Was the World Cup in Qatar a Good Idea?  

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has finally arrived. This monumental event, which only happens every four years, is widely considered the biggest sporting event in the world. Yes, bigger than the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup Finals, and even bigger than the Olympics. It is a spectacular occasion that brings 32 nations together under one spotlight. These countries battle on the pitch in front of some of the most passionate fans in the world to see who will lift the golden trophy.

But this FIFA World Cup in Qatar is quite different from previous years. First, this is the first time in history that the tournament is being played in November and December. The games are normally played in the summer months, but because of the heat in Qatar during that time, they had to change the schedule. This has led to a complete pause in soccer leagues around the globe to allow their players to practice and play for their national team on the grandest stage of them all. 

Qatar also had nothing prepared, from hotels and stadiums, when they were named host in 2010 for the 2022 World Cup. So, for the past 12 years, this country has had to build everything from the ground up to be able to host, but it hasn’t come without tragedy. According to human rights groups, thousands of workers have passed away, including countless injuries in the making of the stadiums for the games, which will have little to no use after the World Cup. 

Fans from around the world are staying in Qatar and are feeling a little sour with the host, as they have had to pay large amounts of money for their accommodation in the fan village, where one person has said they are living in a tin can. And he’s not wrong because their room is a metal container. And to add a little salt to the wound, the sale of beer has been banned inside the stadiums of the games which has led to lots of frustration and sneaky tactics by fans.

Qatar is also a country that still criminalizes homosexuality, which is very unfortunate because the World Cup is a celebration of a beautiful game that everyone should be able to enjoy. 

I think FIFA needs to seriously re-evaluate its choice for this year’s host of the World Cup. The deaths, discrimination, and eventual waste, paired with all the money spent for just a month of soccer, is eye-opening, and not in a good way.

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