Three Black Mirror episodes that made me paranoid AF

I love Black Mirror.

It’s a show that tells different stories about how technology could be used in the future with a negative or scary twist. Each episode explores different scenarios, and the show makes us think about how we use technology in our own lives. Basically, it’s a modern version of The Twilight Zone.

A lot of innovations have happened since Black Mirror’s last season in 2019. Especially in the world of Artificial Intelligence. AI is starting to become an important part of our daily lives like ChatGPT, and each platform has its own version of AI like GrammarlyGO, Snapchat AI Chatbot, and many more.

AI wasn’t mainstream yet in 2019 but these three episodes shook me the most because there’s a big chance someone can just do this and just destroy society as we know it.

So sit back and relax, as we dive into this paranoid rabbit hole.

Warning: Spoiler alerts ahead. You’ve been warned.

Picture this: you just lost your significant other in a tragic accident, and you’re drowning in a sea of grief. But wait, there’s a tech company that promises to bring your boo back to life using its online presence. Sounds sus, right? Well, this is exactly what happens to Martha when she lost Ash, her lover, and partner in crime. I mean, can you imagine having an almost-perfect replica of your deceased partner walking around your house? It’s like a cross between a sci-fi thriller and a telenovela.

This made me paranoid because I’ll probably start questioning every single thing I post online. After all, if someone can create an eerily accurate version of me just from my social media profiles, maybe it’s time to think twice about those hot takes, or funny but terrible retweets I’ve sent in my social media lifetime.

And let’s not forget the ethical concerns. Is it even okay to bring someone back to life using AI? What are the boundaries, and who gets to decide them? Plus, the whole idea of keeping a loved one “alive” through technology is a slippery slope. It’s easy to imagine how someone might become addicted to their AI companion, never truly processing their grief and letting go of the past.

Now, you might be thinking, “This is just a TV show. We don’t have that kind of technology…yet.” Well, we already have chatbots that can mimic personalities, AI that can make songs and sing them like your favorite artists, and who knows where that could lead in the future? It’s not too unlikely to imagine a world where AI plays an even bigger role in our lives, possibly even replacing our loved ones. Shivers.

“Be Right Back” is a wild ride that’ll have you question your online presence, your relationships, and the role of technology in your lives. And hey, maybe it’s a good reminder to log off once in a while and spend some quality time with our IRL loved ones—before they’re replaced by an AI doppelgänger. So, go ahead and give your partner, friend, or pet a hug—just watch out for any sus behavior!

Imagine a world where the elderly can escape their aging bodies and live it up in a virtual paradise, partying like it’s 1987 all over again. That’s exactly what happens to our main gals Yorkie and Kelly when they find themselves in the retro haven of San Junipero.

Now, don’t get me wrong – the idea of reliving your youth and shaking your groove thing sounds pretty sweet, but there’s a darker side to this. The more time Yorkie and Kelly spend in San Junipero, the blurrier the line between reality and virtual reality becomes. And that’s when you start wondering: what if we all get sucked into a world where it’s impossible to tell what’s real and what’s not? *cue The Matrix vibes*

This episode will have you questioning your own relationship with technology, and whether you’d be tempted to ditch your IRL life for a virtual one. What happens when we become so engaged with the digital escapes that we start to lose touch IRL? It makes you think twice about binge-watching your favorite shows in a single weekend (yeah, I’m looking at you).

This made me paranoid because this contradicts my Christian beliefs of Heaven, the afterlife. Without getting all preachy about it – that by entering a virtual paradise, I have basically given up my Christian identity and deny myself of the actual paradise that I’ll hopefully end up in when my time ends.

And let’s not forget about the ethical questions here. How do we decide who gets to live forever in a virtual paradise? Who controls these digital worlds, and what are the consequences of living a life without consequences?

“San Junipero” is a nostalgia-filled, mind-bending adventure that’ll leave you questioning the nature of reality and our increasing reliance on technology. So, the next time you plug in online, just remember: there’s no place like the real world, even if it is a little less appealing than San Junipero.

If you’ve ever thought social media was a bit of a dumpster fire, this episode will have you nodding like, “Yup, knew it!” In this not-so-distant dystopian episode, we follow detectives Karin and Blue as they try to solve a series of mysterious deaths. The catch? The victims are all being targeted by a Twitter hashtag (#DeathTo), and they’re hunted down by…wait for it…robot bees. This is not The Bee Movie sequel I wanted.

Now, as much as we love to hate social media, this episode takes things to a whole new level. It’s like a cautionary tale on crack, reminding us that our online actions can have consequences. Think about it: how many times have you seen someone get “canceled” on Twitter or Instagram, only for the mob to move on to their next target without a second thought? It’s enough to make me paranoid about every single like, retweet, or comment I make.

And speaking of paranoia, let’s talk about the robot bees. Sure, they’re not a thing (yet), but the idea of technology being hijacked and turned into a weapon is terrifying. As we become more entangled with tech, it’s hard not to worry about the potential dangers lurking around the corner. Like, do I really need a smart everything that can do everything for me, or is it just waiting for the day when I’m so dependent on it that I can’t live without it anymore?

This episode serves as a chilling reminder of the power of social media and the risks of combining technology with human emotions and mob mentality. We’ve already seen instances of online hate leading to real-world consequences, and it’s a sobering thought to consider where we might be headed if we don’t take a step back and reassess our online behavior.

“Hated in the Nation” is wild and thought-provoking that’ll make you seriously question your social media habits and the potential dangers of our evolving digital world. Next time you’re tempted to jump on the latest cancel-culture bandwagon or fire off a sassy tweet, just remember: there’s a fine line between harmless fun and a nightmare. Stay safe out there, and watch out for those robotic bees!

This is what’s what Black Mirror is all about. Making us question our own lives, our relationships with technology, and just how deep we’re willing to dive into the digital rabbit hole. So, the next time you’re scrolling through social media or lost online, remember these episodes and stay on your toes. After all, a little paranoia never hurt anyone… right? *nervous laughter*

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