Halted Holidays

This coming holiday season for some people getting back to see family is going to be very challenging. We already face the worry that comes with the current pandemic but now for the people in the Vancouver area we are faced with the reality that we can’t drive out of here. The only way to the rest of the province is through the US and thanks to quick action border officials will allow exemptions to the Covid-19 rules on a case by case basis. 


This leaves many who have family outside of the lower mainland out of luck. With the current highway situation the only reliable way out of the Vancouver area is through the air, on a plane. This may leave some of us phoning in our holiday visits, as being there in person may be too hard. Although some travelers may be set on making the visit no matter what, for them the option is to extend their drive significantly through the US border and back up into BC. This detour can make the drive from Vancouver to lets say Kamloops go from a six hour drive to a much longer journey. 

For some this may be worth it to get to see the folks again, but I believe that for most air travel will become the best way to get to visit family for the holidays. When it comes the planning to get a ticket home it might be challenging to book one now but nevertheless it would be worth it to get back home to visit. 

To wrap things up it is important to get to see loved ones this holiday season if not by road, then by plane and if not that then by phone. Just make it a long phone call as I am sure that a lot has happened for everyone.

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