Should Canucks fans embrace a more European style of crowds?

If you’ve ever been to a Vancouver Canucks game, you’ll know that the crowd is always great. The fans are chanting often and the Canucks have one of the best and most passionate fanbases in the leagues.

However, could they be better? The reason I ask this is that I recently saw a tweet from Chris Faber (a graduate of the Radio Arts & Entertainment program who is now co-hosting the Canucks Convo podcast and writing for Canucks Army) tweeted a video from a hockey game in Sweden where the crowd is jumping up and down in synch and just going crazy.

The crowds in North America are like a library in comparison to the European crowds. The fans there have so much passion for their team and give their all while they’re at the game and it looks like a ton of fun. The atmosphere in games in Europe is something I wished we had more of in North America but no team in the NHL or any North American sports team has the type of atmosphere they do in Europe.

That is why I think the Canucks should try to be the team to match that kind of fan atmosphere. We’ve seen the Canucks have a similar atmosphere to the European ones in the Sedin twin’s last game as they were constantly cheering and doing things like the Viking clap. We’ve also seen them do it with the Bruce there is is chants too. There have been flashes of Canucks fans being as crazy as European fans, so maybe they should go forward and embrace it fully for every game.

Now, I have seen people argue that they don’t like the crazy crowds and they want to just relax and watch a game and cheer every once and a while but not all the time. But to that, I would say you did you really pay over $100 for a ticket to a game to sit on your hands and stay quiet? Because that doesn’t sound like fun to me.

The crowds in North America need to be more fun and I think the Canucks could be a team to become one of the most rambunctious and fun crowds if they want to. Will they do that? Probably not since this ownership group has been known to not let fans do stuff like that, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

We should be having as much fun as we can at a sports game because they’re supposed to be fun! So why don’t we make Canucks games the best they can be?

What do you think about this? Do you think the Canucks should have a crowd like European teams do, or do you prefer how it is now where it’s a lot more relaxed?

Either way, the Canucks could use a bit more energy during their games and a bit more fun in my opinion.

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