New semester = New journeys

At the start of a new semester, people make new friends, they take on a new journey (or continue the journey that they’re committed to). As you walk around the campus grounds at BCIT, it becomes easier to spot a new face.

It’s easy to spot new students because they usually have a look of confusion on their faces with their phones glued to their hands. They might be trying to find their way to their class or trying to fit into an unfamiliar environment.

Digital design and development student Cory Rodd is a new face on campus who quit his marketing job to start a new journey. “I tried to get a job in (marketing) after I left the company I was working for and all the jobs without (an) education weren’t paying very much. I want to start my own business.”

Everyone at BCIT has a story. There are people who have a similar one to Rodd but are on their own journeys. “Everybody seems either very friendly or new, nobody is really talking to each other yet, we’re just kind of like breaking the ice and stuff,“ explained Rodd.

There are many people at BCIT who understand what Rodd is talking about because they are in the same boat as him or because they have been in the same boat. A new chapter of your life with new people and a new environment can be intimidating and challenging, but in the weeks to come, the feeling of unfamiliarity will slowly pass and be replaced with a feeling of empowerment.

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