Is Spotify Beneficial to B.C Music Artists?

Did you enjoy your Spotify Wrapped this year? Was there anything unexpected on there? Were there any B.C artists on there? Maybe not anyone new that you heard from B.C. That has caused me to think about something that I’ve recently been thinking about while writing articles and looking at my Spotify Wrapped this year. Does Spotify do a good enough job at helping users find local artists or by region in which a person lives in? It seems as though Spotify does have some tools that could help people find music within a certain region but let’s go over whether or not they are effective.

Something Spotify does that’s pretty cool is they have a list of the top 50 charting songs each country has. This will show what songs are trending and what songs people are listening to the most. It’s a cool tool to use if you want to find music in a different country where you aren’t too familiar with the kind of music that is popular in that area.

Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Spotify also allows for users to create playlists with their own personalized song choices and there are people who will make a playlist with B.C artists that anyone can listen to.

But here is where the issues lie. There are no places where you can find the top songs for a specific city or even within a province. You can only really find the top songs for each country which is nice but it makes it much harder to find more local songs. On top of that, the top songs in each country aren’t necessarily songs from that country. It’s just whatever the top songs that people from that country are listening to.

The other thing with playlists is that they are hard to find if you’re looking for playlists with songs within a certain area. If you want to find Vancouver artists in a playlist, you can find some things but it’s not going to show you everything. For the most part, though, I feel like the playlists can be useful but could use some work on them.

Overall, I feel like Spotify has the potential to make it easier to find local music, but they need to create more things that will help people find them more easily. They have the tools but they need to do a bit more work to make it better.

Spotify is a great music platform but it needs to do a bit more to help people find local music, but I hope you are trying to find local music anyways because it’s pretty great!

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