Grand Theft Auto… Oh, how I missed you…

João Ferrão on Unsplash

What is the longest you have waited for a sequel?

Rockstar Games is a gaming studio you may have heard of from time to time. Controversial but extremely well-regarded in not just gaming, but in the entertainment industry as well, they are known for their Red Dead series, Midnight Club, and Bully. However, let’s face it, you know Rockstar for one game series in particular, a big juggernaut that just the slight mention of the name makes soccer moms across the globe shiver in fear.

Grand Theft Auto, also known as GTA.

And as of the release of this article, Rockstar has announced that the first ever trailer for the next GTA game will come out in early December. HOLY COW, YES! I’VE WAITED SO LONG, ROCKSTAR!


Can you believe it’s been a decade since the release of GTA 5? That’s right,10 years of this controversial masterpiece of a game, a game I have very fond memories of. It was the first ever M-rated game that I ever owned, and booting that game up on the Xbox 360 was… Oh wait, I need to add the first disc in to install the data. Okay, right after that, the moment it began I was instantly sucked into this crazy not-too-far off recreation of LA, rolling around hills with a sports card pulling off dangerous heists, and being a general nuisance to the local virtual police department. And yes, I used the cheat codes too (Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start for the clutch)!

Sure, you may rag on GTA for its gratuitous violence, absurdly offensive satire, and its general notoriety, but GTA is a series that has imprinted itself on society so greatly, that seeing it finally return after a long period of time feels almost cathartic, especially for me. For billions of people, and the executives up top, GTA is a series that ironically brings people together, to have a good laugh, to rob the rich, and to just have fun. Shouldn’t all games just be fun to play?

So, to Rockstar, I’ll be awaiting that GTA trailer next month. Please do not screw this one up.

The Lost Art of Movie Theatre Etiquette

Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

What is the worst experience you had at the cinema?

Let’s get one thing apparent: I LOVE WATCHING MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN! Not to sound like a pretentious Hollywood director, but seriously, the feeling of sitting back on a leather seat, reclined to the max, and staring up at a large white canvas to the tune of Ryan Gosling whispering into your ear with Dolby Atmos, it’s… an unbeatable feeling. And to share that experience with other people around you is nothing short of awesome!

…Except when you’re in a crowd where they clearly have zero etiquette with movies.

Not to sound like a cynical idiot, but some moviegoers absolutely give zero respect to theater rules and the people around them sometimes. I mean, sure, some of these are kids and I get that (partly, and I’ll get to that later), but some of these rule breakers are full-grown adults, talking loudly, checking them at full brightness, and making annoying comments. Like, has Kindergarten not taught you anything?!

Let me tell you a horror story; at the end of Summer marked National Cinema Day, I decided to watch Blue Beetle with my parents. The movie itself? Pretty good, actually. Very much enjoyed it.

The experience itself? Nope. Horrible. Bad. Every bad word in the English lexicon.

Being in that auditorium was like being stuck in the ball pit of a Chuck E. Cheese establishment, as in kids running around and being super loud. One kid in particular, who probably has seen the movie beforehand, was spoiling to his friend right beside him plots and details of the movie; halfway through, he frickin’ spoiled that [REDACTED]! And like the cool guy I am, I turned to the kid and told him, “Thanks for spoiling the movie, kid!” He shut up afterwards, but I felt so guilty.

That shouldn’t happen in the movie theater. If I have to tell someone to shut up, that’s just extremely shameful. I know he was just a kid, but not to humble myself, when I was a kid, I quietly watched the movie, sat back in my seat, and nothing else; just pure enjoyment. 

With everyone coming back to cinemas after COVID, I just need to tell you right now that you should brush up on your theater etiquette. It’s for the betterment of yourself and the people around you, and for me especially when I eventually go watch Madame Web. God, that movie looks so bad, instant day 1…

By the way, touch up your etiquette with this video:

Travis Scott Collabs. That’s it, that’s the article.

Houston: Scott’s birthplace

Travis Scott was in town recently. Did you see his concert? I didn’t, but the man always seemed to interest me.

But not his music.

Travis Scott’s collabs, be it in music or fashion, have become synonymous with his distinctive flair and widespread impact. From igniting stages to making waves in the fashion realm, Scott’s joint ventures are woven into the fabric of pop culture.

Scott seamlessly bridges genres, teaming up with artists like Drake, Kid Cudi, and Young Thug to produce chart-toppers that resonate across music preferences. Yet, Scott’s creativity extends beyond the music sheets. His collaboration with Nike has created a stir the sneaker community. The Air Jordans with his trademark Cactus Jack emblem, have become sought-after collectibles. Then comes the unexpected collaboration with McDonald’s. The Travis Scott Meal wasn’t just a combo; it was a cultural phenomenon. A fast-food giant and a hip-hop artist joining forces created a buzz that echoed far beyond the drive-thru. Helped elevated by memes and commercials, it was an unexpected hit for both parties.

But, I cannot mention collabs of the man without mentioning a major event that changed Scott: his popular Fortnite concert experience, which shattered expectations. It wasn’t just about the music, it was a multimedia spectacle that resonated fondly with millions of fans and non-fans.

Travis Scott’s collabs aren’t about mere endorsement; they’re about creating a synergy that propels both the artist and collaborator to new heights. It speaks to Scott’s knack for transcending boundaries, whether dropping beats with fellow artists, crafting sneakers with Nike, or curating a buzzworthy meal with McDonald’s.

Travis Scott is a weird man. His collaborations, whether a new track, a sneaker design, or a unique meal, reflect not just products but an entire experience—an immersion into the unmistakable world of Travis Scott, leaving an indelible mark on contemporary culture.


Do you ever considered what font to use in an article?


We encounter them every day, from scrolling through websites to reading that funky menu at the local cafe. But let’s be real, most of us are just cruising through the font universe without a clue about what’s really going on.

Have you ever stopped to think about why that meme hits differently or why your resume looks like it’s from the ’90s? 

The unsung heroes of visual communication, FONTS. 

You probably think it’s just a bunch of nothing stuff that only graphic designers care about. But, they can seriously change the vibe. It’s the difference between a classic book and a sleek, modern website.

Now, don’t get me started on the plethora of fonts out there. Helvetica, Comic Sans, Times New Roman . But let’s be real, not all fonts are created equal. Comic Sans flat out stinks, especially in an environment like an office or the Evolution website (shameless plug). 

But here’s the kicker: most of us are just winging it. Choosing a font can be like picking an outfit.  So, next time you’re typing up that document or creating your masterpiece PowerPoint, take a moment to appreciate the fonts. Maybe Comic Sans has its place (probably in a stupid anime meme), and Helvetica is there for the clean, minimalist look. It’s a fontastic world out there, and it’s time we all started navigating it with a bit more laid-back font wisdom.

Holiday Decorations Already?!?!?!

What’s the earliest you set up your holiday season decorations?

Just this past weekend, I took a nap. Yeah, very interesting, I know. But, it’s when I woke up from my nap and went downstairs that made life more interesting: my parents have already set the holiday decorations up. I’m talking wreaths, singing snowmen, a creepy motion-activated singing tree, and of course, the elusive Christmas tree.

Now, yes, I will admit, this seems a bit too early to be setting up for the holidays; I still have Halloween candy to eat on top of my fridge! But that didn’t stop my parents from setting up the little houses and Nativity set on top of our fireplace! Annoying?

…Not really.

I mean, it’s already the start of November and Mariah Carey has already defrosted, so there is a lot of reasoning into setting up the decorations already. Only problem is that:

1) It’s not December yet.

2) It’s messy especially after Halloween decorations are already a mess.

3) Michael Bublé isn’t out of his cave yet.

Other than that… Yeah, I don’t really care if my holiday decorations are up. It’s fun to pull out that 16-year-old Christmas fountain that barely works and put it in a new spot, or look at all the stockings that you had leftover from a party you attended a while back. It’s just fun.

What is the earliest you’ve set up your Christmas decorations? If you say November 1st, then you are most likely lying. You have to be a different type of crazy to have decorations up the moment Halloween is over, it’s just not possible! 

National Cupcake Day… and other holidays.

You better brace yourselves for the sweetest day on the calendar. It’s quite a doozy and it’s simply amazing. Let’s hear it for…

National Vanilla Cupcake Day. 

…What the hell?

Not chocolate cupcake day, or cupcake day in general, just good ol’ vanilla. Now, I’m all for celebrating the simple joys in life, but isn’t every day pretty much a good day for a cupcake? I mean, do we really need a designated day for it?

And that’s the thing about these holidays: THEY’RE ALL KINDA DUMB. 

National Vanilla Cupcake Day, National Talk Like a Pirate Day, National Toothpick Day, if there’s an object, there’s probably a day for it. And it’s kinda boring.

But you know what? Maybe I’m just a cynical senile young guy. In a world where every day seems to be packed with important stuff, having a day dedicated to vanilla cupcakes gives us an excuse to indulge in the simple pleasures. Even if it’s useless, I think things will be a-okay.

So, as you reach for that vanilla cupcake on its designated day, take a moment to appreciate the randomness of it all. Embrace the useless holidays, even if it’s really dumb.. 

…Wait, it’s already past National Vanilla Cupcake day? 

That’s dumb…

Disneyland Tips from an infrequent Disneyland Guest

Have you ever planned for a trip to Disneyland?

If you say yes, then you’re one of the millions of people who absolutely love making itineraries. Who doesn’t love a good itinerary? It offers you a great plan to maximize the amount of time to roam around in an expensive place, and Disneyland is no exception.

…Which is why I am the last person to talk about making the itinerary for Disneyland. Even though I’ve been there four times already, at least two out of the four of those times were without an itinerary. 

(WOW, I’m saying the itinerary a lot, am I…)

So, what do I give to the table that is different from other Disneyland tip givers? Nothing much really, other than the fact that a lot of itinerary planners for Disneyland are way too invested in making a perfect day, and the fact that a lot of them are Disney adults, which you shouldn’t trust.

So, quiet up and listen down, because here are some tips to make Disneyland less of a depressing corporate hellhole and more of a fun corporate hellhole. Oh, I also will be excluding California Adventure for this one just because.

Know what rides you wanna ride.

Let’s face it you’re gonna miss out on some of the rides in the park, but also they’re gonna be some rides for you just don’t want to go on. Do you want to go to Autopia over Splash Mountain (RIP)?

No, you don’t.

Just know what rides you wanna ride and you know you’ll enjoy it, so that way if you want to, you can ride that ride constantly and have as much enjoyment as a father who ate too many churros.

Single Riders are not just for sad single people

This one especially works if you’re alone at the park. Single rider lines are kind of overpowered. Especially if there’s an excess of guests in the single rider line, get priority to board the ride faster. Of course it’s not gonna be super, super fast but it’s a lot faster than lining up in the regular line.

Go with the flow

Honestly, the best way to enjoy Disneyland is just by going with the flow. Take in all the sites and slow yourself down, walk across Main Street, maybe take a look at some of the stores and the expensive offerings. One of the most underrated aspects of Disneyland is just how beautiful the park is. A lot of people tend to ignore that because I just want to get on the rides quickly but slowing down and taking appreciation for what Walt Disney built is just as gratifying as riding the Indiana Jones ride for the 50th time.

Don’t eat at Pizza Planet

Just don’t.

As someone who’s been to Disneyland four times, these tips are 100% fool proof and can guarantee you the best time at the happiest place on Earth. Oh, and please do NOT eat at Pizza Planet. You’re just better off without that place. Get a Dole Whip instea

Ideas For A Biopic (And Why David Beckham Is Cool)

Tumisu on Pixabay

When you hear that a celebrity is going to have a biopic, how do you feel?

The online world went a-buzz with trepidation and fear, as famous production company A24 had announced that they are producing a biopic about… Elon Musk. That’s right, the man who owns Twitter— I mean X, the man who brought Tesla into the mainstream, and the star of an episode of Meme Review by YouTuber PewDiePie. There is no release date for the Elon Musk biopic yet, and it’s been announced that Darren Aronofsky, who directed ‘The Whale’ and ‘Black Swan’, is attached to the project.

You may be thinking that an Elon Musk biopic is a bit too far fetched, especially since his “story” isn’t even finished yet. And yes, it is a bit weird. You have to admit though that man is worthy of a biopic. But, why now? In fact, I have a few more celebrities that definitely deserve a biopic right now.

Britney Spears

With her recent release of her memoir, this one has the most likely chance of being created. I heard the memoir is being shopped around a few studios and is a hot topic in the industry. Who would play Britney? I have no idea, but they better show the raw prowess of our beloved queen of pop very well or else people will flip. Including me.

Oh, and Justin Timberlake can play himself.

David Beckham

With the release of his Netflix documentary, Beckham’s life has been showcased to the world… and I am absolutely salty that this isn’t a biopic yet. His life, from the glitz to the glamour to the scandals and hardships, makes for some amazing potential for an emotionally-resonant movie. In fact, out of all of these celebrities, I would definitely love to handle a David Beckham biopic and have Richard Madden play him.

This is not an excuse for me to meet Richard Madden, by the way.

Hideki Anno

For you who might be unaware, Hideki Anno is a famous Japanese filmmaker known for his reboots of famous Japanese franchises like Godzilla, and his immensely iconic Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. He is also known for his battles with depression throughout his lifetime, his generally avant-garde approach to storytelling, and distaste with the industry, especially the anime industry. A biopic about Anno would be unconventional and emotional, like most of his work, and would make for an interesting reflection on depression and the anime industry as a whole.

Betty White

No other words for this one. Just… obviously!

Biopics are just another cog in the Hollywood machine, stripping us void of original ideas and wonderful filmmaking potential. But hey, it’s an inevitable consequence to the power of filmmaking. So anyway, I’ll be going over to Universal Studios to pitch my $100,000,000 idea for a David Beckham movie starring Richard Madden and Bella Hadid. See ya later!


Just Plane Crazy

LN_Photoart on Pixabay

Do you hate flying?

This year saw myself and my family doing some serious traveling, hopping from London to Tokyo and even the Philippines. But you know what? The worst part of this was?

The plane.

Sure, planes are statistically safer than other modes of transport, but here’s the thing: there’s that ominous 2% chance the plane might decide to… let’s just say… crash and burn. 

That makes me SCARED. Like, I do NOT want to miss out on the next season of Laid-Back Camp. I mean, priorities, right?

Now, picture this: influencers lounging in first class, living their best lives, sipping on champagne at 40,000 feet, with no intention of touching the ground anytime soon. And then there’s me, wedged in economy, contemplating the meaning of life every time the plane hits a patch of turbulence. Movie? Ha! That’s not distracting me from the fact that the metal flying cylinder is stuck 30,000 feet in the air.

Honestly, hats off to those frequent flyers because they’ve got abs of steel. Forget daredevils; it’s the folks who navigate the skies regularly that deserve a round of applause.

Maybe offer a support group for the nervous flyers like myself and probably you. It’s a genuine concern for those of us who are convinced turbulence is a reminder that physics isn’t one to be messed with.

Oh, and can we talk about airplane food? Seriously, what’s the deal there? You know it, I know it.


It’s not just the destination that’s an adventure, but the turbulent journey there, and frankly, if it gets me to Asia, then so be it.

Canada Place is BORING on New Year’s. What now?

This is not happening… again. (proonsite on Pexels)

No Boom Boom? Yes, you. No Boom Boom.

Once again, the City of Vancouver has announced that the New Year’s fireworks show has been canceled… I mean, what did you expect? Vancouver hates fireworks. Remember Canada Day for the last couple of years? At least in Canada Place, if it goes boom, it is instantly doom…ed. But, that place is such a lucrative area to have an event. Thousands of locals and tourists resting close to the water, plus thousands more on top of cruise ships, a visually stunning event can bring notoriety and cash to the city.

So, instead of fireworks, what can we put there? Well, I have a couple ideas…



Actually, we were going to have a drone show over Canada Place. It was going to happen during the Christmas season last year in an event sponsored by Best Buy. Unfortunately, due to last minute “technical difficulties”, the event was outright canceled. Take note because they never canceled it because of some unforeseen circumstance or bylaw. Rather, just  simple technical difficulties. A New Year’s drone show would be an amazing alternative to the usual fireworks display. It won’t be too loud for neighbors and it offers the glitz and glamor of light that fireworks offer! Besides, who wouldn’t like seeing giant glass champagne glasses over the water? It would make some people question their reality, that’s for sure.



During Canada Day earlier this year, a notable event took place at False Creek. The Famous False Creek Ferries and Aquabuses took part in a synchronized dance routine that spanned the creek. They spun around and went in circles, dancing along to classical music as onlookers watched. From the Granville Street Bridge and wrapping around the creek, the crowd watched and danced along as the boats floated around like majestic ducks. It was so popular that news spread around the world, even down under in Australia! Doing something similar would certainly get people talking, and would be an amazing way to ring in the new year. And who doesn’t love boats?



The city should just bring back fireworks. I’m running out of ideas.


We truly are NO FUN CITY thanks to this recent development. But, if we at least had a meaningful New Year’s show in the Inlet, I think it would make people very excited for the future. If Mayor Sim is reading this, please take note.