
It has now been 72 hours since the torrential downpour can upon us. If you scan and read every news channel. British Columbia was the number one newsmaker for the past 48 hours. Emotions are running high as we are now seeing the aftermath of mother natures destruction.

Two things that are hitting the news wave and making headlines across the country and something we should all sit back and think about are. The amount of community involvement in helping and assisting those in need. The immediate response by professionally trained teams who specialize in search and rescue are the heroes. However, the everyday person who happens to come across such mayhem and assist those that need are the true unsung heroes.

It is very easy for us to walk and continue our day-to-day lives without thinking about the person who happens to be laying on the ground with a needle stuck in his forearm. Very easy to be judgmental and make a social bias decision and just walk right by. But just think for a minute and use your critical thinking skills. That person who you walked by could be your brother, sister, nephew even your uncle.

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Does it really take a tragic incident to bring out the best in us?  Do we really want another ” KItty Genovese” incident to turn the light bulb in our head and say ” if you see something do something”

Just this morning another heartbreaking incident in regards to the floods in the Fraser Valley. We all agree that animals are man’s best friends. With the authorities urging all residents to immediately evacuate the premises. One man whose living depends on his animals was trying to make the conscious decision to either leave his animals or stay and overcome this situation. What would you have done? pick up and leave or fight this?

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