FAN Expo Vancouver Monday Recap

The final day of FAN EXPO was yesterday, and it was a blast to be able to see more people who had the same hobbies and likings that I do.

I once again went by myself and was determined to find more cosplayers (a term used for people who dress up as fictional characters from movies, books, video games, or anime) and see if I recognized their outfits and if I could interview them. 

I was once again only able to go after 1 pm, but it was a ton of fun the second I stepped foot into the Vancouver Convention Centre for the 2nd day in a row. I decided that this time I would look at the posters first and see what posters I might be able to find to hang in my office or in my room, and this time I found some posters that were more appealing to me.

I purchased a Persona 5 poster that has all the characters on it in a specular way. It was a bit pricey at $25, but I didn’t want to leave the last day of FAN Expo empty-handed like I did on Sunday.

Ironically, after I bought my poster, I encountered cosplayers who were dressed as the main character from the Persona 5 game, the same game I just bought my poster for.

I decided to go up to them and tell them I love their costumes and if I could get a photo of them and post it up here, to which they agreed.

The duo I found were actually brothers named, Lucas (left) and Riley (right). They were both dressed up in the main character’s summer outfit, which I recognized right away because of the bags and Riley’s bag having a cat in the bag, which is iconic amongst Persona fans.

I asked Riley why he and his brother chose to dress up as the same character, to which he said, “We both love Persona 5. It’s been our favourite game for the past 4 years or so, and when Persona 5 Royal came out, it made us love the game even more. We’ve replayed the game probably like 7 times or so and we never get bored of it, so we decided to both dress up as Joker and see if people recognize us. We also wanted to see who would like our costumes more out of the two of us.”

As I left the final day of FAN Expo, I already couldn’t wait for next year to occur. Seeing so many people who have the same interests as me made me feel very welcomed and comfortable. You’ll see me there next year if they host the event once again!

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