National Days Today! Feb 15 Edition

Did you know that there are holidays every day of the year!? Here’s what’s happening today!

Annoy Squidward Day

For context, in one Spongebob Squarepants episode, someone asked Squidward, “What day is it?”, and Squidward replied, “Annoy Squidward Day.” SpongeBob laughed at that response and said, “No, silly, that is on the 15th,” pointing to the calendar. In fact, on every 15th of that month, Mr. Krabs gives out the Employee of the Month Award. But that did not stop fans from turning it into an actual holiday, celebrated on February 15. Because I think when the fans made this, they’re adults now. I am one of them lol.

I would be annoyed too if someone always gets employee of the month, every month. As a kid, I would relate to Spongebob more but now as an adult, everything Squidward does, I do too, and now I hate Spongebob. I have the same bored af face every time. I know as an adult, you have it too.


National Flag of Canada Day

National Flag of Canada Day is observed every year on February 15. This day marks the first sighting of the present flag of Canada with the red maple leaf. The flag signifies the common values that unite all citizens of Canada — equality, diversity, inclusion, maple syrup, and Tim Hortons. Today, you might see the Canadian flag waving in glory from building tops and people distributing miniature flags on the streets. Some people prefer wearing pins in the design of the flag to honor this day. In many schools, lessons are delivered on the history of the flag and its significance. If you wanna learn more, I got you.


Single Awareness Day

Valentine’s Day is over. How was it with your partner? Oh wait, you’re single and if and totally despise Valentine’s Day in all of its commercial glory, this day is for you. This day originally meant for singles without significant others but suddenly singles started to take the name back for self love. I mean that’s actually a better thing to celebrate rather than drown in sorrow just because you don’t have a partner yet. Being single is the perfect time to reinvent yourself, enjoy life, enjoy the bliss of being alone. Love yourself, my brothers and sisters out there! How can you love others if you can’t love yourself? Well I know because it takes one to know one.

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