Chilliwack Chiefs, helping to relief.

The Chilliwack chiefs are doing the most to help their community through these grief-stricken time.

The Chiefs have shown that hockey isn’t just a sport but a connecting part of the community. Paying it forward for when their community goes out to support them, they repay the community to show their support right back.

All week amidst the floods, games have been cancelled but they did not take that as a break. The chiefs decided to pay it forward and help those in need.

On Thursday the team with the Salvation Army alongside Chilliwack Minor Hockey Associations and Cheam Source for sports to help those affect by the flood by holding a Food and donation drive and the Chilliwack Coliseum.


Through their food and donation drive they raised $2000, 10 pallets of food and multiple truck loads of clothing, toiletries, diapers and more.

Along with collecting to help the community they have been putting their back into it too. They helped out the Heritage Park mucking out the stalls for animals that were evacuated during the floods on Monday November 15,2021.

Through there acts of labor and love the Chilliwack Chiefs have set a stander of giving back to their community in a time of need. From food drivers to cleaning out stalls to connecting and encouraging young kids to get their skate on the ice.

With their last game being postponed they are hopeful on returning to the ice against Powell River Kings on home ice on Tuesday November 24,2021 at 7pm.

If you would like to keep up with the Chilliwack Chiefs click HERE to head over to their website or swing by their Facebook.

For more information on the BCHL and all upcoming games, news, and schedule updates head over to to stay in the know.

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