FAN Expo Vancouver 2024 Tickets Already on Sale

FAN Expo Vancouver this year has concluded, but that hasn’t stopped the venue from already putting tickets for next year’s event on sale.

Less than 24 hours after the final day of FAN Expo, the venue decided it would be a good idea to already release the tickets to try and rake in even more money.

The announcement has received mixed reactions from interested fans, as it seems way too early for the venue to try and sell the event, especially since there were a decent amount of complaints amongst the people who went to the event. 

On FAN Expo’s Instagram account where they posted that tickets would be on sale later today, many Instagram users who presumably went to the event commented their displeasure in the comments section.

The main topics being discussed are how crammed the event was, how the whole Vancouver Convention Centre wasn’t rented out, and how everything seemed like “a money grab”. To be fair, they weren’t wrong. I went to the event myself and noticed how crammed it was in there, but I expected it since big events at the Convention Centre are always crammed.

I do agree with the “money grab” aspect too, as a lot of the stuff there was overpriced. I paid $25 for a poster, and while it looks great and it’s from a game that I love very much, it still doesn’t seem too worth it in retrospect. Minimum wage in Vancouver is $15.65, meaning I worked an hour and a half for 1 poster… when I put it that way, was it really worth it?

Fans are likely hoping that FAN Expo hears these complaints, despite the event being relatively successful. They can make the event even better for fans if they do some small things to make them feel more comfortable and willing to buy tickets the day after the event concluded.

By purchasing tickets early you do save some money, but it’s your call on whether buying tickets 1 year in advance is worth it to save $20. You never know what might come up in 1 year, but if you’re for sure going to go to this event no matter what, tickets can be purchased here.

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