BCIT security scare adds extra security to Burnaby campus

Earlier this month at BCIT, a security scare on campus set off safety concerns.

On November 2nd, reports of a suspicious person on the Burnaby campus were sent to BCIT Safety, Security, and Emergency Management. A safety bulletin from the school says it will increase its security presence. Senior director Glen Magel says the increase can take many forms but for security purposes won’t go into details.

“We don’t want our patterns in which we make the environment at BCIT more secure out in the public, because, you know, that can certainly work against us as well.”

Magel says for additional safety, students can use the BCIT Safety Wise app. It includes multiple ways to contact BCIT security for various reasons including reporting suspicious activity. Magel says the added security is here to primarily help the students.

“If you see something that’s unusual or suspicious, report it to security and security can then come and check it out to make sure that we’re providing the most safe environment for everybody.”

In addition to on-demand security, Magel says that students can use the safer walk program to be escorted around BCIT, or can study and move around the campus in pairs.

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