The Worst Christmas Songs You’ll Hear At Stores

Well, here we go again. It’s the time of year most retail workers in Vancouver hate. There’s constant Christmas music playing and the same songs are playing over and over again. It’s truly a horrific time to be working retail and I am praying for all of you retail workers out there.

So while we’re talking about hating Christmas songs, why don’t we talk about which Christmas songs are the worst. I have three Christmas songs that I despise that you will absolutely agree with me on unless you are insane.

Alright, let’s get the obvious one out of the way. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey is on this list. It’s not really a bad song by any means but holy moly is this song ever overplayed. You go to any retail store and this song is likely going to play at some point. It’s constantly played everywhere during Christmas and you just can’t escape Mariah Carey and the memes. Again, this song isn’t really a bad song, but it’s just incredibly overplayed and you can never escape it. It’s the one time of year when people just can’t stand Mariah Carey.

The second song is Mistletoe by Justin Beiber. Now is this song really all that bad? Not really. But for me at least, I hate when he says “shawty.” It just makes the whole thing sound way more cornier than it is and I am just not a fan. People tend to hate the older Justin Beiber song because of his more higher-pitched voice, but I don’t really mind it. This song also is guilty of being overplayed, but overall it’s just a boring
Christmas song. But I’d take this over whatever monstrosity of a Christmas song Beiber would make nowadays.

The last one I want to mention is Baby It’s Cold Outside. This song is so obnoxious and I am not a fan of the duet in this song. What makes it worse is many people find this song controversial because there is some very strange behaviour from the guy portion in this song. It could be debated whether that’s controversial or not but for me, even without that, it’s just not an interesting song to me and I don’t get a romantic Christmasy feeling from it. So this one is a dud in my books.

I’m sure you have a long list of other Christmas songs you hate, but these are the ones I don’t enjoy and maybe you agree or disagree. Either way, I feel really bad for retail workers right now.

You’ll get through the bad songs soon! Then there will be endless Christmas drinks for you waiting.

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