Is it better to watch shows all at once or once a week?

Are you watching any TV shows right now? How do you prefer to watch it? I’ve seen and heard a number of debates on whether it’s better to binge a TV series all at once or wait a week for new episodes. There are definitely positives and negatives for both sides, so like go over what is good and what isn’t and then I will give you my personal opinions on the matter.

Let’s start with binging. The biggest positive with binging is you can watch it whenever you want and at your own pace. Take Stranger Things for example. The episodes are released all at once and there aren’t as many spoilers online which sometimes tends to happen with shows that release their episodes once a week. The convenience of binging shows is a huge positive.

One negative with binging shows is that it makes it much harder to talk about that show with others. Your friend may not be at the same part of the show that you’re at so you can’t talk about certain things and the discourse over that show gets ruined a little until they catch up to you or vice versa.

When it comes to shows being released weekly, the benefits are what was negative about binging in that the discourse over the show is much easier to do. You just need to watch one episode and you can talk about it with your friends for over a week and give your theories and prediction and all that good stuff. It just makes talking about the show way more fun and a lot easier to do things like watch parties for that show with your friends. It can make watching the show more fun and make it much easier to talk about.

A negative with once-a-week releases is not having the time to watch an episode every week. Not everyone will have the time to watch an episode once a week and may fall behind on the episodes. On top of that, there is the factor of being more susceptible to seeing spoilers, as I mentioned earlier, since there is less content for people to watch so the information is much easier to access and know about.

There are positives and negatives to both sides of this argument, but if you ask me, I think weekly releases are far superior. It’s just way more fun watching episodes at once with friends and seeing people’s reactions online in real time. For me, the experience with weekly releases is much better, but I can understand if you like binging if that’s your style.

What do you prefer? Do you like binging shows, or waiting weekly for episodes? And what shows are you currently enjoying watching?

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