Are Concerts Better At Rogers Arena Or B.C Place?

Think about all the big shows that you’ve gone to. They’ve probably either been at Rogers Arena or at B.C. Place. For shows at those venues, they’re usually reserved for bigger artists who can easily sell a lot of tickets with no problem. That is especially the case with B.C. Place as since it’s a very big venue for football and soccer games, it mostly only holds concerts for very big music artists who go on big tours and sell out all their shows with ease.

However, experiencing a concert at both venues can be a very different experience for various different reasons. So something I thought would be interesting to talk about is which one of these two venues offers a better overall concert experience for guests.

Wendy Wei / Pexels

Rogers Arena has its pros and cons when it comes to concerts but for the most part, I would say that there’s more pros than cons. The nice thing about Rogers Arena is that the sound quality is quite good. You will be able to hear the performers pretty well and won’t really have an issue hearing anything, at least from what I’ve heard. You can also argue that the smaller the venue, the better the experience since the sound wraps around a much smaller space so it’s distributed much better.

The room at Rogers Arena is usually not an issue, but that could be different depending on who you ask and where you are sitting. Some seats may offer more space while others may make you feel a little too crowded. Overall though, I feel like the concert experience at Rogers Arena is mostly pros and not many cons.

For B.C. Place, I think you can make the argument that B.C. Place has many of the same pros that Rogers Arena has. The sound for a bigger stadium is quite good and you can hear everything pretty well. There’s a decent amount of space for you to move around so you often won’t feel too crowded.

I think the biggest debate of this conversation though is whether or not bigger venues are manageable with the bigger crowds and potentially being farther away from the performers. At B.C. Place you may be only able to get seats that are way far in the back and then you can’t really see as much. The other issue too may be that tickets at bigger venues may cost you way more than others. So while bigger concerts can be good, it really can depend on the circumstances.

I think if I were to settle this debate then I would say that Rogers Arena is the better place to see a concert because the smaller venue often offers a better and more intimate experience for fans. But maybe you think completely differently than I do and have different reasons for leaning on one side or the other.

Either way, just go out and enjoy the concerts here because they are pretty damn great!

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