I’m obssessed with bare feet (shoes)

I’m talking about barefoot shoes, ya weirdos! And I bet I can convince you that you can be into feet as well (I’m pushing the boundaries of this lmao) – OF COURSE NOT IN THAT WAY, YA PERV!

One day, many years ago, I started watching these videos about how poor feet health and how barefoot shoes are a long-term solution for it. As I got older, I realized that my balance is getting progressively worse each year and I think it’s because of my feet being crunched into a narrow toe box causing Bunions. In simple terms, Bunions are when one or both big toes are leaning ever slightly closer to the middle toe, instead of being pointed forward. Conventional shoes have trained our feet since birth, to confine to that narrow position so long that our feet are used to it.

A perfect example of perfect feet mechanics is when you look at babies feet. When the toes expand and can go in a lot more directions it is because they have the freedom to do so, and conventional shoes did us dirty. So I looked at my feet, having some sort of bunions, and decided that if I don’t fix this soon, my future self will probably hate me.

Way back in the day, we only had these bad boys when it came to barefoot shoes, and even me back in that day would not wear it ever. Ever. But technology has evolved and we now have some really great shoes for whichever budget.

I’ll tell you this now, this is not a short-term solution, or it’s a be-all, end-all solution to foot and posture problems. These things can take time, I mean try like the video above, a few times a week, slowly having your feet adjusting to your barefoot shoes, and Rome wasn’t built in a day. So far for me I’ve been in and out of barefoot shoes because I don’t have enough shoes in enough styles so that it can go with outfits that I have but I got better styles now and going to do it every day. Sorry to my partner who can’t give me really stylish shoes now, and I keep telling her that get something that’s 0.5 to 1 more from my size.

But just having shoes isn’t enough. It’s all about how you walk as well. I’m no expert in walking since I walk like a penguin sometimes, but learning how to walk better can benefit your body all around.

If you want to break into the barefoot shoes lane, do it slowly but surely. That’s how you win the race.

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