Contentious Confections – Kerr’s Molasses Kisses

People have strong opinions when it comes to Halloween candy. Everyone has their go-to favourites… and the ones they will never dare touch. Some candies fall in the category of controversy: either you love ‘em or hate ‘em.

Next up… the notorious Canadian Halloween staple, Kerr’s Molasses Kisses.

Kerr's Kisses

Kerr’s Molasses Kisses (@KerrsCandy / Twitter)

Dating back to the 1940s, on October 31st, Canadians have exchanged these orange-wrapped molasses treats. Since there has been a fierce debate between the candy’s lovers and everyone else. No other treat has polarized Canadians quite like Kerr’s Molasses Kisses. A fact of which the manufacturer is well aware:

Kerr's Tweet

(@KerrsCandy / Twitter)

In a 2016 interview with CBC, Kerr’s president Ryan Martic commented:

The molasses kiss has a rich, spicy, earthy flavour which is very specific. It’s one of those things that defines Halloween for adults… It’s definitely love or hate when it comes to molasses and each side is very vocal with their view. The reality is the majority of molasses kisses that are sold this time of the year are for personal consumption as much as giving out.

In defence of those weird molasses Halloween candies
Halloween candy, a defence of Canada’s molasses kiss

This Halloween will you savour the candy, or save it for someone else?

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