Ways to help with work life balance

With our work lives and personal lives blending into the same spaces it can be hard to separate ourselves from work/ school during our personal time and vice versa. Work life balance is something incredibly important to our overall happiness and yet (at least for myself) that it is becoming less and less of a priority as I squeeze one last thing to work on before the end of the day. 

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I’m sure a lot of others are dealing with this as well, prioritizing personal life as well as career during stay at home orders can be challenging, so I have found some ways to help us all get a little more structure to this. 

Unplug From Devices: On top of the fact that we are constantly on our devices when we work from home, a lot of our devices are connected to our work/ schoolwork.

 Whether you have your work email attached to your device, or get notifications when a new assignment criteria sheet has dropped, you can never completely be away from

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work when you are around your computer or phone. Completely unplugging at the end of the work day can help you stay focused on your personal life.

Set Your Hours and Prioritize: There is no regular 9-5 now and being able to wake up whenever you want may not actually be as great as it sounds. Setting up hours when you actually do work with a proper (and long) break in the middle will make this balance easier. 

Setting up your priorities can be beneficial as well, it’s okay to put your personal life ahead of your work life for a day. 

It can be challenging, be kind to yourself!

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