Chasing your passion at BCIT

The second week of a new semester at BCIT is coming to an end. There are so many new faces and familiar faces on campus (for those returning to BCIT). All students at BCIT are here for a reason. They chose BCIT because of its specialized programs.

Minghsun Lee is an architecture student who chose his program because he wanted to do something for the environment. “I feel like the major crisis for today’s world is climate change and global warming.”

BCIT is the home for innovative interactions between students and teachers. It is the institute for people who want to change the world for the better. There are rigorous schedules and courses that make or break students but those who endure the challenges and keep pushing on through sheer determination and focus are on the path to achieving their dream jobs.

What is their motivation? What is their “why?”

Lee’s motivation for taking the architecture program at BCIT is understandable and even admirable. His passion to play a role in finding an answer to global warming is very evident in his tone.

“We have to figure that out otherwise think about our future generations.. what kind of world we want our future generation to live in.”

People come to BCIT with their aspirations, and throughout the duration of their courses here, they learn about the field of work that they’re about to enter. They enter their chosen workforce with a sense of purpose and skills that are refined over their time at BCIT. This is what makes them stand out from the others.

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