Burnaby Neighbourhood House – Volunteer Week

The Burnaby Neighbourhood House is a community-driven and community funded agency with a unique focus on neighbours supporting neighbours. They address neighbourhood needs by providing a wide range of programs that promote social connections and belonging. Janet, who works closely with the volunteers, was asked how the volunteers contribute to this organization and she said:

“They have contributed 100’s of hours in various programs. Like our food banks, digital cafes, shopping and delivering groceries for seniors, leading community programs, doing meal programs for seniors as well and assisting with special events.. fundraising events.”

Participating or volunteering at an organization like this enables a person to interact and connect with other members of the neighbourhood.

The services they provide are carried out by volunteers from the neighbourhood who are eager to be involved with their communities. Janet was asked if the agency could function without their volunteers and she replied:

“It would be very difficult to run any of our programs without volunteers. I think volunteers are throughout our organization from our board, through every program actually. We can’t run our food banks without volunteers and yeah… almost all of our programs require volunteers to assist.”

Volunteering for a place like this is the perfect opportunity to give back to a community that you are part of.

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