A New Queen of BC Pop

This local star is making big moves in the BC music scene and her name is Alexis Lynn. She is native to Surrey, British Columbia and describes her style as sweet pop with a honeyed vocal tone and a little edge underneath. Ever since she was a kid, she knew she was destined to be a singer. She took up song writing as a teenager, and it just clicked. Alexis always found writing came quite easy and naturally to her. She has family roots in Canada’s First Nations which inspired her to take up storytelling and stick with her belief in the importance of sharing our big moments and life experiences.

Her two most played tracks include “Bubble” and “Ghosts”. “Bubble” was released in 2020 and has a bit of a flirty bubble gum pop sound, with the lyrics discussing emotional availability.  “Ghosts” also released in 2020, has a bit of a modern upbeat Billie Eilish feel about vulnerability and insecurity.

Two of the artists she looks up to are Amy Winehouse and Rihanna. She continues to create a unique style and sound while drawing inspiration from the greats.


What’s up next for Alexis Lynn?

With the pandemic, live music has been on the back burner, so she wanted to dig deeper into her writing to offer her audience a bit more to grasp with topics such as mental health and relationships. With restrictions easing up she intends are getting out and performing locally over the next while.

Her most recent released dropped just on November 26th and is titled “December Dreaming” getting us warmed up for a season of Christmas tunes. In this specific song I really compare her sound to Ariana Grande with a unique twist. Two years before this release she offered us, yet another original Christmas song titled “Christmas Cards”.

She will be performing locally at the Trading Post Brewery from 6pm-9pm on November 27th and again on December 18th.

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