Why ‘5’ Is The Magic Number For The iPhone.

Ah, the age-old question for iPhone users: When should you upgrade your iPhone? Is it worth it? Well, let me tell you why I believe that five years is the magic number when it comes to upgrading your iPhone.

1. Change for Change’s Sake? Don’t!
You know how it goes – you buy the latest iPhone, and now you feel good about yourself. But a few months later, Apple unveiled the shiny new model, and your once-latest device is now, for lack of a better term, old. Five years is the sweet spot where change isn’t just for the sake of it. It’s substantial, meaningful, and downright satisfying. It feels like you got your money’s worth after 5 years. If the iPhone’s around $1000, That’s like, $200 a year. It’s like spending a year’s subscription on most services. I mean, not bad right?

2. The Evolution Showdown
Picture this: You have a five-year-old iPhone in one hand and the latest model in the other but guess what? Your old iPhone is still putting up a good fight because Apple’s innovations are indeed impressive, but they’re not life-changing every year. Five years allow you to truly appreciate the upgrade. And if you’re changing because of battery issues, I suggest that you just replace the battery once or twice first at legit Apple stores and not third-party ones and you should be fine. That’s way cheaper than buying an entire iPhone outright.

3. Wallet Relief
Speaking of buying a new iPhone so soon, iPhones aren’t cheap. and it’s 2023 and we have to budget more than ever. We cannot afford things as much as before and by sticking with your device for five years, you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Think about all those extra vacations, night outs, clothes, and food you can treat yourself to with the money saved, or even invest that money to make even more money!

4. Less Buyer’s Remorse
Remember the sinking feeling when you bought an iPhone, only to see the next one drop a few months later? The five-year rule minimizes buyer’s remorse. You’ve enjoyed your device long enough that you don’t feel like you missed out on the latest features.

5. The Joy of Significant Upgrades
Five years give you the joy of significant upgrades. When you finally decide to make that upgrade, it’s like stepping into the future. The camera leaps ahead, the performance is blazing fast, and the design? It’s a work of art. You appreciate these changes so much more after half a decade. People tend to upgrade iPhones every year, but the only thing they’re upgrading is clout and flex. I mean you do you, but I agree to disagree with that lifestyle.

6. Nostalgia Factor
There’s a certain nostalgia that comes with using an older iPhone. It’s like revisiting your favorite childhood movie – it may not be in 4K, but it still warms your heart. Especially now that I still have my iPhone XS Max and people around me have the latest triple-camera iPhone Pros and look at mine and some already forgot that back then the iPhone only had one lens. So when you finally part ways with your fighting iPhone after five years, you’ll do so with a hint of nostalgia and a smile on your face.

7. Environmentally Conscious
By not constantly upgrading, you’re also doing your bit for the environment. The longer you use your device, the less electronic waste ends up in landfills. Mother Earth thanks you. I mean at this point, you’re not doing much but at least you’re helping in your own way. Respect.

The five-year iPhone upgrade cycle is like a well-aged wine – it only gets better with time. It’s like the Goldilocks of smartphone upgrades – not too soon, not too late, just right. So, the next time someone tries to tempt you with the latest iPhone, just tell them you’re on a five-year plan, and you’re enjoying every moment of it, and the peace of mind that comes with it.

I’m Addicted To Coffee.

Alright, I’ve got a confession to make that’s juicier than Taylor Swift – Travis Kelce maybe sort of dating? I’m addicted to coffee. No, I’m not talking about appreciation; I’m talking about straight-up, a straight-up love affair.

My journey into the caffeinated rabbit hole started innocently enough. I was a bright-eyed and full-of-hope young adult, navigating the treacherous waters of the corporate world as a fresh graduate of University. One fateful day, a buddy introduced me to the magical life-giving potion that is coffee, swearing it was the secret to surviving these f-ed-up workdays, work weekends, and the massive overtime we were doing. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of a lifelong committed, thriving relationship.

Back then, it was all about survival mode. Workdays, work weekends, and the massive overtime were like the Walking Dead, and my trusty cup of coffee was the shotgun that two-tapped them until they couldn’t move. The taste? Well, let’s just say it was an acquired one. Nothing sugar and creamer can’t fix but that caffeine rush? I. AM. SPEED.

Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash.com

Fast forward a few years, and my relationship with coffee went from “I guess I’ll have you from time to time” to “I can’t live without you.”. It was no longer for survival; it was about savoring every sip like it was a liquid gold medal.

Every morning became a ritual. I have to have coffee in the morning when I get to work but my addiction didn’t stop at that.

Coffee became a full-time companion, joining me in the boardroom for those oh-so-thrilling meetings. It hopped into the car for road trips, warding off sleepiness. It’s well ingrained into my social life, with coffee shop meet-ups becoming the backdrop for deep conversations with friends, and awkward first dates.

Sure, my coffee obsession has led me down some strange paths. I’ve become the kind of person who has to have at least one cup of coffee a day or else I’ll feel dehydrated, get some headaches, and get worse over time. I’m addicted, but I don’t want to get out of it.

I’m unapologetically addicted to coffee. It’s my liquid confidant, my morning muse, and my trusty sidekick in this caffeine-fueled adventure we call life. After all, there are worse addictions out there, and I’ll take the warmth of a good cup of joe over pretty much anything else. Cheers to coffee, my funny, frothy, and fantastically caffeinated friend!

The NFL Is Entering Its RED Era

The love story of the year is finally here, and it’s in football!?

That’s right. The Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce potential romance has the world in a chokehold, and we all love it.

It all started during a Thursday appearance on “The Pat McAfee Show”, where Kelce extended an invite to the 12-time Grammy Award winner to a Kansas City Chiefs game in Arrowhead Stadium.

“I told her that I’ve seen her rock a stage in Arrowhead and she might have to come see me rock the stage at Arrowhead,” Kelce said. “We’ll see what happens in the near future.”

Megastar Taylor Swift accepted All-Pro tight end Travis Kelce and attended the game, sitting next to Kelce’s mother Donna in Kelce’s suite.

From this point on, the game became second fiddle as the NFL kept panning the camera to both Swift and Kelce, and people all over the internet just loved every single moment.

The game wasn’t even that interesting at all, everyone was just waiting for a Kelce touchdown so that the NFL and the entire world could milk the footage for content, and the football gods deemed it so..

The Chiefs won 41-10 but anyway, back to topic.

The whole Swift-Kelce festivities got so funny to the point that even NFL coaches are weighing in on the situation. I think we can all credit Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid for the Swift-Kelce play.

And even one of the best coaches in football, and resident gremlin Bill Belichick surprisingly had a comment. Wow, the world we live in huh?

Kelce didn’t talk to reporters after the game and left Arrowhead with Swift, obviously.

Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes on Sunday wouldn’t speculate on the nature of the Swift-Kelce relationship other than saying he’d like to meet her.

“She’s tremendous. She’s a pop star. She’s a tremendous singer … tremendous at everything she does and I haven’t got to meet her,” Mahomes said. “I guess if she ends up being with Travis then I’ll probably get to meet her at some point. So she seems like a good person. So hopefully I get to meet her one day.”

At this point, I don’t wanna pry any further on their privacy and I wish for their happiness. There are only two paths that this thing would go: One, the relationship will blossom and they will be the top couple of the year, OR we’ll hear the newest Taylor Swift drop and analyze the lyrics for Chiefs, Kelce mentions.

It’s gonna be fun.



Behind The Sidelines – The Incredible Life Of An ESports Caster

Esports, in its essence, is a breathtaking journey into the boundless realms of human ambition and digital artistry. It’s a tapestry of stories, the narratives of players who rise from obscurity, casters who breathe life into the virtual battles, and fans who invest their hearts in every match.

Speaking of casters, they are eSport’s storytellers. They are the unsung heroes behind the microphone, the voices that elevate every play, and the conduits of emotion for millions of fans worldwide.

Today, we’re diving into the extraordinary life of these storytellers, a journey marked by grit, dedication, and the sheer love for the craft.

My Favorite Interview – “Theater is for God, for the people, and for the arts.”

Ah, le théâtre, an exquisite art form that unfolds like a delicate soufflé, captivating hearts and minds with its sublime performances. And today, I have someone who has a great story to tell.

Meet Zhyla Ibanez, one of the most passionate people I know when it comes to theater. From her humble beginnings, to where she is now, her passion for theater never wavered against the odds.

So, take a seat in the front row, and let’s dive into the story of a theater lover who’s as unstoppable as a Les Mis finale!


My Favorite Interview – “My life as a playlist.”

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all hearing levels. Step into the time capsule of sound as we go on a songful journey through the life of Jerome Magat. His life’s playlist is a testament to the power of music in shaping his life, memories, and identities.

From the nostalgic tunes of childhood, the anthems of adolescence, and the ballads of adulthood, each piece of music represents a milestone, or a memory, that has left a mark on his life.

Let’s immerse ourselves in the soundtrack of a life well-lived.

Purrsonally, I think cats are better than dogs. Don’t @ me.

I think cats are better than dogs. There, I said it!

In the never-ending debate of cats versus dogs, we often find ourselves hissing and growling at each other’s opinions. We should be able to discuss our opinions in a safe space… but today’s not that day. Welcome back to another “Don’t @ me”, and today I’m telling you right here and now… that cats are the superior companions. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

Once upon a time in a land filled with purrs and barks, cats and dogs set paw on the path of domestication, unknowingly igniting an age-old rivalry that still rages on today.

Cats strutted into human lives with an air of mystery and elegance some 4,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. These sleek creatures were worshiped like gods – literally! That’s right, cats were considered divine, and being in their good graces was a must. Meanwhile, dogs, the trusty sidekicks, tagged along with humans for a whopping 20,000 years, fetching sticks and performing tricks for treats. The question is, are dogs just glorified vacuum cleaners or loyal partners? The jury’s still out.

Ancient Egyptians saw something special in cats. Perhaps it was their supernatural ability to land on their feet or their unwavering dedication to keeping homes mouse-free. Either way, cats had it all – fame, fortune, and furever homes. Dogs, on the other hand, were left to chase their own tails in envy.

Let’s remember the wise words of the ancient Egyptians and pay homage to our feline friends who, in the grand scheme of things, have always been a step (or leap) ahead of their canine counterparts. No hard feelings, doggos! You’re up against gods after all.

( Arina Krasnikova / Pexels )

Welp, it’s time to let the cat out of the bag and explore the factors that make cats a strong contender for the “Best Pet Ever” award. (Disclaimer: No dogs were harmed in the making of this argument.)

First, let’s talk about independence. Cats represent the cool, confident nature of the animal kingdom. They don’t need constant attention, validation, or walks in the park to be content. Instead, they’re perfectly happy lounging on their favorite windowsill, plotting world domination while their humans are away. Dogs? They’re more like needy toddlers, always craving cuddles and playtime. Sure, it’s adorable, but who wouldn’t appreciate a little more “meow-time”?

Next, we have the purrfect combination of agility and grace. Cats are basically furry ninjas, stealthily leaping from one countertop to the other without knocking over a single thing. Meanwhile, dogs are like lovable, clumsy oafs, often leaving a trail of mess in their wake. In the battle of stealth and coordination, it’s another win for the cats!

But wait, there’s more! If you’ve ever played with a cat, you’ll know they have a natural-born talent for turning anything into toys. Give a cat a cardboard box or a crumpled-up piece of paper, and they’ll be entertained for hours. Dogs, on the other hand, require an arsenal of squeaky toys, chew bones, and balls – not to mention the relentless human effort to toss, tug, and squeak. I’m a low-maintenance guy, and I love when my pets are just as low-maintenance as me.

Last but not least, let’s address the “nine lives” phenomenon. Cats are incredibly resilient creatures, often landing on their feet even after great falls. Can you imagine a dog pulling off such a feat? Not without a superhero cape and a whole lot of video editing!

Felines are independent, agile, low-maintenance, and practically immortal – what more could you ask for in a pet?

( Felix Mittermeier / Pexels )

Things are about to get a little messy. It’s time to tackle the less glamorous side of owning a pet – cleanliness. Spoiler alert: Cats come out on top, paws down.

Cats are like tiny, self-cleaning machines. They spend most of their day grooming themselves from head to tail. The result is a pristine, well-kept coat that could put any fashion model to shame. Dogs, on the other hand, require a bit more… shall we say, assistance. Between baths, grooming appointments, and the constant battle against shedding fur, dogs are more like high-maintenance divas than self-sufficient pets. As someone who’s allergic to fur, and has a bit of asthma, I know how it feels after breathing with a lot of shedding fur around. It’s not a great experience for my health, my clothes, and my furniture.

Let’s not forget the infamous “wet dog smell.” You know the one – it’s indescribable, to say the least, and you know it when it suddenly hits your nose like a freight truck. While cats maintain a subtle, barely-there scent (unless you count the occasional whiff of catnip), dogs can unleash a potent scent that has the power to clear a room. Thank God for air fresheners!

And, of course, we can’t ignore the drool factor. Cats, with their lapping and sipping, are graceful when it comes to hydration. Dogs, however, have a knack for turning a simple drink of water into a full-blown splash zone. With slobber flying left and right, it’s no wonder dog owners have to keep a mop handy at all times.

In the end, when it comes to cleanliness, cats rule and dogs drool – quite literally.

( Ánh Đặng / Pexels )

Now, let’s turn down the volume and tiptoe into the world of purrfectly quiet companions. If you’ve ever craved some peace in your life, look no further than our stealthy feline friendos.

Cats are like furry little librarians, maintaining a hushed atmosphere with their gentle purring and near-silent footsteps. They respect the sanctity of a quiet home, never causing a raucous or disturbing peace. With a cat by your side, you can enjoy a calm environment perfect for relaxation, reading, or plotting world domination – your choice!

Dogs, however, are more like a marching band in a marching band contest – loud, boisterous, and impossible to ignore. From the barking at squirrels to the sounds of running and playing, dogs aren’t exactly known for their indoor voices. While their enthusiasm can be adorable, it’s not always ideal for those craving some peace and quiet.

Think about it this way: If pets were musical instruments, cats would be elegant pianos, with their soothing melodies, while dogs would be beginner drummers, pounding away with reckless abandon.

( Valeria Boltneva / Pexels )

Ever tried squeezing Marmaduke into a studio apartment? It’s like trying to fit an elephant into a hunchback car – not exactly a clown car here. But fear not, my fellow pet lovers, because cats are here to save the day and prove that size really doesn’t matter!

Cats are the ultimate space-savers, able to adapt to any living situation, big or small. These fluffy contortionists can curl up in the tiniest of nooks and crannies, turning even the smallest apartment into a feline paradise. It’s like having a living, breathing, purring piece of modern art perched on your windowsill.

Dogs, bless their hearts, aren’t always as adaptable. Some may require large yards to roam or struggle to coexist with limited square footage. In the battle of space efficiency, cats emerge as undeniable champions.

Here are just some of the many reasons why cats just might be the superior pet. From their divine origins to their low-maintenance lifestyles, cats have proven themselves to be the purrfect companions for those seeking a bit of feline in their lives.

At the end of the day, even though it’s a dog-eat-dog world, the cats are the gods of this world.

These three movies are unskippable!

I like watching movies, but I love movies that greatly relate to me. And I love watching them again… And again. And again.

I have watched a lot of movies that greatly relate to me but there’s something about these three movies that I can’t stop watching. Maybe I watched them when I needed to during a time in my life, or maybe it’s the hero’s journey that these movies portray and how their journey resonates with me. Maybe it’s the characters and how I based some of my personalities or identities on some of them. Either way, I want to share this with you today.

Whether you’re a movie buff or just a casual viewer, these three movies are downright unskippable.

Of course, I’ll do my best to keep this spoiler-free, but it’s best that you watch the movies before you even continue reading. You’ll thank me later.

Let’s kick things off with the one and only Forrest Gump. Played by the charming Tom Hanks, Forrest is a simple, yet extraordinary guy whose life story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster. We’re talking about being a captain, a champion, and a hero – this dude’s done it all!
Plus, he’s got a heart of gold and an endless supply of quotable wisdom. If you don’t find yourself muttering Forrest Gump quotes in your everyday life after watching this, well, why not!?

His life story is so amazing, although it’s fiction, I feel like it’s something that I wanna tell and share with everyone willing to listen. It’s amazing, full of color, unforgettable characters, and more. I wish to have a life even 10% close to what Forrest had!

This movie serves up a delicious assortment of emotions, from laughter to tears, all wrapped up in Forrest’s incredible journey. So, grab a box of your favorite chocolates and get ready to savor the unpredictable sweetness of life, Forrest Gump style.

Forrest Gump is chock-full of moments that’ll have you grinning from ear to ear, and others that’ll leave you reaching for the tissues. We won’t give away the goods, but trust us, there’s plenty to love here. Watch Forrest’s unlikely friendships blossom, like his lifelong bond with the lovable Bubba, or his heroic acts in the face of danger. This movie is everything to me.

And the life lessons? Oh man, where do I start? From the importance of love and friendship to the power of perseverance, Forrest Gump teaches us that even the most ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Get ready for a wild, heartwarming ride through the decades with our main man, Forrest.

And remember, “That’s all we have to say about that.” (For now, at least!)

Next up in our trio of the unskippables is Patch Adams, where the legendary Robin Williams (rest in peace), brings to life a doctor who’s a firm believer in the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Armed with a red clown nose and an infectious sense of humor, Patch’s unique approach to healing is a hilarious and heartwarming reminder that sometimes all you need is a good laugh to lift your spirits. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love a movie where the doc cracks you up (literally)?

Watching Patch Adams taught me a lot about learning about people, listening to them, and I mean really listen to them. I’m still having a hard time doing it now but I’m trying my best and whenever I’m feeling down in the dumps, I watch this movie. It somehow became one of the chargers to my life’s battery.

There’s so much more to Patch Adams than just the laughs; it’s also a heartwarming tale of one man’s quest to bring a little humanity back to the world of medicine. Patch’s journey will have you rooting for him as he takes on the stuffy medical establishment, proving that treating patients as real people (not just cases) can make all the difference. It’s like a warm hug for your soul, wrapped up in a fun, feel-good movie.

Fun fact: Patch Adams is actually based on the life of the real Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams. This inspiring doc took laughter therapy to a whole new level, founding the Gesundheit! Institute and spreading joy to patients all over the world. So, not only does this movie serve up a healthy dose of giggles, but it’s also got some serious real-life impact cred. Respect.

Prepare to be inspired by this funny, heartwarming, and thought-provoking tale of one man’s mission to heal with humor especially in this day and age. And remember, laughter really is contagious, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself cracking up long after the credits roll!

Last, but certainly not least, is The Truman Show, starring the hilarious and lovable Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. This movie was doing reality TV before reality TV was even born! Picture this: Truman’s perfect and peaceful life is torn into disarray when a series of events makes him think twice if his life is actually his own.

I was seven years old when this came out in theaters. After watching it, I didn’t much of it back then but for some reason, it stuck with me over the years, and when I turned into an adult, I rewatched it again for old time’s sake but afterward, I was mind blown that this kind of movie came out in 1998.

The Truman Show offers a funhouse mirror look at the lengths people will go to create the “perfect” TV experience. From meticulously crafted sets and crazy weather patterns to carefully orchestrated encounters, the world of Seahaven Island makes you wonder if we’re all just a few camera angles away from our own show. It’s an eerily prophetic view of media culture that’s equal parts hilarious and thought-provoking. Just look at content creators now!

Truman’s quest for the truth will have you glued to your screen, cheering him on as he unravels the mystery of his existence. We’ve all had those “Is this real life?” moments, but Truman’s journey is a whole other level of mind-fuckery.

The Truman Show is more than just a quirky comedy; it’s a thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of fame and society’s obsession with watching other people’s lives. It begs the question: How much of our own lives are truly authentic when we’re constantly under the watchful gaze of others? And, you know, it might just make you think twice about binge-watching that next reality TV marathon.

( Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels )

These three unskippable movies are sure to tickle your funny bone, tug at your heartstrings, and maybe even mess with your head a little bit. Well, maybe a lot. Whether you just watched these for the first time or someone who goes back to watching them every now and then, Forrest Gump, Patch Adams, and The Truman Show are like old friends you just can’t get enough of. They’re the kind of movies that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear and quoting lines everywhere you go. You know, the stuff that makes movies unforgettable!

Gather your squad, whip up some popcorn, and get ready to laugh, cry, and ponder the meaning of life with these cinematic gems.

So, what’s your unskippable movie?