Giving the Perfect Christmas Gift

As the holiday season quickly rolls around, the stress and anxiety of getting all your holiday shopping done comes along with it. As excited as I get when people start to pull out their seasonal décor and putting up those lights, it also fills me with a constant feeling of stress, like time is running out. Although we are still in November, that countdown to Christmas flies by very quickly so it is better to get started early. Every year I tell myself “Next Christmas, I’m going to get all my shopping done early” and guess what happens… I never do. To make this holiday season as seamless as possible, I will be sharing a handful of tips and tricks on how to get the perfect Christmas gift.


Skip the Gifts

Do you ever have that one friend or family member that always responds with “no I don’t need/want anything” when you ask what they want for Christmas? Well, if they truly mean it, sometimes the best gift is the gift of giving. Instead of spending money on a present for them, consider giving back. You could donate to a charity of their choice in your name, you could volunteer somewhere, donate some clothes, do a food drive or even make a Christmas box for the less fortunate. One year a big group of my family and friends all headed out Christmas carolling through the neighbourhood asking for food donations, this was a fun way to get people together and still be able to give back.


Plan Ahead

Have you ever seen something and thought to yourself, “this would be a perfect gift for so and so” but then entirely forget about by the time Christmas comes around? I found myself doing this, so I began keeping a list in the notes app in my phone. I have a tab for each of my friends and family members and whenever I see or think of something that I know they would love, I’ll jot it down to keep handy for upcoming birthdays and Christmas.

Offer an Experience

Lots of times, people prefer to be gifted with an experience rather than a physical or materialistic gift. Gifts can often clutter the house or end up not getting used or even just thrown out. Whereas an experience is bound to be loved. Tickets to a sporting event, a concert, a show, an art gallery or a museum would be a perfect gift. Just having something planned out and booked is such a treat. Just be sure to check their schedule to assure they will be able to attend.


Supporting Small Businesses

Although it can be a bit easier to just get all your Christmas shopping done online, it is always a great idea to support local and small businesses. Especially around the holidays, there are lots of local farmers markets and craft fairs where you could scoop up some great gifts. If you were hoping to support a local restaurant, brewery or café, you could always purchase a gift card for your recipient. Smaller things like treats, candles, decorations and hand made knick knacks are always easy to find, relatively cheap and often


Find the Best Deals

We all know how expensive the holidays can be so might as well take a little time to search out the best deals. Lucky enough, right before December there are lots of places that have great Black Friday sales. To prep for this, I try to have a decent list set out so I can do some research, compare the prices and find the best deals.

Just Ask

To save time, money and feelings, the easiest way to get the perfect gift is to simply, just ask. Hopefully your recipient is honest about what they need or what they want to give you at least a few suggestions.


Staying Organized

It is easy to get caught up in all the gifts that you may over purchase or even miss a gift. I like to keep an on-going list of gifts that I have purchased and gifts I still need to get. I also create a file for all the receipts in case we need to do a return or exchange. The best way to stay on track is to get started early, don’t listen to my father who goes to the mall on Christmas eve!


Doing a Little Research

If your recipient is a bit shy or secretive about telling you their special wish list, don’t be afraid to do a little research. What I have done in the past, and it sounds creepy, is search through their social media. I have gone to friends Pinterest pages to see what they are interested in to give me some gift ideas. A lot of bigger businesses these days also have an option for you to create a personal wish list and send it around. This last Christmas, my brother made a wish list of a list of vinyl from a local record store, I was able to get my hands on the list and surprise him with one of the vinyl records that he wanted.


Go Green

We all know that gift giving can be rough on the wallet but it can also be tough on the environment. There are a ton of ways to still partake in holiday gift giving but in a more environmentally friendly way. Instead of purchasing a roll of wrapping paper, wrap your gifts in newspaper, magazines or use something reusable like a basket.  I always like to add a sprig of evergreen straight from the Christmas tree to add a little decoration to the wrapping. Think less is more, no need to throw in little gag gifts or small things that will eventually get tossed, just keep it simple. Purchasing gifts from sustainable brands, local businesses and avoiding online shopping is another way. Also, regifting, homemade gifts or an ‘experience’ gift like a gift card, cooking classes or theatre show is even better than a physical item.

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