Time to improve your Thanksgiving recipes

Canadian Thanksgiving is right around the corner and every household across the nation is in planning mode for the grand feast on the day. Everyone has their own favourite part of the meal that they’re looking forward to devour. There’s the big roast turkey of course, there’s the cranberry sauce, the green bean casserole, the delicious stuffing and my personal favourite, the pumpkin pie. Now, every household has their own unique traditions and recipes passed down from family members but for those people looking to try something new for this year’s Thanksgiving, here are some recipes that will impress your loved ones and help you better your culinary skills.

Here are different mashed potato recipes that cater to everyone’s taste. Whether they like their mashed potatoes fluffy or chunky, sweet or creamy, these recipes cover it all. Also, not to mention they are super easy to follow. Check this out:

Like those? Here’s a recipe for the most delicious and easy to make green bean casserole. Personally, I would make this recipe the new Thanksgiving tradition in my household. It is simply too good to not give it a try. There are some personal seasoning choices that can make this a custom recipe so have fun with the process.

In any Thanksgiving meal, the stuffing is a crucial part that people look forward to. Eating the same stuffing year after year has to get boring and this next video is going to be a game changer. Here are four versions of stuffing that will definitely impress your loved ones.

If these recipes don’t impress your guests, I have no idea what will. Instead of stressing out about making a spectacular Thanksgiving meal for your guests, take the time to appreciate the people around your table. Even a person that’s never cooked before will not struggle to make these recipes so find a recipe you like and get cooking!

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