Taking the bite out of a bully

Pink Shirt Day is recognized as a day to show empathy, support and kindness to children who are impacted by bullying. People might say that dedicating one day to anti-bullying awareness is not enough. They’re right. It’s not enough but it’s a start. There are several kids who deal with bullying on a daily basis, and it might be overwhelming to ask for help. Pink shirt day is a way for everyone to show their disapproval for bullying. It encourages kindness and positive interaction with others. For those kids who deal with bullies, it’s a day where they can see a person in a pink shirt and feel secure about talking to them about their struggles.

Bullying should never be condoned. There’s no situation that can justify bullying someone. Bullying doesn’t have to be physical. It can also be emotional and mental pain that bullied people deal with. It’s important to call people out for bullying others. Not saying anything because it would make you feel uncomfortable is not the way to address a situation involving bullying. Calling out bullying behaviour is one of the main ways to stop the bullies. They need to hear other people tell them that their behaviour and attitude is unacceptable.

Some people might say that wearing a pink shirt won’t fix the issue. They’re wrong! Wearing a pink shirt for a day is not going to stop bullying all over the world but it’s a small gesture that brings people together. It shows that people from a community share the same interest in raising awareness against bullying. This movement is necessary for kids and adults who are impacted by bullying. Bullying can leave a long-lasting impact on people. Their self-esteem, confidence and relationship with others are all impacted by bullying. Wear a pink shirt on February 22nd to show your support for the anti-bullying movement.

New level for games night unlocked!

Every time friends and family come together to spend some quality time, people find different ways to keep everyone entertained. It can be challenging to find a way to keep everyone entertained but hosting a games night is one of the best ways to do it. Playing board games like shoots and ladders or monopoly gets everyone involved in having fun. Sometimes things can get heated when competitive friends or family members play against each other but that’s what makes it all the more fun. There’s yelling, laughing, and maybe even some crying. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions that make for a memorable night.

There’s extra pressure when it comes to hosting a games night with friends and/or family because of the preparation before everyone comes over. The selection of snacks, drinks, games, and music are the duties of the host. Luckily, no one has to bear the pressure of hosting a games night at their place anymore. The Turquoise Goat Board Game Café has a wide variety of board games, snacks, and music and they make for the perfect host. They’ve got a fun and inviting atmosphere where people can enjoy playing games with their friends and family.

This board game café has all the classic board games that everyone is familiar with but if you’re going out to experience a fun night of playing games, you might as well select the games you’ve never heard of. Exploring new games with people you love is a great way to strengthen the bonds that you have with them. When there’s a wide variety of games to select from, it’s easy to select a game that everyone’s already familiar with but finding a new game together is a completely different experience. There’s an extra layer of fun that everyone can experience.

A culinary adventure – Bite of Burnaby

The best kind of festival is a festival about food. Food’s is one of life’s simple pleasures that we sometimes take for granted. Our survival clings on eating food. That’s the reason to explore what helps us survive. Food has a cultural and geological bond that is unique to different communities. There are several cuisines that explore different combinations of recipes and ingredients to produce dishes that taste incredible. There’s always a dish from any cuisine that will smack your tastebuds like you’ve never experienced before. Eating a delicious dish for the first time is an experience that gives people a reason to live. Usually when you take the first bite of something delicious, your eyes get bigger and the eyebrows flare up and a few seconds later, after you process how good it tastes there’s a sigh of satisfaction.


Although the Dine Out festival is over, there’s another food festival starting next month. It’s called the Bite of Burnaby. The good thing about this festival is that it’s for a full month. This is an opportunity to explore the diverse cuisines at restaurants and cafes. The festival connects different communities through a shared love of food. Having a good meal can change your day in the best possible way. Restaurants with authentic cuisines are a blessing because people from a different land can feel like they’re at home. The festival encourages people to participate in the festivities and for further motivation, they’re having a contest where you can win prizes. Finding an excuse to eat at a good restaurant is not going to be a challenge when this festival is happening. Exploring different restaurants and cuisines is an exciting adventure but the contest adds another layer of fun. There are several restaurants that are participating in the festival and everyone participating in the festivities are in for a culinary adventure.

A show for the ages – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

For good or bad, sometimes we let our conversations with other people influence our opinion on things. There are somethings that you need to experience for yourself to form your own opinion. Watching a play is something that everyone has to experience for themselves to figure out if they like it or not. Before theaters and movies existed, people used to act in front of an audience as a form of live entertainment. Compared to movies, acting in a play is more difficult. The actors have the added pressure of delivering their lines perfectly throughout the duration of the play. They don’t have the liberty of messing up and starting the scene all over again like they do when filming movies.

In a play, the actors can captivate everyone in the audience unlike in a movie. Their delivery has the ability to set the tone of a scene in a real-life manner compared to a scene in a movie. The difference is that people see it in person and not behind a screen. This changes the whole experience of being entertained. There are several plays that have intriguing plots and themes. William Shakespeare is a famous playwright and actor who is known for making entertaining plays. One of the plays that people know him for is, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” There have been several reenactments of the play over the years and Vancouver is going to be hosting one more this month.

If you’ve never seen a play before, you’ve got to watch this one. It will help you understand why people find plays so entertaining and it will also help you form your own opinions on it. There are several things that people enjoy about a play. You can find out things that you like or don’t like about a play by watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Honest thoughts about Valentine’s Day

For some reason February 14th is known as Valentines Day. A day dedicated to celebrating romance and love. It’s the one day of the year where there’s chocolate and flowers for sale at grocery stores, there’s special offers at restaurants and everyone who’s in a relationship has a plan for the day. Some couples choose to go all out on the day by getting gifts for each other, going out for a fancy meal and maybe even go on a trip. Other couples prefer a more low-key kind of night like ordering some food and watching a movie. There’s no right or wrong way to spend the day. If you’re having a good time with your significant other, it doesn’t matter what you do.

There are a few places in Vancouver that try to make sure that couples can experience a nice time. A few restaurants that offer special deals and food to make the day extra special. Pizzeria Farina makes margarita pizzas that are heart shaped. Other restaurants are offering 3 or 5 course menus at a specific rate for couples. Most people who realize that food is a way to the heart, reserve a table at a fancy limited seating restaurant, weeks in advance. It shows that they put an effort towards making the day special for their partner. That’s what the day’s all about. Showing that you put in effort towards your relationship.

Most of the people who are single, look forward to the day after Valentine’s Day. Either they just got out of a relationship or they’re not looking for one. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you can’t have a good day. You could use the day to do anything you like. Watching your favourite movie or reading that book that’s been on your to-read list for a while. Whatever makes you happy. After all, selflove is important too.


Another Fast and Furious movie?

The Fast and Furious movie series just announced their 10th addition to the series. They’ve been releasing parts of the series for over two decades. They’ve been keeping fans of the action, thriller and crime genres of movies entertained for years. How many movies are too many movies? If there’s a storyline that has a good chance of entertaining an audience, the answer is not enough. That’s clearly the thought process behind releasing these many parts to a movies series. However, with every movie they release, they are extending the storyline of the main characters and bringing in new ones that people connect to. Most of the new celebrities that featured in the series are popular actors. Two of the most famous pro wrestlers turned actors, Dwayne Johnson and John Cena have featured in the series. The main characters in the series play a key role in the movies’ success.

In the latest trailer for the Fast X movie, fans of the series saw Jason Momoa for a few seconds and were sold on watching the movie when it releases. Bringing in popular actors is an effective tactic to make more people consider watching the latest movie, even if they’re unfamiliar with the series or genre. The Fast and Furious series has some of the craziest car stunts that’s been seen. They have some of the most unbelievable and unrealistic scenes but that’s what makes them so entertaining.

It’s the imagination and storyline that people are hooked onto when they’re watching the movie. It’s the thought of doing the impossible somehow that people enjoy seeing. Something tells me that this won’t be the last movie from the series. There were times where it seemed like the next movie was going to be the last one but there was always another one. It’s hard to think otherwise now that the series has gone on for so long.

Dine Out Festival is not over at some places!

Vancouver’s renowned Dine Out Festival ended on February 5th but certain restaurants that got praise and attention have decided to offer the three-course menu for an extended period of time. There were a lot of restaurants that participated in the Dine Out Festival this year and their special menus made their mark on people that tried the food. Some of the restaurants decided to extend their offer to let more people experience how good their food is. These are some of the restaurants that still offer their special Dine Out Festival menu:

  • The Glass House Estate Winery in Langley is offering their Dine Out meals till February 28th. They’re a family owned place that specializes in making exquisite wine. Their 3 course menus have two options for each course. If you’re with someone, you could get one of each course and share it.
  • The Italian Osteria & Cheese bar in Langley is offering their 3 course Dine Out menu till the 28th of February. They’ve got a stunning atmosphere and their food is simply delicious. There’s a short window of opportunity to try their food for a great deal.
  • Tavern on the Green in Abbotsford is also offering their Dine Out menu till February 28th. They’ve got a beautiful environment to enjoy the delicious food that they make.

Out of all the events and festivals Vancouver has, the Dine Out festival has got to be the best one. Different restaurants making unique menus for people to enjoy is right up a foodie’s alley. Some of the participating restaurants have a tempting offer that you should take full advantage of. The Dine Out festival happens every year and it’s the only time of the year where you have the opportunity to find the best dishes that you can find in Vancouver.

Monster Jam is coming to Vancouver soon!

Vancouver has many unique events that bring attention and excitement to the city. One of these events is going to happen next month. It’s the monster truck competition called Monster Jam. There will be monster trucks of all kinds at this event. Even if you’re not a monster truck enthusiast, attending this event might change your mind. From March 17th to March 19th, you can watch the best monster trucks participate in entertaining competitions. There is no other event like this one. There will be huge trucks with custom designs that are one of a kind. The drivers are professionals and they’re looking to prove that they’re the best.

This world championship series will have competitions based on speed and skill. There will be nail biting moments to experience at this event. So many people are counting down the days for this event to happen. They’re ready to experience all the entertainment that this competition will guarantee. The drivers will be displaying world class skill with their driving and tricks. Some of these drivers do backflips with those massive trucks. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. To witness it in-person is the kind of experience that you’ll never forget.

The races are highly anticipated as they’re between trucks that weigh a lot more than a regular truck. The competitions will be taking place at the Pacific Coliseum, where the audience can get a closer look at the trucks, drivers, and crew. Some of the tricks seen at these competitions are unbelievable. If there’s ever a chance to experience the unexpected, this is it. This kind of event has drama, excitement, entertainment, and fun written all over it. There’s still time to get tickets for it. Think of a friend or family member who’d like this sort of thing and take them with you for an unforgettable time.

Speakeasies are still a thing!

Close to a hundred years ago, selling, and consuming alcohol was illegal in the United States. It was called the Prohibition. Although it was illegal, that didn’t stop people from finding a way to drink. There were hidden establishments called speakeasies where people could go and secretly drink and sell alcohol. Everyone who visited speakeasies were scared if being caught by the authorities and were very paranoid for a good reason. Some of the hidden bars would have clever locations that were hidden from the public eye. They would have password entries or hidden entrances that most people didn’t know about. This was so that people would avoid being imprisoned by any means.

Nowadays, drinking or selling alcohol isn’t legal and at any given moment, you can walk into a bar and have a drink without the fear of being arrested. There’s no fear of authorities or paranoia when you’re at a bar. However, there are a few establishments that replicate the experience of drinking at a speakeasy. They are well hidden from the public eye and people who’ve been to one of these places tend to keep the location to themselves. Maybe because it defeats the purpose if everyone knows about them or because it’s their new favorite spot to grab a drink.

Vancouver has a few speakeasies that are tucked away from the general public. Visiting one of these speakeasies would give people an idea of what it was like during the Prohibition era. Here’s a list of speakeasies that will give you that opportunity:

  • Cantina 189 at 324 West Hasting Street has a hidden entrance that might take you some time to find.
  • Laowai, located at 251 East Georgia Street is an interesting find.
  • Where is Bagheera is at downtown Vancouver, and you have to be with a group of at least six people to get in. It might be a spot to introduce to your friend group.

Here’s why you should go on a karaoke night with your friends

Part of going on a night out with your friends, is finding different ways to make the night a memorable one. Whether it’s on a weekend or a spontaneous weekday, you can find something to do with your friends to make it a great night to remember. Something that most people enjoy when they’re having a good time, is singing out loud with their friends. It’s a fun bonding activity that makes everyone involved, happy. The best places to visit on a night out, is a place with a karaoke machine. Playing your favorite songs and singing loudly with your friends is a fun activity that every friend group has to experience. Especially if you’ve never done it before.

There are a few places in Vancouver where you can have a great karaoke night experience. If you’re unsure whether you’d like this experience or not, you should try it to find out. What’s the harm in trying something out of your comfort zone? Some of the places that are known to have the best karaoke nights are as follows:

  • Funky Winkerbeans, located at 37 West Hastings Street has karaoke nights every night of the week. It might be an intense experience if it’s your first time, but it might be your cup of tea. Find out for yourself!
  • Fantacity is a place located at 1133 Robson Street that has private rooms. Which is nice, if you don’t want to attract attention and ensure that you’re having a great time with your friends.
  • Millennium Karaoke is located at 4451 No. 3 Road. They’ve got private rooms with options of playing your preferred songs. It’s a spot to consider for a karaoke night with friends.

These are just a few places where you can have a great night with friends but there are other places that you can explore once you’ve experienced a proper karaoke night.