Did ‘Saviors’ save Green Day!?

Green Day did not start well in the 2020s with their barf-emoji album, Father Of All Motherfuckers (FOAM). Everyone was assuming that Green Day’s done. Finished. The End. And now with their new album Saviors just released today, let’s see if this album is the savior of their careers.

First of all, this is just my first impressions of the album as a whole and not a review. I aint Fantano or anything like that. Just sharing my feelings on this one. So the first song, and the second song struck me right away. I mean any albums these days most of the time put their best songs upfront so people would get curious if the entire album is banger. So far it worked on me.  But the second song got to me more, it had that Nice Guys Finish Last vibe.

Now let’s be on the lookout for the good deep cuts in this album. Woah, I just noticed now that this album has fifteen songs. There should be good deep cuts.. Right!? Right!??

Okay, I would say after first listen, Corvette Summer is kinda good. It deserves its spot right around the latter half of the album, but it’s catchy enough, so that’s good enough for me. This song feels like you just got out of the valley that is Bobby Sox to Coma City. I mean fair enough, every album has their hills and valleys.

Father and Son was their long drawn out song ala Jesus of Suburbia, Dirty Rotten Bastards and the like. This song got me into the feels. Looking into the lyrics, it’s obviously about a father to a newborn baby or something. Those long instrumentals before the bridge and the end were cool. I like it. Recent bias, this song gave me a feel of Greta Van Fleet’s Meeting The Master.

Of course the title track is good. It’s different from the songs after Look Ma, No Brains. It hit different. It could be a single but let’s wait for public opinion about it. Just a solid track overall.

And for the entire album, it’s not the big comeback everyone was expecting after the barf-emoji that is FOAM, but this album I feel like is far away than FOAM, and that alone is good enough.

Yeah let’s put the album in the Good Enough Tier. Green Day at this point doesn’t need another Dookie nor American Idiot. They just need to make a good enough album to erase the memories of FOAM from our hearts and minds.

Vancouver could go down by Monday

It’s not good. It’s definitely not good for Vancouver commuters.

TLDR; Employees of Coast Mountain Bus Company (CMBC) started a Union strike following an impasse between them and the Company. A complete strike would commence in the wee hours of Monday morning and continue for 48 hours. Commuters would face a suspension of all buses and the SeaBus for the two-day withdrawal, according to a news release.

Now that’s crazy given that CMBC operates 96% of TransLink’s bus routes in Metro Vancouver.

That’s a lot of buses, that ain’t bussin.

Imagine Vancouver without public transit? Everything’s going to be chaotic with most of everyone going back to remote type of work/school just to get things by. And I would feel bad for those who work service jobs at shopping districts, restaurants, etc that can’t do remote work.

(Mufid Majnun / Unsplash)

From what I can google with, it’s all about the green. Money. The union wants its supervisors to be paid the same as SkyTrain Field Supervisors but CMBC says the roles are incomparable because the latter is responsible for directly managing employees.

But as an outsider, I think there’s immense leverage by the employees here, as they should because not only it affects them but everyone too. Not including the incoming public backlash CMBC will get when thousands of Vancouverites flock to social media to vent their frustrations over transit issues.

(Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash)

But okay, let’s be real here. When CMBC agrees to the Unions requests by Monday, they’ll obviously find a way to make that money back, and where should they do that? Of course it’s us. The people. Maybe some sort of price hike over the next couple of years, or even a change somewhere in the system like zoning, etc. I don’t know. I’m no pro here.

I don’t know what’s keeping CMBC from agreeing to the demands way earlier than it should’ve but it’s going to be an interesting Monday for the rest of us once transit gets cancelled for 2 whole days. This is going to be one for the ages. This is only the start of 2024, and it’s been a freaking rollercoaster to say the least. Winter snow starts late, transit issues, double digit negative temperatures, it’s all a winter wonder-fork right now.

Just gonna have to strap ourselves in this ride, and hope for the best Vancouver. Hope for the best that Vancouver won’t get stranded for at least a few days.

My Three Best Movies/Series On My Netflix Backlog

We all have backlogs in our Netflix accounts.  I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it.

Backlogs can differ from one to another but I’ll share with you the top 3 on my list, may be subject to roasts from people as to why I haven’t this or that yet.

I mean, I’m busy with life guys. I need an entire month off to fully finish my backlog.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World feels like someone made the movie in the 2020s and decided to go back in time and drop it in 2010. So that it could become a cult classic.

Movie was great with multiple endings, just like a real game. I like that.

But now with Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, most if not all the original cast is voicing this cartoon, so that is hecka cool. But that was three months ago, and until now I haven’t watched it. Heck I haven’t even clicked on it and seen the opening credits. Nada.

Sex Education Season 4

When this series came out, I was just flabbergasted at how this series was all about the sex with a hint of education, and I was all for it. So when season 2 and 3 came out, I watched it day one and I think I finished it in under a week each. And at the end of season three, I wanted more. So much more, and finally with Season 4 coming out, I will watch it day one, promise!

(5 months later)

That series is still rotting on My List while I keep adding more and more movies and series and it gets pushed down more into the square hole (iykyk). Life has been life-ing for me and I think once I start watching this. I’ll binge this series in a day. In a day, I’ll tell you. When I eventually watch it, of course.


Four years on (50 years if you count the Pandemic) since this movie was released and it’s just a skeleton, a hush of its former self on my backlog. One of the best movies of 2019, launched Korean movies not only to the mainstream media but onto mainstream Hollywood. Made Hollywood feel a looming presence that they’re not number one anymore in these parts. I only know the premise and stuff but I know more about the coverage the movie got and the exposure the actors got in this. Happy for them. Sad for me for not watching this yet.

So what are your best backlogs still on your lists!?

A Casual’s Guide to Last Weekend’s Wild Card Madness

Last night’s NFL Wild Card games were absolutely WILD! Let me give you the rundown as a forking casual.

HOU Texans (def) vs CLE Browns

Rookie QB vs Old-as-fork QB. That’s the story of this matchup.

Absolutely no one (except Texans and Flacco fans) predicted that CJ Stroud and Joe Flacco respectively would let alone make the playoffs, but they got that dawg in ‘em.

Not gonna drown you in stats but all the more important bit is that CJ got that bigger dawg, and Flacco just straight up choked. Now CJ has to wait for either PIT Steelers or BUF Bills but as of writing the game’s over, making the Texans go to Baltimore to face the Ravens. Good luck with that, Texans. 🤣

KC Chiefs (def) vs MIA Dolphins

Tua Tagovailoa (TURN-da-ball-OVA) lost the AFC East to the Bills. That means the Dolphins lost their tropical paradise advantage and got themselves the gentle -31C of Taylor Swift-land er I mean Kansas City.

Of course, Chiefs games always come with at least 100 camera shots of Taylor Swift rocking that slayyyy jacket made by the wife of 49ers FB Kyle Juszczyk. That’s cool. You know what’s also cool? -31C football game.

It got so cold that Head Coach Andy Reid’s mustache was experiencing its own version of the ice age over there.

Too bad Tua ain’t Elsa. The cold bothered him and the Dolphins the whole game. Dolphins lost BAAAAAAAAD, but because Bills are going to win against the Steelers (I am not wrong on this, trust me bro), and the Chiefs are going to a road playoff game for the first time in forever, I think.

(I got confirmation that Patrick Maholmes hasn’t been in a road playoff game. Who knew? 😂)

GB Packers (def) vs DAL Cowboys (lmao)

Welcome to the canon event of The Cowboys in every NFL season. They  have a great regular season, fanatics saying “IT’S OUR YEAR BOYS!!”, then choking on the playoffs gawk gawk 3000.

As opposed to Green Bay, their canon event is apparently, they never have a bad QB. Brett Favre, Aaron Rodgers, and now with Jordan Love. Man, as a NY Jets fan, I am just beyond jealous!

Anyway, back to roasting the Cowboys. I’ve never seen a team be this good in the regular season and be this bad in the playoffs. As a NY Jets fan who can’t even get into the playoffs, I feel bad for you Cowboys fans. Dak was complete and utter shite. No pass game, no run game, no game at all. See you next year Cowboys! Oh and before I move on..


DET Lions (def, finally after 32 years) vs LA Rams

The Detroit Lions finally won an NFL playoff game. If you’re looking for a team to root for this playoffs, it’s this team. At the expense of their beloved former QB, Matthew Stafford.

All I can say for this game is that this was the best game of the weekend and nothing comes close. Unless the Tampa-Eagles game is going to be close. As of this writing it’s been close, but we’ll see. I’m rooting for Tampa to win this. 😤

I was TODAY YEARS OLD when I discovered this band!

Electric Callboy is one of the best bands I’ve discovered in 2024.

Through Instagram, mind you.

It happened one day on my transit home from school. I was just doom scrolling instagram, as one should on transit, and an ad came out and it was one of the best ads I got in my entire life.


This breakdown alone got me hooked, lined, and sinker.

Immediately I checked out the band, and searched for this song on Youtube, and it was one of the first songs I listened to, and I’m a lifelong fan.

At first, I felt a little Rammstein-Party vibes, until the refrain came out and it was rocking, and the chorus came out and it went back to a Rammstein-Party and I can’t believe this fusion of music existed, and when it came to the bridge, it was.. MAGNIFICENT!


I never knew I needed this genre of music in my life.

I wanted to be part of this moshpit party. I wanted to jump again and again while singing the bridge part. So I looked at their live recordings of the songs, and it didn’t disappoint! These boys were straight up COOKING!!

I wanted to be part of that crowd. I wanted to be part of this freaking party. Crowd clapping and chanting in unison every part of the song!!!

But to be honest, I think I’ve also had an affinity with this genre because it felt familiar in one of the games I was playing when I was a teenager: Smackdown vs Raw 2005.

I don’t think there’s a relation between Powerman 5000 and Electric Callboy, but I’m thankful for both all the same.

Also, they made one of the best covers of one of the best songs of the 90s.

This song was the shiz during parties in my younger days. Played throughout time and a timeless classic. If you didn’t bop your head or tap your feet, or even move your body, I think you just hate music. I’m kidding.

If you want more Electric Callboy in your life, I suggest the following:

Hypa Hypa


Tekkno Train


Enjoy, and you’re welcome.

Long Commutes Are Better Than You Think

People generally don’t like long commutes because it takes so much time from your day.. I get that.

(Jeffrey Czum / Pexels)

I get that people just want to go home after a long day at work or school, looking forward to seeing their family, friends, or loved ones and spend time away from the stresses of the day.

(Steven Arenas / Pexels)

Some people say if they could teleport home, they would. *Snap* just like that. They would save so much time.

But I think my question is, what have you been doing during your commute?

Did you know that there’s an unexpected beauty and value in long commutes? That I think is a better perspective of managing time while on your many transfers back home.

As someone who commutes from Delta to Burnaby, beyond, and back again almost every day, I know what a long commute feels like. It feels like time slows down, especially if it’s hella traffic or even when you can’t sit down because the bus is full or both.

Whew, that’s rough. I felt that. You felt that.

Instead of just stressing out on the commute, and doom scrolling on my phone. Yes, everyone doom scrolls on their phone while on transit, I take a second, listen to chill music, and..

(Artem Malushenko / Pexels)

Take a breather. I box breathe to take air in, as I reflect on the things that happened today. What I said, what I shouldn’t have said, was I being polite, rude to someone, did I get to do all the things I needed to do for school today, or no? Long commutes give me the time to provide a dedicated period for introspection, because I know that when I get home, there’s not much time for that because of chores, cooking, cleaning, etc.


Also, it’s for productivity too. Most days I don’t get to do my personal stuff at home, so I tend to do most of it in transit. Duolingo, Journaling, BIble Study devotions, and more. I can listen to my favorite podcasts, and listen to music people recommend to me. It’s truly a time for myself. I think it’s the only time I ever get to listen to full albums really.

All in all, long commutes are great! It lets me do stuff otherwise I couldn’t do anywhere else for some reason. I know it’s weird but it ain’t bad for me.

You should try it out. Unless you have a quick commute or you’re driving, then I don’t know why you read this in the first place.

This Japanese-Mexican restaurant is straight FIRE

Fusion restaurants have always been part of Vancouver for as long as I can remember, but this one is truly one of the best.


Hidden in this corner of Chinatown, this Japanese-Mexican restaurant is *chef kiss* – Up to this point, I’ve never been in a Japanese-Mexican restaurant before and all I can say for now is, if this was way closer to my house, this would be an everyday meal!

Miso Taco’s menu is simple, delightful, and of course, cheap. The food items have simple, to the point descriptions that’ll make you hungry just by reading it. I can’t even read it right now if I could lol. It’s like the kitchen decided to play a game of flavor Jenga, and every bite is a winning move.

Entering Miso Taco, I already got the feeling that tonight is going to be a good night. Like a mix of neon lights, with an arcade machine, and televisions showing old anime from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. I certainly felt childhood back when I saw Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu Yu Hakusho, and early seasons of Naruto. Yes I am old. But nonetheless, it felt like a great party and we’re all invited.

It’s not just the vibes entering in was great, but of course the food. (Warning: if you’re hungry while reading this article, I suggest you come back when you’re full)

You’ve been warned. The food was Subarashī! A Toda Madre! The presentation’s amazing. The food is all beautifully prepared. Heck, I can’t even describe this well without getting hungry myself. I mean how do food bloggers do this every day!? I got myself the Birria-Dillia with Instant Ramen on the side. It was all filling, from what I can see is that all the ingredients were fresh, and I believe they were made with love, and I love that.

All in all, it was a great place to hang out with good food, good friends, and have a good time. In case you want to check it for yourself, it’s at 219 Union St, Vancouver, BC V6A 4C3. It’s a bit of a walk from the nearest bus stop, but it’s all worth it.

Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu. Muchas gracias.

2024 Vancouver Winter… is coming.

Winter just started and Vancouver is already in chaos!
Vancouver is a city where there are only two types of weather: rain and snow, but apparently Vancouverites display the great talent of forgetting how to function during the winter months. It seems like when the temperatures drop, the brain cells drop too lol.


Let’s see what’s going on with transit and winters today. This is just the beginning, although a month late.


There’s huge delays on Translink and traffic all over town this morning, well most of the highways, and I’m not surprised that most of my classmates and other people got to school and work, it’s crazy!


The streets of Vancouver become the centerstage for winter comedy. Commuters try to do their best interpretative dances on icy sidewalks, mastering the art of ice skating without the ice skates. Vehicles and buses audition for the next Tokyo Drift movie with all the drifting they’re doing on the streets. Talk about Fast and Furious! Be safe out there okay? GET THOSE FREAKIN WINTER TIRES ALREADY!


Let’s not forget about the confusion on clothes. Even now I’m so confused on how many layers I should wear when going out in the winter. Most of the time I would underestimate the weather and wear one less layer or not wear gloves or not wear a toque (or beanie for the rest of the world lol). But I’ve seen people wear nothing but a hoodie and jeans and make it seem like it’s still summer like what the fork!?

Despite all of this, not gonna lie, I like the charm of the people here. Some call it nonchalant, but I would call it, the “does not give a fu-” attitude. No matter what comes our way, we just strut on. The people that laugh through the streets full of rain and find some sort of camaraderie in this. I mean, who needs to be prepared when you tell stories of funny moments with one another over steaming bowls of ramen?


So I think Vancouverites’ “does not give a fu-” attitude about the winter is so on-brand for the city. In this rain-snow-rain-snow that’s happening now, we, the people, will continue this meme throughout the perpetuity of time and space with a warm sense of humor. And coffee. And humor. And ramen. And humor… but mostly coffee and ramen.

My Three Deceptively Simple Bass Lines That Surprised Me

When it comes to bass lines, simplicity can be deceiving. I’ve played bass for a few years now, and I’ve stumbled upon three tracks that, on the surface, seem like a walk in the park. But, these seemingly simple lines turn out not to be not as simple.

First up is the iconic bass line from Rage Against The Machine’s “Killing In The Name.” At first glance, it might seem like a repetitive series of notes, but the magic lies in the groove, baby. Tim Commerford’s bass serves as the backbone of the song, driving the energy that makes Rage Against The Machine. I didn’t notice the ghost notes in between the bass line and because of it, it was throwing me off a bit. I had to mentally prepare for it every time I did the bass line. Without those ghost notes, I feel like the song’s groove gets a hit, not from an outsider’s view but from the musicians playing the song.

Next on the list is the legendary Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean.” The bass line, crafted by the legendary Louis Johnson, is simple but incredibly effective. Its infectious groove is the heartbeat of the song, and it’s so well known that once you play it, everyone knows it’s Billie Jean. And the kicker for this one is the stamina needed to pull off the song. Sure, the bass line is simple, but you have to keep tempo for the entire song, and if you don’t have the hand stamina for that, your hand will cramp so bad, that it’ll make you look like a dinosaur with that claw lol.

Lastly, let’s talk about Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” – okay you might be wondering, isn’t this a really easy song to play?

How dare you.

Krist Novoselic’s bass line is often overshadowed by Kurt Cobain’s guitar riffs, but it’s a hidden gem in its own right. The bass line mirrors the raw, grungy energy of the entire song. If you listen to any song, any song has a time measurement, how fast or how slow the songs are but for this song, you have to play the bassline a tad bit slower and play it sloppily and it’s so hard to do when you’re used to playing on time, on the count. Imagine you’re forced into dancing to a song you know but a few milliseconds slower.

As a bassist myself, these tracks have not only surprised me but also inspired me to really go into the notes of the song to see how it’s really played. So, the next time you find yourself underestimating a bass line, take a closer listen—there might be more to it than meets the ear.

Cancha Caliente: Why the NBA Should Play in México

So, you know how the NBA is always on the lookout for new frontiers, right? Well, the next big thing in the NBA could be Mexico! Yeah, I know it sounds wild but little do people know that basketball has deep roots in Mexico, even going as far back as pre-World War 1 days. Dang. From the local leagues to iconic players, Mexico’s also got basketball in its veins, and it’s time the NBA tapped into that passion.

bilal bouhabba / Pexels.com

Now, about the fan base. Mexican fans are already jumping on the NBA. The ball doesn’t lie, and the stats don’t lie—interest is skyrocketing. Remember those NBA games in Mexico? The crowd always goes wild! For them it’s not just a game; it’s an event and with the right push, that interest can explode. More games, more money, and suddenly, Mexico becomes an NBA hotspot. If Toronto can do it, so can Mexico! Imagine your favorite NBA player decides to play south of the border!? This is Kawhi to Toronto all over again and that kind of excitement is something you can look forward to. And also, the fans

NBA expanding to Mexico isn’t just a win for the fans; but for the league too. Merchandise, broadcasting rights, sponsorships—money talks, right? Imagine the economic powerhouse that a Mexican NBA team could be. It’s not just about pesos and dollars; it’s about tapping into a market that’s ready to embrace the NBA lifestyle. I’m just gonna use Toronto as the basis for every argument here, you can’t @ me so I’ll do what I want lol.

Monstera Production / Pexels.com

Sports are more than just games; they’re about connecting cultures. A Mexican NBA team isn’t just a team; it’s a cultural ambassador. Diversity makes the NBA beautiful, and adding a Mexican team is like throwing a fiesta into the mix. It’s not just about basketball; it’s about breaking borders and building bridges. It’s a win-win for everyone! Sure, there are challenges, but what journey doesn’t have bumps? Logistical issues? We can figure that out. The NBA’s a pro at making things work. Let’s not focus on the “what-ifs” but on the “how-tos.” If the NBA wants it, it’ll happen. No stop.

Markus Spiske / Pexels.com

So, amigo, imagine a packed arena in Mexico, fans cheering, Mariachi bands playing, and the NBA making history. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. NBA, let’s say “Hola” to the future—Mexico’s ready, and we’re all ready.