Contentious Confections – Candy Corn

People have strong opinions when it comes to Halloween candy. Everyone has their go-to favourites… and the ones they will never dare touch. Some candies fall in the category of controversy: either you love ‘em or hate ‘em.

First up… the iconic candy corn.

Candy Corn

Candy corn was invented in Philadelphia in the 1880s. Originally called “chicken feed” the yellow, orange, and white candy has gone on to become a symbol of the holiday. However, the confection causes conflict among candy connoisseurs. Some stockpile the seasonal sweet, while “people who dislike it seem to want to consign it to a lower circle of hell.

Candy corn even sparks conflict among its benefactors, with debates on the proper way to eat the treat. While most eat the entire piece at once, some nibble away at each coloured section.

Candy Corn Oreos

Candy Corn Oreos (Mike Mozart / Flickr)

Despite the debate around candy corn, the long-running candy is here to stay. The flavour’s popularity has expanded beyond the candy cones. There are candy corn flavoured Oreos, coffee, and even candy corn bagels.

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