Music is Culture: Fashion

Imagine a world without Music. How quiet and dull would this world be? Music brings colour and immense culture into our everyday lives. We see it every day in fashion, movies, and sports. Music is the backbone of many things. But today, we’ll delve into the fashion world, and Music ties it all together.

You can truly express yourself through the clothes you wear and the Music you listen to. Now, I’m trying to stereotype looks and outside appearances because I see them as art. But also, the best part about it is that you could be completely wrong. Let’s say you have a girl who, on the outside, goes for a more gothic, emo, mysterious kind of style to find out she loves country music. Or that same girl’s favourite is My Chemical Romance, and that band’s style and aura could influence the way she dresses and presents herself. It also has tested time with the style influence throughout the decades. There have been shifts in trends and fashions, all tied in with the styles of Music playing at the time.

They are intertwined with one another, which creates a vibrant cultural tapestry that influences them. Artists use fashion as a visual extension of their Music, which can shape their identities and connect with their fans on a deeper level. An example of this is Tyler, the Creator, who uses fashion and Music to express his culture and identity. Through his brand Golf Wang a lot of his pieces through time has aligned with the Music put out. This is always exciting to see as a fan because you can appreciate the artistry beyond the Music.
Additionally, Fashion designers usually get inspiration from musical movements, reflecting emotions or messages that are derived from lyrics and melodies. This symbiotic relationship can lead to many collaborations between luxury brands and musicians, solidifying Music’s role in fashion.

Furthermore, music festivals are also used as a platform for fashion expression, where goers showcase their style influenced by their favorite artists. This further shows how Music not only shapes individual fashion but also influences trends within the industry. Ultimately, the mix between Music and fashion fosters a dynamic culture, embracing creativity and self-expression at the same time.


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