitamin D from the sun or the constant rain. Often the rain reminds me of the sky crying. It doesn’t help that the holiday festivities are not as exciting as in previous years because of all the new safety regulations. That’s why I stress the importance of taking care of your mental health during the next four months. What does that mean? It means to be creative with your time, do things to take care of yourself. Explore what makes you happy. It could be that you enjoy staying in with your loved one. Watching a movie with a fluffy blanket and enjoying a delicious meal or take out or home cooking. There are plenty of festivities that can still be done at home, like baking, decorating, and seeing loved ones within your bubble. It’s important to take care of yourself during this time, especially if there were to be the second wave of COVID.

Final Thoughts

The good news is that by following these health guidelines individuals can continue living a healthy life. Loved ones are protected from the dangers of COVID, but still being able to enjoy the festivities. Every day BC has hundreds of cases and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. Do low-risk activities to prevent the spread and take care of yourself because the forecast shows it’s going to be a long, cold winter. However, it doesn’t have to be as long as you have your loved ones by your side and you are continuing to do safe activities with them. The same feeling of joy and happiness will come back and if it isn’t as strong as in previous years. There will always be next year to look forward to. Stay positive!