Live Music Performance During Pandemic

Every summer, the most exciting thing for music fans is a live music show. However, this summer is different than any others. Almost all live music show has been postponed or cancelled. Some of the small music groups found the alternative way, which holds a small pop-up event that complies with the social distancing regulations; or, they move their show online to keep music fans connected.

There have some small music groups that have a successful format for dealing with small audience events. Although it is a hard time for both artists and fans, there are still possibilities for live performance options. Do not worry, my lovely music fans. Here are some music projects and events you can enjoy now and look forward to it.

The first one is a streaming session, it is an online event. You can get tickets and more information through or This is a mini-season of the streaming event featuring Persian classical music, lieder and chamber music. The second event is called”Music on Main” that will behold one October.20. It is also an online event. You can find the tickets and information on This streaming session will include new songs by Jeffrey Ryan and music by Whitney George and Jessie Montgomery. Hope all my lovely music fans enjoy these two online live show and enjoy the rest of the year.

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