The influence of history in the Xicanx exhibition is incredible

The Museum of Anthropology at 6393 NW Marine Drive at UBC have a few exhibitions that educate people on significant topics of interest as well as providing artists with the freedom to express themselves through their work. One of the exhibitions called, Xicanx: Dreamer and Changemakers, focuses on the multi-generational experiences of social differences lived by people from the Mexican American heritage. There is a deep-rooted historical significance that inspires Xicanx artists that come from the 1960’s and 1970’s when the Chicano civil right movement had taken a hold of the United States. Social justice is a significant topic that the art from this exhibition tries to shed light on. Their art provides a refreshing and creative way of expression that further their cause of social justice. It also lays down a solid foundation for the next generation to take inspiration from Xicanx art to address issues that are personal, social and political.


Some of the issues of social justice are still at play in the world right now and the art works from this exhibition showcase various talented artists’ approach to expressing their thought and feelings. “Dreamers + Changemakers” is an indicative title for the message that the artists are intending to portray. The narrative of hope and change are key themes in the art showcased in the exhibition. For years, there have been different perspectives and narratives that artists have tried to portray in their art and this exhibition displays them in a visual form that can resonate with people whether they have previously been exposed with the Xicanx culture and history or not. The long history that is associated with this exhibition allow people from different ages to understand why social justice needs to be discussed more. This exhibitions online bilingual platform with Spanish and English makes this a special experience that everyone can learn and draw inspiration from.

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