BCIT Women in Trades Meet Up

NE2 Joinery
NE2 Joinery (Mack McGillivray / Evolution 1079)

BCIT Women in Trades is having a Meet Up on Thursday, October 20th. People who identify as women, and allies, are invited to Habitat Pub from 2:00pm to 4:30pm. The afternoon is an opportunity for snacks, stories, and community building with women at different stages in their careers.

Attendees are asked to register for the event online to ensure enough food and space is available. The event is organized by the BCIT Women in Trades Faculty with support from Keen Utility and their She Builds grant program.

For further information and questions, please contact witt@bcit.ca

Habitat Pub
Habitat Pub (Mack McGillivray / Evolution 1079)

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