Behind The Brand

Angelo and Arnel Santiago are brothers who run a local clothing brand called TERCERO. The brand started in January of 2020 and has been a creative outlet and form of expression for the two. Arnel says that starting this business with his brother has brought them closer.

“As brother’s as well before, that bond was only through basketball now it’s “Oh Gel (Angelo), do you wanna go make a hoodie? Oh, this would be a dope hoodie, let’s go make this real quick.” The clothing has connected us as a family and it’s just a positive feeling when you’re experiencing that.”

They are doing it as family and they are taking the steps to further progress their brand through gaining social media attention and creating a community.

The brand has accumulated over 300 followers on Instagram since they started the page. They say that they have no plans to stop despite previous speed bumps in the process. The Brother duo is trying to make an impact in the community by teaching the younger crowd how to make clothing and spreading a positive message.



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